College Proffesor Says Lesbian Are Superior, I Hate Being A Man?

My College Proffesor had a segment explaining lesbians are better sex parnets than straight couples and the reason she pointed out

- Studies show that lesbian woman have more orgams than straight woman
- A females body is more asthetically pleasing to the eye than a males body, women are more good looking than men
- We don't need men for protection anymore, this isn't the cave days where we have to fight beast and hunt for food and now days
- Women are either bisexual or lesbian but never straight, while men can be compeltely straight. Even woman who say they are straight are secretly bisexual
- It's easier for us to put up with another woman's needs than a man's, largely because women understand eachother more
- Guys don't know a woman's body as well as another woman does
- Emotionally, women are much more complicated creatures and men aren't as complex
- Guys can knock women up and contribute to over population, and surprise pregancies are a problem
- It's massively more fun to flirt with another woman, men tend to be creepeir
- Women are more attractive during orgams
- Dildo and toys can easily replace men
- Male Penis is useless because most women don't orgasm from penetration and women last longer than men

The proffesor sources was recent study from the Essex University psychology department and a paper by Kristen Droesch called 10 Reasons To Give Up On Men And Become A Lesbian

Honestly as a man I feel inadequate and useless. I ask myself what's the point of men and women? Like How are they even compatible? It feels unfair, evolution fucked up, or God fucked up. I'm not trying to insult lesbians, they should do whatever makes them happy. But I just feel men aren't needed anymore. At this point it seems women are better off being lesbians and men are better off being gay. I honeslty struggle with this and whenever I try to talk to someone about how I feel and my insecurities they think I'm being sexist or homophobic. Sometimes I wish I was gay, thoughts?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Here's a few thoughts 1. Your professor is biased because she is a lesbian. 2. The majority of her statements about men are subjective and stereotypical assumptions that may or may not be true. 3. Not every woman knows more about their bodies then men do. 4. Women that are 100% straight is not true is in fact a lie. By design both men and women are hetrosexual in order to procreate the next generation. 5. Your professor is fucking retarded. The only reason she has a degree is because she jumped through hoops. The only evidence she has for these conclusions are the manifestations of the modern feminist movement to date today. Whereas, my claims have the begining of time to back them up. (This hasn't been an issue until in the past ten years or so) it all started when our parents loved and coddled us too much as kids. This is a genenational problem. Take a look at the anthropology studies from Harvard and Stanford in the past 10 years.

    • "Women that are 100% straight is not true is in fact a lie" Wait so you agree with her then? because she said women are either lesbian or bisexual

    • Oh never mind I misunderstood

  • You should argue with her that these are simply her opinions. From a scientific standpoint, you can't teach your opinion as if it's some sort of truth. If you really wanted to get back at her, run a study to challenge these questions. For example, considering that most people want children, why is having children a flaw? The idea of women lasting longer than men is far from true, it's just that they can usually keep going. My girlfriend always, without fail, orgasms before I do. You could point out that toys could also replace women. Actually most of these arguments could be made for replacing women with men or toys. If I were still in university, id write a counter proposal of her ideas and post it on social media so that she eventually sees it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • It's not true that all woman are bisexuals. not true at all. all woman appreciate another womans beauty but that does NOT meen they want to fuck another woman. it said that most woman cannot have an orgasum from just penetration. that's not true at all I can definitely orgasum from penetration alone. Men are definitely so important and still needed. please don't think men aren't needed we need men to be our rocks, out support system, men help woman feel emotionally stable and happy. I love men and would never want to live in a world without them.

    • Wow, that made me feel great to be a man.. LOL..

  • I think you need to get over it. Lesbian sex is great... for lesbians! Obs not all women are into that so suck it up! , give the women some competition and figure out how to please a woman. Good god!

    • All women are either bi or lesbian so...

    • Says the study... Either way, not all women want to have sex with a woman.

    • Even the women who say they are straight masturbate to lesbian porn.

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  • Even if it is true that I'm secretly bisexual (what? I don't know, maybe), I like men way to much to give up on them. Boys are fun, and I kinda like how simple they are. Plus, dicks are great!

    • All women are bisexual.

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3 18
  • Where can I take this class?

    • evergreen state college

    • Why do you feel the world would be better off if all men were gay or all women were lesbians I'm curious how you see it?

