Should fathers have a say in abortion?

What if the father really wants to keep the baby? Women and men both have a role to play in creating life and raising children. Why does the woman have all the power in determining the fate of his potential son or daughter? A man has no legal say in the matter. What about the emotional burden of her killing the child he was looking forward to? Is an abortion ever morally wrong because it transgresses the father's rights?
Should fathers have a say in abortion?
Yes. The father should have a say.
Vote A
No. It should be solely the mothers decision. No uterus, no say.
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  • I used to think they could come to an agreement where he could raise the child and she could leave. Now, I have learned how carrying a baby changes a womans body, for life sometimes, health wise not just looks. How it can wreck her teeth, how it can tear apart stomach muscles. How some babies are born with forceps. How many women need stitches after because their vagina got torn or had to be cut (fuckin ouch!) how some end up with emergency c sections which is a major surgery. The severe back pain. How some women still die today during child birth. Many many many things, from disfigurement, to injuries, to life long health problems, to death... Nobody should force anybody to go through that, that would be madness.
    It is not a case of just simply carrying a baby for 9 months, otherwise I'd be all for those types of choices and him persuading her to just carry it and give it up to him after, it can be life long pain, life long health issues, or death, so I'd be against that kinda thing.

  • This is a tricky question. If the father wants to have the child but the mother doesn't. It would be super easy, if they could just transfer the fetus into the father and he could carry the child for nine months and go through the pain of childbirth. But because no matter what the woman has to birth the child, it makes it more difficult. I do think men should have a say. Childbirth always risks the life if the mother as well, so it's not an easy choice. I think the parents should always come to understand when making the decision, but that's not always the case. Ultimately the choice is on the woman because she is the one having to alter her life even before the baby.

    • If to imagine that the fetus can be transplanted to a man. I am sure that only half of men who wanted the baby would agree to it. If I were a man I would also want to be a father. I would also say no to abortion if some other woman carries the baby and goes through birth process... many men do not even understand what it means to carry a baby and give birth... they think that every woman goes through it and it should not be that hard.

    • Laws are changing to allow men more say in that.

    • @Klapper_tribelcho would you agree to bear a baby 9 months and then give birth just because a man you might not love or doesn't love said he might want it... and after you give birth he will come once in a while and then create his own family and forget of you and the baby... wait.. i said it too simply... just google difficulty at birth and pregnancy and then give me an answer. I would go through this only with the man I trust like most women

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  • Interesting thought. Would that mean in a situation where the women didn't want to keep the child but the man did, and he had a say in whether she could abort, would he then have to take full custody of the child and the woman sign away her rights?
    Another situation: One night stand. Does the man, who engaged in sex without the thought of producing offspring still have a right to make a choice about whether the woman be able to abort.
    I am leaning towards men having a say but there would have to be certain circumstance where it wouldn't apply I think.

    • Irrespective of the nature of sex. As long as the sex is consensual, both parties should have a say.

    • @SnapTsch I don't agree with that. If men were the ones having babies and I had a one night stand with some guy and a child was conceived, I wouldn't want a part of it. I don't want to spend the next twenty+ years having contact with some guy I met one night and thought was bangable. The nature of the union should always be a factor.

    • If you think that men wouldn't chose to keep the child, then why not? 😊 All I am saying is there should be equal opportunity. If a one night stand leads to pregnancy and the man is forced to pay child support, then he should have the right to chose not to, if he has no say whether or not she should abort it.

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  • Yes they should because that is his child to

    • Than a man can have a say when it comes to YOUR vagina

Most Helpful Guys

  • i think a womans body is her own. as is a mans. or a childs.

    i'm unsure when i feel a baby has rights, but feel its likely not until they reach legal age, with the parents responsible for the childs safety from birth to the legally recognised age of adulthood.

    i think given womem have total domain over their uterus, men should have an equal right to opt out of fatherhood entirely.

    if the woman chooses to keep a child the man does not want, the man should not be obliged to participate or provide funds for her decision. but if he opts out he loses any rights in regards to the kid.

