What is the shallowest reason you refused to date someone or broke up with someone?

Not my proudest moment, but I refused to date someone cuz of his name. He had the same name as my brother. And, not only that, he had the same nickname as my brother as well! I know, it's pretty fucking shallow. But if we were to have sex, I don't wanna be yelling my brother's name. I'm sorry, but gross. I didn't really like the guy that much either. This was when I was younger, like 18. A friend of mine broke up with a guy cuz she didn't like his hands. She has somewhat of a hand fetish, and he had small hands. She said she liked "big, manly hands". So after about a week of them dating, she broke it off. Another friend of mine broke up with a girl cuz he didn't like her feet. He said they were shaped weird. He said they got naked, he saw her feet, and lost his boner (lol wtf), but he had sex with her anyways and then broke it off. I personally think all feet pretty much look the same, but whatever. Another guy friend broke up with a girl cuz she had a weave. He said he doesn't like weaves on girls. He had a really bad experience with a girl with a weave, she didn't really wash her hair, and he said she smelled and was always sweaty. Plus, he said he likes to pull hair, and he can't do that with a weave. So he dated a girl for like a few weeks. He thought it was her natural hair, but it turned out to be a weave. So he broke it off, despite really liking her. TLDR: Just answer the original question you lazy fuck.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Honestly I'm the queen of being full of crap weird tht I still date a lot and turned down an engagement. gee I must quite my crap anyways here's my list. not cute, cute but stupid, nice but takes drugs or likes to drink and fight and in n out of jail. ugly nails. ugly face, too short. and when I did date the short guy he was eyeing up women in front of me I ddnt say anything but left. a guy who has all the assets physical and intellectual but doesn't wna go on a date with me before we have sex is a pure turn off 4 me I'm old skool I like the romance before the passion. I turned down a guy in a ferrari in front of his friends for being an arrogant douche that tried puttin me down I said I'd rather walk than drive with you goodbye lmao

    • That doesn't seem shallow. I don't wanna date someone who is a fighter and always in jail. Or someone who's arrogant and bragging about their riches.

  • Refused to date a guy because when we met up I found out he was shorter than me. Height isn't that important but I hated being the taller person and I'm not even that tall of a girl so it made me feel kind of manly and just huge.

    Another guy spoke kind of weird (slurred his speech all the time) and walked really awkwardly. Like he put way too much weight on each foot when he walked. It annoyed me so I broke it off.

    Another guy had too much emotional baggage. His gf had died a few months before we met and it was obvious that he wasn't emotionally stable for a new relationship so I stopped talking to him.

    • Hmmm. Well how tall are you? I think it'd be really weird to date a guy shorter than me. (I'm 4'11). I'd date a short guy (like 5'1 or something), but shorter than me? I haven't met any. Lmao I'd probably refuse to date a guy for that too. If he spoke with a slur on purpose. And aww :( I feel bad for him. But if he's not emotionally stable, that's understandable.

    • I'm 5'4" he might have been 5'2" or 5'0". I felt like I was his mom. Lol. Yea. I felt bad too but he just wasn't "okay". I felt like he needed professional help like therapy. Not to be heartless, but I didn't want to deal with someone who was so unstable especially when I'm just barely getting to know them.

    • Hmmm I see lol I'd feel weird too. And yea :/ It sucks. I know everyone has baggage of some sort, but sometimes they need to seek appropriate help first. I don't blame you.

  • I dated a guy for like 2 weeks but he always wore pukas so I just had to leave it there. I can't stand those necklaces! Biggest turn off ever. Its shallow but I can't help it lol to me, they look gross and for some reason I tend to relate them to bad hygiene, which makes no sense, I know, but I can't help it.

    • Haha, I never even heard of that, I had to look it up. We all have something lol

    • IT wasn't EVEN SUMMER. But I mean I wasn't really into the guy anyways lol. If I'm in a relationship and I'm in love with the other person and they decide to start wearing those things, I wouldn't break up with them... I'd just throw them all away.

    • @TheEmma Are you familiar with Nikolai Tesla?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I never really had a shallow reason. The closest was the first woman I ever broke up with in my life. It was the 2nd woman I dated after my divorce. we had 4 dates, each date I kept finding out she had another husband. First date she told me she was divorced and how "if we are married it is for life and that is it, yada..." Then the next date she told me, well I was married before that to this guy but he was abusive... Then on the 4th date we just had sex and we are laying there and she says "well I was actually married a 3rd time but it didn't last long. yikes... how many were there?
    it wouldn't have been an issue had she told me on the first date... but if she keeps hiding that, what else?