    • Well, then I could date more girls :3

  • Even IF this was true... why don't you think about how you can IMPROVE yourself instead of sitting around being mediocre and upset?

    • I don't understand, how can I improve myself if men aren't needed? And how am I not supposed to feel bad about this? Like I said I have no hate for lesbians doing their thing. If this is true then thats the way the world is, might be unfair for my end, maybe women are better off being with eachother but it still hurts on some level to me. Honestly I struggeled with being black, but my insecurity with being a man is lately way worse than being black.

    • Do you think there is truth to what the proffesor said? DO you agree or partly agree where do you stand on this?

    • I also dont understand how I'm supposed to improve when she lays out the facts of men not being needed. It's not like I can compete with a woman. And How can I improve if even by the proffesors standers, on average this is the reality between men and women. I mean are you suggesting that the reason why lesbians sexually satify men better than straight couples is simply because the straight guys haven't improved themselves? Can't it just be that women have an advantage satisfying eachother vs a man satisfying a woman no matter how much they try?

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  • Sorry, I don’t get it... I am fine about her being a proud lesbian and showing that lesbian couples can have great (sexual) relations, fine, but the male bashing is unwarranted and so ‘well, that’s soo just like your opinion, you know’... Don’t be afraid, there are tons of 100% straight women out there that drool over the aesthetics of a nice six pack with all male parts complete. She is entitled to her opinion, but it’s just that, an opinion... You know, that’s the internet of today, I could find you 5 articles in favorite of circumcision, and 5 against it, and all 10 sound reasonable and trustworthy... Tell her to use other, more objective keywords next time she uses Google.

  • That is absolute horseshit. I have taken the Pepsi challenge against lesbians on multiple occasions and have always fared better. A giving lover is a giving lover. Regardless of sex. Read, Study (Everything from female sexuality to female anatomy), Practice and always put your partner first. Pay attention to their body language, their breathing, noises or lack thereof. I personally have a very extreme oral fixation and have made lesbians stutter and ask how. I also spent My GI Bill getting a degree in massage therapy. Never stop learning.

  • Many of your points are not accurate; the reaction to the Essex University study is largely hyperbolic and I think anyone who reads Ms. Droesch's article will immediately get that it's satirical.

  • Dealing with shit like this is just part of being a man.
    Like... putting up with shit is pretty much what we're here for. I've always thaught that the meaning of life is to simply not kill yourself. This is how you get into heaven (If you believe)
    Life is basically just a constant series of tests to pass (Like in a video game when you play through the levels)

  • women can still value men

  • So. Much. Cancer.

    • I'm just afraid what if she is right

    • She's not. There is a very good reason why the more than 90% of the world is straight

    • yeah but things are changing, seems more and more woman are either lesbian or bisexual these days.

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  • You need a new school man cos they're feeding you a load of shit.

  • If yo college professor is a Lesbian then that would explain everything.. LOL.. She need to do some better research..

    • I am not sure if she is a lesbian to be honest. But she does seem to say a true straight girl doesn't exist

    • LOL.. Well, yeah she's probably bi and likes women more... Or doesn't like men too much.. Haha..

  • Aren't all heterosexual men secretly Lesbians? We like all the same things.

  • Studies are inherently skewed towards people's opinions that are starting out. This college professor already had those views and took the studies to heart/ Don't believe everything people make studies on. The news for example will come out with a new study every once in a while either for or against something every other week. It is your prerogative to formulate your own view based on evidence displayed.

  • I agree with you lecturer, as I've watched all types. Lesbos are dominant-Supeeioe

  • Just a simple example out of thousands others about the professors indoctrinating young people into the modern marxist ideology out of pure hatred of Western Civilisation.
    If your professor does not need protection from men then she might as well move to a muslim controlled area of a Western city. I bet they will welcome her feminist ideals with open arms and never beat the shit out of her.

  • Commonsense militates against such "studies". Don't let such obvious gay-centric propaganda depress you out of yours.

  • Take solice in the fact that if most women truly gave up on men, men would just enslave women for sex.

  • Where are you going to school at? Lol. That place is a joke

  • What the f... k is wrong with these young guys now days? How old are you?

  • Concentrate on changing the things you can change, and work around the things you can't. It's all just gender shaming bs anyway.

  • Just remind her that men still get paid better for the same job. That will shut that cunt up 😂

    • They don't

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