    • Sounds good. But will never happen since then the hcf will visit the screen again and will say its sexistic bla bla bla and not fair bla bla bla

    • which is ironic given the current situation is only favourable to the woman. not even the kids rights are being discussed/protected.

    • yeah

  • Since the woman is carrying it, it should be her say on whether or not she gets it aborted, however the man should be entitled to opting out of parenthood if she wishes to keep it.

    But a woman who rapes a man and gets pregnant should get a forced abortion or the man is granted immunity from court in the case she attempts to sue him for child support.

    • @CT_CD upvote me so the misandrists don't win

    • Done

    • Thank you

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  • I think as long abortion is legal it should be a law where if not both are consenting to abortion, then the mother aren't allowed to undergo one. Regardless if it's the father or the mother who wants to keep the child no abortion should be taken. But if both the mother and the father is agreeing in abortion, then they can do it where abortion is legal by law.

    The child is as much the father's child as the mother's child. Just because you're a male don't mean you love your child lesser. Regardless if you're female or male you can love your child. In more than 90% of the cases the male and the female had consenting sex meaning they knew they took a risk. If the mother undergoes abortion against the father's will, she's stealing the child from him and for the father who want the child it would feel like a permanent murder.

    • So if there will be such law and a girl gets raped.. the rapist says I do not agree to abortion and the girl remains with what? It is a bigger risk for a woman than for the man. A man had a 2min pleasure and 9 months he is free to fuck with other girls whether the woman must keep an unwanted baby in her belly and suffer? I think its a mutual thing.. and if the man wants the baby why doesn't he prove he is worth being a father. Why not marry the girl and creat a completed family? In other case when the man insists in her keeping the baby and visits her once a month and then less ot destroying 2 lives. The mother life because she might not feel complete and womanly happy and the kilds... because that kild would not have a complete family. This is called being selfish. The women mostly think about their baby... who is their father, how she will raise the baby... thats why most choose abortion because the can not make the kids life happy.

    • So i think the man has a right when he is a husbant or at least he plans to be close to the woman and the baby forever. To make them feel secure and complete

    • @nicolettacn, they can make expectations if it's proven it's rape. But in 99% of the cases the female is consenting to have sex with the male and it's not rape. In addition the man who want to keep the child can take care of it and some are also fine with the woman divorcing and leaving him. Not every men is the same. First of all if you're going to have sex, use contraception. If you don't think contraception is something for you, you don't have to penetrate during sex. During consenting sex you're consenting to have sex and do it voluntarily!

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  • The father should have the right to be aborted too. If he doesn't wish to be a father he should be able to be dissected and sucked into a vacuum device.

    • That's my fetish

    • you are both monsters 😂

  • I think that from the very begining they both should know if they are ready or no for a baby. I think the father has a saying in it but the final decision is after the mother. In the end men can leave evey moment but a mother remains a mother for life. And she keeps a responsibility for the baby greater than the father nowadays. I respect men that in such cases are ready to take care of the baby rather than run away. As long as he can convience the woman I think its great.

    • "In the end men can leave any moment but a mother remains a mother for life." Not true. My biological mother walked out when I was a baby. She divorced my father and left him all alone with three little babies to take care of and didn't give a shit about us. And she never paid child support either and faced no repercussions for it, even though she was supposed to.

    • I think your father is a hero. I know there are cases as yours also. But mostly men ask girls to do abortions than ask them not to

    • If a women didn't want a baby then she should have been on a pill or he should have had a condom on. The father should have a say it's not our fault if the woman was being stupid. #Prolife

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  • I think he should have some level of influence over that decision, but not nearly the level that the mother has.

    Unfortunately, that's hard to adjudicate.

    How do you give him influence without restricting her choice? In an ideal world, they'd be able to support fetuses without a womb and then I'd argue that a father should have a right to claim a fetus as his own if a woman would otherwise just abort it.

    A fetus isn't worth as much as a woman's freedom, but it isn't worth nothing, either.

