If women have to sign the draft bc "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites," should men have to undergo birth simulators 4 equal custody rights?

Despite the fact that, according to the Center of Military Readiness, including women in the military draft would *weaken* the military:


men say that women should have to sign up for the draft because "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites."

But if "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites," then why do men think that they deserve equal rights over their biological children? By the logic, the mother should get primary custody (assuming she's fit) but also be able to give some custody rights to the father, but only if she wants to. Unless he agrees to undergo childbirth simulators, which do exist, in which case he can be guaranteed equal rights.

So, which is it? Do "equal rights necessitate equal prerequisites," or do they not?

P. S. To anyone who says that women shouldn't be allowed to vote for government workers who may wage war, if they themselves aren't at risk of conscription: by that logic, men shouldn't be allowed to vote for government workers who may outlaw abortion or contraception, since they themselves aren't the ones who may be forced to endure pregnancy and birth bc of it. by the way childbirth has as high of a PTSD rate as the Afghanistan war.
Women should have to sign up for the draft if men do, but I'm a hypocrite who still thinks that men should be guaranteed equal custody rights without childbirth simulators
Vote A
Women should have to sign up for the draft if men do...& men SHOULD have to undergo childbirth simulators if they want guaranteed equal rights over their kids
Vote B
Women should NOT have to sign up for the draft if men do
Vote C
the question of whether women should be drafted is irrelevant. NO ONE should be drafted.
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
People are calling me a misandrist for suggesting that men undergo childbirth simulators for parental rights yet also are saying that war is worse than birth. So if warfare is worse than birth, who is being the hateful & cruel one: the one saying men undergo birth simulators, or the one saying women should be forced into war?
+1 y
Looks like most of these men are hypocrites.
0 0

Most Helpful Girls

  • Your example is fallacious.

    Being in the military isn't a biological duty of men and can't be compared with childbirth in women. It is a duty they accepted as a result of the gender division of labour when women worked in the houses. Women were in the house taking care of children and the house and giving birth to children and men in the military fighting with the enemies that threatened women and children and themselves and worked outside of the house to bring resources.

    You didn't want that division of labour, you are against that division of labour. Thus you will have to take responsibility for protecting the country from outside threats as much as men do. You will have to be drafted.

    Even if the old gender division of labour existed, women should be always ready to fight in the military beside men. Protecting one's homeland is simply a virtue for anyone that is able to do it, regardless of gender.

    The ideal is an army of volunteers. That will improve the quality and the morale of the military. But as long as there is draft, women should be drafted just like men.

    • Women give birth to the nation; men, in return, defend the nation

    • You don't give birth to any nation anymore in west. You use the pill and want to tax men to pay the money for that too. Population of west is declining and that is the main reason that politicians open the borders for immigrants. You should be drafted. There is no use for you in west as the "mothers of the nation" anymore. You may as well serve in the military.

    • 81% of women give birth. (BTW childbirth has the same PTSD rate as the Afghanistan war.)

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  • This is ridiculous. Look, women are weaker than men and cannot put up with all that men do in battle. It's a fact of anatomy and biology. If you want equality in the military, women should have to sign up for the draft. THAT is equality. Men should have rights to their biological children if they are the fit parent. Just because you gave birth to the child doesn't mean you're the best parent to raise the kid. You're comparing two different things without actual sense.

    If you want equality in the military, both men AND women need to sign up for the draft. We don't even use it currently, so what's the issue?

    However, in the case of rights to see/visit/raise one's children, it SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON GENDER. Just because the mom gave birth to the kids doesn't mean the man should undergo the same biological situation she did in order to prove he has the right to raise his children as well.

    • I don't want equality in the military. I don't think women should be in combat

    • The you also don't want the rest of the equalities that women in the 20s have worked for. Sorry you can't cherry pick your rights that you want

  • Going through the pain of childbirth doesn't make a woman more qualified to be a mother nor does the lack of experiencing that pain make the male less qualified to be a father. The courts don't assign custody rights based on who went through the most pain. That kind of logic is like purposefully inflicting pain on men for no reason except women have to do it then men should too. That's the pettiest form of equality ever. It's like you fell down because you chose to wear 7inch heels you can't handle and then decided to shove the guy down as well just because. Women don't have to have children if they don't want to feel that pain. There's also adoption or surrogacy.
    The way you're trying to compare the two is riddled with inconsistencies.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Haha, it is no secret that war is the most horrifying thing a man can experience and we tried for years to tell people that women should not be allowed to serve in combat positions but the pentagon's equal rights agenda didn't care. I personally think it is barbaric to make women fight while able bodied men sit at home, but I'm not a politician. Maybe when pictures like these of women start coming home, they will not be so passionate.

    It's all part of the slippery slope, which supposedly doesn't exist. If women can be infantrymen too why shouldn't they be forced to serve their country in war like men?

    I don't understand why you think childbirth simulators for men are the same as the draft for the women, no one is saying men are capable of giving birth.

    If you want it to end, then maybe consider taking up arms against the facade of equal rights.

  • Your options are SO extremely biased! Expecting both genders to make contributions within their capabilities does not mean expecting genders to do things of which they are not biologically capable. You sound like a misandrist.

