Girls, why girls don't feel any attraction when do they see attractive member of their opposite sex?

Today I just see this post and that's why I am asking

More often hear this common quote from girls,

"I rarely see a guy I find attractive, and it's even more rare that I'm physical attracted to someone. I have to know the guy and find he's personality attractive in order to be physical attracted to him. If I see a fit man naked I just see a naked body. I don't feel any attraction towards a man I don't know. When I see arm veins I just think it's a arm vein. When do I see symmetry face and body I can acknowledge what it is"

Even they see attractive guys daily but none of them physically attract them.

My question is, girls don't experience physical attraction?

In which place/where, which person and which time you experience physical attraction/sexual attraction?

Or girls biologically aren't programmed to attract to other person? Their eyes can recognize objects but it wouldn't have any effect on them as like a robot or asexual? Robots can recognize objects but they get no feelings when do they see, girls also don't get any feelings when do they see attractive member of their opposite sex?

Rather they are more attracted to another women if they are attractive, attractive women evoke their feelings of attraction or this feelings are missing from their biology?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Damn, bbb, your obsession with this belief of yours is borderline. I know and have known far more women that this doesn't apply to than any it does. Seek professional help.

    • I never met the women you are referring rather I have met women who said, ["I rarely see a guy I find attractive, and it's even more rare that I'm physical attracted to someone. I have to know the guy and find he's personality attractive in order to be physical attracted to him. If I see a fit man naked I just see a naked body. I don't feel any attraction towards a man I don't know. When I see arm veins I just think it's a arm vein. When do I see symmetry face and body I can acknowledge what it is" Even they see attractive guys daily but none of them physically attract them.]

  • You just found yourself a myth, just look at me, IM A CHICK MAGNET, HAHA... Ok im not, but of course they feel that, you just found a lier, thats all.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Holy shit.. This again 😂😂 gosh, stop living in a fantasy world and go out more lol I don't know who you're trying to convince with your bullshit but it isn't working lol

    • if it is bullshit and only my fantasy the why most often I heard this popular quote from girls, "I rarely see a guy I find attractive, and it's even more rare that I'm physical attracted to someone. I have to know the guy and find he's personality attractive in order to be physical attracted to him. If I see a fit man naked I just see a naked body. I don't feel any attraction towards a man I don't know. When I see arm veins I just think it's a arm vein. When do I see symmetry face and body I can acknowledge what it is" if it is bullshit then why majority of girls say they can recognize which person is good looking as they can recognize their siblings?

    • Wow.. I don't even know where you got that quote from but not because you've seen one girl say that bullshit it means that every girl in the entire world isn't attracted to males. Stop generalizing just cause you have this crazy obsession that women aren't attracted to the male physical body. Why aren't we all lesbians if there is no such thing as physical and sexual attraction? How come girls have guy celebrity crushes? Or look at male models and find them hot? Pretty sure they don't know them personally or even know their personality in real life. Just stop generalizing.

    • (I don't even know where you got that quote from but not because you've seen one girl say that bullshit it means that every girl in the entire world isn't attracted to males.) - It's not that one or two girls say this, I would like to say majority of female GAG user say this. So, what is your point here? GAG users are different than general population? (Stop generalizing just cause you have this crazy obsession that women aren't attracted to the male physical body.) - I am not generalizing but I doubt why do most women say this? Is it more common among women? (Why aren't we all lesbians if there is no such thing as physical and sexual attraction?) - Aren't all women are sexually attracted to female body? I also get this idea from GAG and also real life. But here I want to say that female GAG users most say, if they see a fit man they can acknowledge him as fit...

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  • I can’t relate. I’m bisexual and everyone around me is hot as fuck. Girls can experience attraction just fine my dude.

    • bisexual women is difference race, I asked this to straight women.

    • And now he thinks being bisexual is "a race". This guy 😂😂

    • I pity this 😂

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  • Sorry, we do feel attraction. You just aren't as attractive as you think you are.

    • In which place/where, which person and which time you experience physical attraction/sexual attraction?

    • Have you not seen Chris Hemsworth as Thor?

    • Yes I have seen. But why?

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  • OMG. Not this rubbish again.

    • (OMG. Not this rubbish again.)
      This is also a popular comment of women. But when do I ask how often do you experience it ten they say the truth "I can't tell about others but I personally don't experience it"

      if it is bullshit and only my fantasy the why most often I heard this popular quote from girls,

      "I rarely see a guy I find attractive, and it's even more rare that I'm physical attracted to someone. I have to know the guy and find he's personality attractive in order to be physical attracted to him. If I see a fit man naked I just see a naked body. I don't feel any attraction towards a man I don't know. When I see arm veins I just think it's a arm vein. When do I see symmetry face and body I can acknowledge what it is"

      if it is bullshit then why majority of girls say they can recognize which person is good looking as they can recognize their siblings?

      If it is bullshit the what is it

    • Well let's just say that you will Never, Ever hear me quote such utter rubbish and dribble. Oh, and conclusion may I just say how dreadfully sorry I feel for you, believing absolutely everything you hear and read.

    • Then what is the conclusion of this post? Do you experience physical attraction when do you see attractive member of your opposite sex? (without any interaction)

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