    • Oh wow. Yea. It seems like too much baggage and sounds kinda like an unstable person.

  • Lol, I broke up with a girl because ONE time we went to a formal dance and her BO was out of control. ... lol. so I had to bail.

    • Really? How bad was it? Lol Was it that she refused to wear deodorant or something?

    • I don't know if it was the wrong deodorant or she didn't wear enough but it was pretty ripe.

    • Any way, we broke up but have remained great friends ever since. It's better that way, because you can never have too many friends. Plus as a guy it always helps to have a group of girl friends.

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  • Breath smell. When for a kiss caught a blast of compost heap directly in my mouth.

    I am a smoker and am super conscious of my breath, I brush usually 3 times a day so if I even think there is a hint I might be kissing someone say going on a date I will brush and clean up before the chance presents itself and not smoke till it passes. So if you don't have decent oral hygiene, I'm out.

    TLDR: Buy a tongue scraper.

    • Haha. I see. I don't think I could date someone with terrible breath either! :x I can date smokers, but as long as they don't have "smoker's breath". Lol "TLDR: Buy a tongue scraper", if one paragraph is too long to read, I will have lost all hope in humanity! :c

  • Dude's name turned out to be the same as my dad's. It was just too creepy.

    • Same name as brothers or fathers lol Yup. I can't date someone like that either. It's so damn weird to me. I would feel very uncomfortable. I don't blame you.

  • Probably because he was over a year younger than me and also overweight, but I mean I didn't like him much anyway. Can't help what you like and don't like!

    • Oh, that has happened to me too. I refused to date a guy who was like 3yrs younger than me. I was 21 he was 18. I didn't really like him though.

    • Omg way too young! This guy was like 17 when I was 19.. like maybe I would have considered if he was really hot but nope. He was also my friends brother :/

    • Yea. He was like "what's the problem, I'm legal." And I was like everything is the problem lol He was still pretty much immature as well. Yea, young guys are a turn off to me. Like instant turn off. Same, he was young enough to be my little brother's friend.

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  • I really don't like long hair on guys like 99% of the time so that would probably keep me from being initially attracted to a guy. However, if we became friends and got to know each other there is a small chance that he could make me reconsider but it's unlikely. Plus hair grows back so they could grow it back when they got bored of me.

    • I like long hair on some guys lol Understandable. Everyone wants someone they're attracted to.

    • I know it's the hot new thing now but it kinda makes me want a puke. They either look homeless or way prettier than me and neither I am ok with.

    • Lmao "either look homeless or way prettier than me". Yea, I get you. If the guy had nicer hair than me? I don't know if I'd be ok with that or tell him to teach me his ways! XD

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  • I was in a relationship with this guy for a long time but he'd always say things wrong, misspell and it was a huge turn off, he looked fine but I couldn't put up with his stupidity.

    • ^this

    • Stupid men are the worst! Haha

    • Lmao. But was he really stupid, or was he just ignorant? Stupid if he knows better, but does it anyways. Ignorant if he doesn't really know any better.

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  • He was rich. I have a certain... prejudice in regards to it.

    • Really? You don't really like rich people?

    • I have about 147 gold pieces from treasure chests.. i guess im rich :p

    • @asker You heard me! I'd never choose to date a rich person. Many reasons. @kain7th hahahaha!

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  • A girl refused to ever see me again because I said Michael Jackson was a child molester. I mean, one can disagree... but to never see anyone again, when we all know it was a simple statement of fact?

  • I can actually understand where you're coming from.
    My reason was that he asked me out when I was drunk. At that moment I felt like he was trying to take advantage of the situation.

    • Haha thank you. It'd just be so awkward. And then he even had the same nickname as my brother. :/ That's not a shallow reason at all, very smart actually.

  • I refused to date a girl because she kissed me outta nowhere without my consent. :/

    • Well, she has to learn to respect you. That's not a shallow reason.

    • That's not a shallow reason? What if a boy kisses you without your consent when he doesn't have any relationship with you? Is this tolerable?

    • she was probably nervous and just wanted to show that she cared. granted i don't know the situation but i think that would be sweet not means for a break up.