    A man does not need to experience childbirth to be a good father and your suggestion is quite ridiculous. You are either a troll or seriously misguided.

    • And a woman does not need to sign up to be drafted in order to be capable of being a good voter, bUT these people are saying that since men have to sign up for the draft in order to vote, then so should women. Men are biologically capable of enduring childbirth simulators.

    • Registering for the draft is unrelated to being eligible to vote. Men experiencing a childbirth simulator serves no public purpose but it would seem to satisfy some need that you have.

    • These people are *saying* that being eligible to vote necessitates registering for the draft

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10 33
  • I think the idea is mental. Men are not women. Women are not men. Fact of the matter is those fighting are often going to die, from a logical standpoint you leave the humans who can make more humans at home otherwise you have a serious problem with re-population.

    Child birth simulators? Wtf? I don't see why a man should have to be made to suffer needlessly just to have the same rights to see his child as the mother. You are not more entitled to be a parent because you carried the child for nine months. Having a womb is not a prerequisite for being a good parent.

    • I don't think they should have to undergo it either; I'm just pointing out that's the logic they're using

    • Ask them how they're going to replace the people killed fighting of they send women over too? To be honest, I think being drafted is wrong for any gender. If people aren't willing to join and fight then you have to ask yourself why you're going to war for a group of people who don't want to fight... And plus, none of those whinging fuckers have ever been drafted.

  • Women wanted equal rights and they got them. I don't now feel they should have the rights to pick and choose the parts that suit them as they see fit. Birth simulators in order to gain custody !! What the hell does that have to do with being a good parent and in some cases better than the female counter part

    • That is what feminism is about.

    • @bobbyxx yes in reality it is. They demand equality until it doesn't suit them , then they back pedal. We guys should demand they not only get it equally but get it all just like guys do. Don't open a can of worms unless you plan on fishing

    • "Birth simulators in order to gain custody !! What the hell does that have to do with being a good parent" Well, what does signing up for the draft have to do with being a good voter?

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  • what logic does it make for men to forfeit the limited parental rights they have or go through a birth simulator simply because women may have to register for the draft.

    this is the kind of opinion that makes feminist haters rage, and my position as a feminist seem questionable

    men shouldn't be forced to suffer because of women's biological situation. women shouldn't be forced to suffer for men's biological situation.

  • these gender wars are getting stupid
    the men arguing for women should have to do X just for the sake of being equal rather than other important considerations are stupid too

  • I just honestly can't comprehend how you came to this conclusion as being equal? There are biological differences between men and women, but if anything, that would give women more control in terms of whether the child is aborted or not, not flat-out custody. That's unfair, and the childbirth simulator is not a fiar option. It's the mom and dad's child, not just the mom's because she is the one who held it.

  • As men, why should we be the only ones to have prostate cancer? I declare we should force women to be transplanted a cancerous prostate so that we are all equals. This is getting ridiculous. 🙄

    • Women have the breast cancer equivalent

    • No, we have it too. That was not the point though. We will never be equals biologically, ignoring that simple fact is stupid. Making men go through birth simulators is honestly the craziest idea I've heard in a long while. What would be the point of that? What we should strive for is equal opportunity and in the land of custody rights, MEN are the ones who are behind. Men are forced to pay through the nose and can't even see their children even when the woman is batshit crazy and dangerous for the children.

    • Men get breast cancer too. Jeez.

  • So I'm guessing women should experience the pain that a man suffers when hit in the balls.
    Should my wife go through that pain as many times as I've been hit in the balls?

    Ugh, trolls are becoming more and more stupid every day.

  • what is with these women that are trying to take away father's rights? HELLO! It's not like you made the child yourself! Stop being jerks!

    • Exactly!!! She's advocating that a woman should be able to withhold a mans child from him. Wtfffff? Has the world really gone this insane?

    • @Melcart23 apparently. it's really sickening.

    • @Melcart23 I'm not advocating it... I think it's wrong too... but I'm pointing out that the logic is the same

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  • Shit I’d be willing to fight a war, just to see you die in the first wave… I don’t even care if we win, if we lose you we win by default.

  • Wow your logic is seriously retarded. Women give birth because of biology not society. So why would you intentionally try to cause pain to men so they get equal rights? That makes no sense at all. Also from what I've seen it's usually feminists that want both genders to be excatly the same and abolish gender roles etc. They say the only reason genders are different is because we're raised differently. I haven't seen many men argue for that.

    I personally was in the military for ten months in Switzerland and if a war were to break out I'd have to go and serve (but that probably won't happen) Women in Switzerland are allowed to serve if they want to but nobody does. The only women that go to the military are medicine students from university who basically do a internship in a clinic in the military but they don't have to do anything uncomfortable. All they do is learn a little bit and spend most of the time on the internet from what I saw. I think the draft was mainly brought up because feminists constantly demand more but never acknowledge any of the disadvantages that men might face. They never look at the whole situation of beeing a man they only want to take the good stuff they see. For instance there's more homeless men than women, but I only see feminists talking about CEOs. There's more suicides by men than by women etc. We don't have to get into details but I think you missed the point. Also your logic with birth simulators is seriously a joke.

