Why do almost all guys my age chase pussy?

I'm 18. And literally pretty much every guy I know has tried to get sex/something sexual from girls. And I'm not talking about a guy sleeping with his girlfriend but a guy looking for sex from a girl he isn't involved with. Even the virgins have done this, they were just unsuccessful. And even the super religious guys have as well. It really sucks when you think a guy is different and he is just trying to get sex. Now I know a lot of you guys are gonna say "omg that's wut u get 4 ignoring the nice guy!" In my experience even the "nice guys" (aka guys with no success with girls) have tried to get some. And often times the "nice guys" only have ONE quality going for them: they're not players. That's it. That's... all. Anyway I am just getting sick of it.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Seriously, I keep going on about it but here is a different approach: Me and my group of guy friends never once had a mindset of "lets get with X for a shag only". We were always talking about how hot that girl was or how cool it would be to date her. Never just sex. But my group never got women. I lost my V card at 22 to a stripper, my best friend I think lost his a few months before to a girl that he is still with to this day. My entire group are either shit with women or are happy with one partner. The thing though is, we never attracted many women. When I personally got fed up with it, and tried to get out of it, the harsh reality hit me: You have to treat your girl (or guy) with some sexual interest. I. e. you have to see them as a sex object BUT not only as a sex object. A human being with sexual desires. If you don't, a guy will ALWAYS be friendzoned. The sexual interest creates that chemistry that girls go for. Now, the problem with many guys is that they can't do this dance in a nice or respectable way because they don't know how (the generation of lost social skills) so they do it wrong. Instead of playing the romance game that will lead them to it anyway, they just come on strong, all the time. Yet they will get more pussy than their shyer/nice guy counterparts. Its just the way it goes.

  • Human males develop a strong sex drive during puberty, and their sexual peak years (when their testosterone levels are the highest, driving their urge for sex) are roughly 16-25 years of age.

    There are other factors too, such as the fact that they are starting to gain some independence and freedom at your age, and the fact that sex is still pretty new and fascinating, but really, the first paragraph says it all.

    And like all basic human functions, males' sex drives developed from millions of years of evolution - males with a high sex drive were much more likely to have children that lived to reproduce, while males with a lower sex drive tended not to continue their line of genes, thus reinforcing this successful survival trait for thousands of generations.

Most Helpful Girls

  • All guys chase pussy.
    Guys in nature are sexual creatures. While guys are visual and girls are emotional so it both works out.
    Some guys are emotional just like girls, and dont care about sex as much as the reg. alpha male.

    Lets be real, guys love with their penis not their heart.
    If a girl can be a freak in bed it wins that mans heart.
    Sex is a natural thing, and way overrated.

  • Girls are like this too, it's not just guys lol. Also I'm a genuinely nice guy, a little too nice and that's why I've never been able to keep a relationship, I'm not chasing the pussy I'm just looking for a relationship.

  • They are all the same at this age, and pretty much any other age as well! lol

    They all get "Lead By Their Knobs" .. Or to put it another way, by they're brainless head between their legs. smh :)

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7 42
  • Because they're hitting the peak of puberty, and biologically they're "supposed" to chase sex. It's that simple. Yea, deal with it, and shoot them down. They'll get over it eventually.
    But as others have said; it takes two to tango, and the only reason the girls aren't chasing boys is because the girls know that if they look decent they WILL have guys trying to get them.

    And here's a tip to weed out the fake nice guys; fake nice guys are constantly trying to convince you he's nice. A genuine nice guy KNOWS it, and doesn't need to show the world.
    And yeah, not the nice guy's fault that parties are about getting hammered and getting laid, guys talk about getting hammered and getting laid, and generally everyhing is about sex, drugs, and alcohol.
    Give them some time, and give the nice guys a chance. They're different, that's true, but is it really as bad as you say it is?

  • I could go on about how being a horn dog was an evolutionary advantage for the male species... or I can go on about how some of those behaviors in a developed society that just makes me facepalm on the DAILY and NIGHTLY but then again in the end it doesn't matter.


    Disappointing but what do I know , this mode of behavior helped sustain humanity for hundreds of thousands of years so there we go.