  • She is the one risking her life during pregnancy and child birth. A man should be told, but ultimately the decision is and should be hers.

    • Yes. because the man is nothing except a sperm giver to you ! pathetic.

    • @ManIsGoD89 yeah.

    • @Warmapplecrumble Then I hope a fucked up future for you ma'am

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  • I think that if you have an unplanned pregnancy in this day and age then you're not mature enough to be having sex. (In my country) condoms are free, the pill is free, an implant is free and sex education is free. If you're so irresponsible that you can't have some form of contraception then you shouldn't be having sex.

    So my choice is don't get pregnant/get a girl pregnant in the first place.

  • ... I don't want anyone denying my child the right to live. If a married couple is having a child I feel as though the abortion decision MUST be unanimous between both parents... even then I'm firmly against abortion in any context other than the endangerment of the mother's life. (not lifestyle, actually life/death).

  • It depends. If he does something she doesn't want to or leaves her when he finds out she's pregnant, then no. If he stays with her and is respectful then yes, but it is ultimately the decision of the mother since she is the one who will carry it around for 9 months then push it out if they decide to keep it.

  • She is carrying the baby for 9 months.

    And the father can be a rapist.

    So I think men shouldn't have a say in it.

    • If conceived by rape no but why say that off the bat.

    • @loyalhanna because that happened to me._.

    • In more than 90% of the cases it's consenting sex between the male and the female. Under 1% of the abortion cases are rape, so a such generalization won't work.

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  • No one has a right to another persons organs without their consent. It does not matter if the father wants to keep the fetus. If he wants to get rid of it, then I think he should have the option to withdraw monetary support, but he also doesn't have the right to drug, or otherwise kill the fetus without its mother's consent (as that would involve her body.)

    • @ladsin Yet women rape men and have babies and force him to be a father when she stole his seed. He had no say who got his seed. If he is raped, he should decide if baby is birthed or aborted.

    • @Klapper_Tribelcho he could renounce his parental rights and have nothing to do with the child, but he can't drug a woman, or otherwise accost her person because of it.

    • @ladsin A woman who rapes a man doesn't deserve the choice to birth his baby. It should be his choice as he was the victim.

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  • I think the father should have a say, but unfortunately for many fathers it is ultimately the woman's decision because she is the one carrying the baby.

    • When a woman rapes a man and keeps the baby, she is birthing a baby on stolen seed. He didn't get a say in which woman gained his seed. Maybe he didn't want any woman to get his seed.

    • unfortunately🙄

  • I think of it this way- since it is her body, men should not have a say what she does with it but at the same time, to compensate, they should have the freedom to not be a father when she chooses to not abort.

  • I honestly think that if the girl doesn't put any of the wants from the guy into consideration, and just continues doing what she wants to do the guy should have kept his dick away from that narcissistic skank from the start.

    • You're the skank

  • No. Why? Because you're not suffering the consequences of the pregnancy.

    You can try to convince her, sure. And she might agree to have the child and then leace if she wants. That you can do.

    But ultimately it's her decision because it's her body and her life that will be affected; therefore it's her choice to endure that or not

  • It depends.

  • Yes, they get a 20% vote, backed up with a fund that makes either route painless, easy & insulated from a harsh life

  • Where as he should have a say; as in having a conversation with his partner about it but the fact of the matter even in this day and age there are still risks and complications that can occur so ultimately it should be the women's choice. No one should ever be able to force another human being into being in a potentionally life threatening situation.

  • No, I don't think it's right to force someone to have your baby, but you can try to persuade her to change her mind.

    • Women rape men and force him to be a father. Is that right?

    • @Klapper_Tribelcho No. See my answer in CT_CD's other question regarding forced fatherhood.

    • PM me the link.

  • It's like this, I can give you a truck load of bricks. I can not demand that you build me a shed.

  • The father's feelings should be taken into account coz it'd be their child too, but ultimately the mother has the final say coz she's the one who has to carry it and go through labour and all that stuff guys can't even imagine going through.

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