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  • Not having or wanting a degree. The dude was cool or whatever, but he had zero direction in life.

    • I wouldn't consider that shallow. I want a guy to be doing something with his life. Or bettering himself somehow.

  • I can't say that I have ever been shallow.

    • You're a better person than I am :)

  • Haha yeah this guy I was interested in me had the same name as my brother and it freaked me out

    • Did you refuse to date him cuz of that?

  • Looks are the usual reason I won't date someone. Most shallow, ummm sometimes the level of education gets to me. If I believe they are the kind of guy who goes after anything with legs (no matter how attractive they are) it's a no.

    • That seems reasonable :)

    • Lol it's not let me expand, if I think a guy has ever gone for (my idea of) an unattractive women I will not date him even if I find him attractive. Too shallow to be reasonable lol.

    • Oh I see haha. I thought you meant if he just wanted sex lol Well, my most recent ex, I didn't find many of his ex gfs attractive. Only like 2 of them I thought were pretty. One was really beautiful. The rest, I was like wtf? He has low standards haha. But it wasn't enough to leave him. Cuz I'm sure whoever he's with now will look at me and think "eww, how could he have dated her ugly ass".

  • I refused to date a guy who had the same last name as me and he was a little older but had a girly voice. I couldn't take him seriously.

    • Same last name, I haven't encountered anyone like that yet. Lol Girly voice, wouldn't be much of an issue to me cuz I have a manly voice. :p Kinda shallow. But sometimes our shallow reasons are valid :)

  • There was this really really sweet nice guy.. But he was a little overweight so I stopped talking to him.

    And once I broke up with my bf 5 times in one month because he doesn't know how to speak English properly and he kept on saying weird things.

    Even though we just talked in Arabic.. But still it made me laugh. Even though we still talked in Arabic and everything was fine.

    • Overweight seems like the main reason guys and girls don't date. Really? Lol If you both spoke Arabic, why did it bother you that he didn't speak English well? :c

  • Refuse to date girls who obviously weigh more than me. Thick and a little chubby I can do, but not too much. I've had a few of those ask me out or try to flirt but I promptly change subjects.

    • That's like the main reason. Fat/overweight men and women. It's not that shallow. You gotta be attracted to her physically and personality. Haha, that made me laugh. "try to flirt but I promptly change subjects". Lmfao, how do you do it? I can just imagine their reactions XD

    • Like McLovin and that chick Girl: "hey so my friends and I are going to a club tonight and I was wondering.." Me: "uh... 5:30"

  • Trust me I can see that being weird. I would not date someone with the same name as a close family member and maybe that sounds shallow for some unless I really loved someone ehhh

  • Back in my day there were these things called cassette tapes. I had one of some phone pranks that had been passed around the country. So some chick I was seeing wanted to borrow it. I'm kinda an asshole about letting people borrow things because they never return them, so I refused. We got into a fight and ended up breaking up.

    • I know what a cassette tape is :P That's not that shallow though lol

    • nope, that is a completely legit reason. esp if it was a good tape. Also more of a reason if you live in cold areas. I have lost many a cassette to winter.

  • Back in highschool, my zero confidence insecure ass broke up with my girlfriend because I was paranoid and intimidated by her looks. I felt I was way out of her league so I ended it.

    • I wouldn't consider that shallow. I've done the same. I refused to date one of the sweetest, smartest, funniest, and handsomest guys I've ever met to this day. Cuz I just kept thinking to myself, "why would he want me if he's a really awesome guy?" Or "He probably will cheat on me" or "I bet he only wants sex". STUPIDEST MISTAKE EVER. He's not a bad person. And now he has a girlfriend and a kid. I still wonder sometimes what could've been. I understand where you're coming from. It sucks to be so fucking insecure. :/ I don't think you're reason is all that shallow.

    • Yes!! Same here, she's married and has a kid. It's painful to the point that I after losing contact with her I couldn't bring myself to adding her on Facebook, I don't know if that's childish or not but that's how it happened. Breaking up with her left a nasty stain on my childhood/teen years.

    • Oh. Yea. I understand your pain :/ Oh well. At least now we know right? Now I know for the next time to not be so fucking insecure.

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  • Just not being attracted enough. Although I always ended up somehow putting attraction into a second place, and feelings first. But if there is something I wouldn't bare would be bad hygiene and bad breath.

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