  • Because a great deal of the guys your age are extremely horny and extremely immature. Simple. I said most because I guarantee there are some that aren't like that, now weather they are taken or you two will even attracted to each other I can't say.

    Also, many of the players will lie to get some pussy. I know you know this they will say just about anything, act any way, even pretend to be a nice guy if they think it'll work. Try meeting new people in new areas of interest other than the usual places you meet guys (preferably not bars). If you can't find an actual nice guy who wants something more your own age try dating guys older than you.

  • I'm pretty sure it has to do with the evolution of humanity. Back in prehistoric times, most pre-humans died at around 25, 30. That meant that when you were 15-20, you were in your prime, and for the males, that meant bringing back as much food as possible for the group and finding a mate so as to produce offspring in order to further the growth of the species. Even though conditions have changed, not enough time has passed for evolution to change this. I'm no evolutionary biologist or evolutionary psychologist, but what I've read from various sources (primarily wikipedia) leads me to believe this.

  • Haha it comes with the age, and although that is not a good enough excuse, it shouldn't be an excuse, that is how it is. There are guys who can control this but we're hardwired for sex, its a need for us, its just how we function haha, we can only stay away for so long basically

  • Because they are not the one's who chase dicks.

  • I don't know. Its kind of lame and lowbrow. I can see why you're upset about this but just give some of these guys time to grow. They'll learn soon enough that to get with you they have to get on your level and I'm assuming that you're on a level much higher than their own right now. Then again, I've got a lot of growing up to do myself. Its going to have to take some patience on both sides.

  • Well welcome to the world of being a woman. Get used to it.
    All guys, at their core, want sex. Even those of us who want relationships as well, want sex. we also want the relationship. Young guys don't have the experience and knowledge to hide it at first. when I started dating after my divorce, i made sure I never even say the word sex until she does. it makes her comfortable and I look like the "different" guy. SO in turn, I end up getting laid way faster. But once she brings it up, then I get after her. Young guys don't understand there will be plenty of time to get as much pussy as they want. So you lay back for a couple weeks or so.
    things are a bit different at your age and guys are walking erections. they have a lot of testosterone built up which makes us do crazy things. It drives us to have sex. that is what made the human race live on long ago. problem is we don't have the concerns they did a thousand years ago but we still have all the testosterone.
    of the 7 women I dated I had sex with 5 of them. 3rd date, 3rd date, 1st date, 3rd date, 4th date... were the first time. and usually the 3rd date is when sex is considered "on the table". so my strategy works well.
    but I am older and have a lot of sexual experience.

  • They are driven by hormones even girls are

    • "even girls are"

  • If you were born a guy you would do the same thing. It isn't about morals. Or wanting to play with girls.. it is a huge urge that is pinging you every other minute. Girls and guys are different. Not totally but significantly.

  • i feel ya sister...

  • So...

    Are you actually asking why 18 yo dudes don't seem to be keen on spending their youth caring about how they should only satisfy young women's (unlimited) emotional needs, while suppressing their sexual urges to discover the only most pleasurable thing in life?

  • It is because it is in our DNA to have sex. I mean if you sleep with someone you are more likely to date them then not sleeping with them. Plus sex is a wonderful thing, especially with someone you care about which makes it better than drugs

  • So what if we look for sex when not in a relationship? Are we not suitable for being a boyfriend now?

    I've hooked up with girls that I'm not in a relationship with, does that make me evil? What about the girl I had it with? Does that make her evil too, or it doesn't apply?
    If guys are looking for sex it's because girls are looking for sex too. It's a two way situation, cause no guy is gonna be looking for sex when no girl wants it, it'll be a waste of time.

    • I would prefer a guy who doesn't have casual sex. But it doesn't make you evil.

  • they r str8 guys obviously LOL

  • sounds like you need to find a kind man
    not a nice guy

    also you are right, many guys just want to have sex...
    but i would suggest meeting new guys somewhere thats not a club/bar, concert party, or something like that

  • Because they are interested in sexual activity. It's literally just that. Choosing to have sex with people and choosing not to have sex with people doesn't actually make you either inherently a better person or worse. I always found it weird that girls just aren't that interested, only *some* of them.

  • I don't do none of that stuff with a girl

  • Their dicks takes over their brain.

  • Thats how guys are at that age tbh

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