    • So why would you intentionally try to cause pain to men so they get equal rights?" Because these people are intentionally trying to cause pain to women so they get equal rights

    • Lol did you read 2 lines of my comment really?

    • Well yes of course feminists don't want the disadvantages of being a man. Men don't want the disadvantages of being women either

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  • I'm against the draft entirely. No one should be required to go to war just because they're over the age of eighteen, regardless of what they have between their legs. Then again, I'm a pacifist and a conscientious objector, what would I know?

  • a childbirth simulator would no more prove your qualifications to be a parent than playing COD would prove you were an adequate soldier. But NO ONE should be drafted.

    While I would go through the childbirth simulation, that wouldn't be to prove "my qualifications" as a parent, as I can list (RIGHT NOW) no less than 30 mothers who gave birth and were unfit. Nice try though kiddo

    • "a childbirth simulator would no more prove your qualifications to be a parent" and signing up for the draft doesn't prove qualifications to be able to be a voter... but these people are saying that women should have to sign up for the draft in order to be able to vote, if men have to... so, by that logic, shouldn't men have to undergo childbirth stimulators in order to have parental rights? i disagree with oth premises

    • *both

  • Ok, could you chill? You've focused way too much in this. I know you're concerned about having to sign up for the draft, but if the draft is ever actually enacted, you can sign up voluntarily to act as a cook or something for the military, which means that you won't have to actually fight.

    By the way, your comparison about childbirth and war makes no sense

    • The other polls showed that half of men think that women should be drafted into combat against their will. And how does it not?

    • Yet we don't give a shot when men are drafted against their will. Men and women should both have to bear the consequences of voting for a war. Having a child isn't like going to war, fathers can be bette than mothers and not have to go through childbirth.

    • "Men and women should both have to bear the consequences of voting for a war." By that logic, men shouldn't be able to vote for anti-abortion & anti-contraception laws, because they won't personally have to bear the consequences of potentially being forced to endure a pregnancy and birth, & not being allowed to get an abortion.

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  • Lol, bitter much?

    If you go by that logic? Shouldn't women also be circumsized, since the majority of males in this country are without their consent?

    Also, by your logic, men should be able to give up parental and financial responsibilities if they see fit. Just as women are able to.

    Furthermore, there are not mothers, without fathers... So for you to suggest that the women should get "their" babies automatically is just stupid. Without a man's sperm, you cannot be a mother. period.

    You are the reason that people hate feminists. You talk about equality, but really all you want is for men to suffer the same way you think women have.

    • I also love the fact, that even the women on here see you for the bat shit crazy monster you are. lol. Go fuck yourself.

  • I'd glady undergo a child birth simulator if it would put you on the frontlines :p

    • Dude. It hurts. A lot. Even with mock epidural. XD

    • @bcromartie you've done it?

    • @bcromartie youve done it?

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  • The issue is motherhood is absolutely optional in today's society. Birth control, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, abortion all are viable options that rest solely on the shoulders of the mother. Motherhood is optional fatherhood is not. Also the draft is not voluntary, though I oppose women in combat so I oppose the draft for women, simply because coed troupes are not functional, and to draft women into non combat positions removes those options for men.

    • Thanks for MHO

  • I don't think most men saying that women should be drafted and men should have the same rights for the child based on equality are truly convinced for it. Rather they bring the whole equality argument ad absurdum. Let's face it, both are unrealistic. And so is equality.

    • Something like 60% of men, according to most surveys, think that women should be drafted

    • Which is completely irrelevant to the point I made. Let's face it - all these men voting have had equality pushed down their throats and into their life without any say on the matter. And they took the backseat in every single equality argument. Women got leveraged and men - if they were lucky - didn't get pushed down. (Sidenote: What do you think if you have a scales and you just keep only putting on one scale and ignoring the other side?) Obviously many are sick of it and as a consequence demand absolute equality. And that means for all the benefits women now got in terms of equality they should handle the consequences of it as well that includes being drafted and such. It all comes down to the question if there is such a thing as proper equality or if those cases prove that equality is ridiculous. To me its the latter. Men and women are very different.

  • I don't think girls should have to sign up for the draft

    • Why not? Don't you want to be equal? Or wait, you just want equality when it's safe and/or convenient.

    • @Melcart23 so if men want to be equal they should have to undergo chold birth stimulators in order to get equal rights over their kids.

    • Lol. You sound pathetic. The man created the baby just as much as the mother did. What do you want to do? Keep the child away from the dad? Is that what you're advocating?

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  • It's idiotic to compare those 2 things. Registering for the draft is part of your civic duty as a citizen of the United States and women are fully capable of doing it. Men are not able to give birth and giving birth has absolutely nothing to do with how capable you are of caring for your children so it's completely irrelevant to custody hearings

    • Men are capable of undergoing childbkrtb simulators. One of the other male commentors said that he went through it himself

  • Okay, I don't know much about this, but this was a law we created. Birth is part of human life and requires both people for it to happen, and both sexes have different requirements in order to create the child, so I don't really think the law can apply here. Tbh I'm confused.

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