Will Women Dominate The World In The Future?

Will Women Dominate The World In The Future?
"Men are losing their grip,” wrote Jennifer Homans in her New York Times review of “The End of Men and Rise of Women,” Hanna Rosin’s bestseller. “Patriarchy is crumbling. We are reaching ‘the end of 200,000 years of human history and the beginning of a new era’ in which women, and womanly skills and traits, are on the rise.” Warning guys, this is the last gasp of your male-dominated patriarchy.

Women will rule the future. Men hate it, are trapped in the past. Driven by tribal urges to fight change, hold onto ancient symbols of power. Like Don Quixote tilting at windmills. Even more than chasing hot market tips, today’s men frantically search for past glory... in purple pills for ED, Low-T, aging cosmetics, magic solutions to belly fat... yearn for the freedom of America’s 19th century Wild West... hero-worship icons like John Wayne... the good old days when old-guy paternalism ruled.

Yes, “a new matriarchy is emerging” “For the first time in history, the global economy is becoming a place where women are finding more success than men. "
Will Women Dominate The World In The Future?

Will Women Dominate The World In The Future?
Yes, women will rule the world in the future
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No, women will never rule the world
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Most Helpful Guys

  • "men are losing their grip"... men never had any grip. women just love to beat a dead horse for some reason.

    • Lol can you give infinite MH now?

  • Yes, women will rule the world in the future

    • Thank you 4 MhO

Most Helpful Girls

  • Women kind of already rule the world. We need to revert back to a patriarchy.

  • Maybe

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 34
  • Who says they don't already?
    70% of purchases in the west are made by women.
    Women recieve more lenient sentences for crimes than men, are less likely to go to court when accused, and are immune from some charges despite sutdies indicating they comit them at roughly equal rates.
    And every country coloured in on this map has an elected female head of state or head of government (bare in mind how few women choose to go into politics):

    Will Women Dominate The World In The Future?
  • I will be dead so I don't care. There's no way it will happen in my lifetime.

    So basically, it's for the next generations to worry about and, well, fuck them...

    • Well you are 102...

  • Why can't we just have an equal society without one sex ruling over the other 😒

    • Cuz feminism doesn't want that

    • @Nachowedgie Eh, only the third-wave feminists :/

  • nope. honestly neither gender will dominate the world because the stupid reality of it all is that both genders will be fighting for dominance till the end of time.

  • yes, and wait for our periods to sync up muhahahaha! That's gonna be how we go super sayan on you, we'll combine powers and fuck you up.

    • Yass gurl 😂😂

  • Eh. You can't have a woman succeed at anything without someone crying up on how men are almost extinct and women will dominate forever and ever, and whether or not this is seen as a good thing depends heavily on who's doing the crying.

    No, I don't think we're headed for a future where women rule men like slaves. But I'm hoping that we may be heading for a world where people stop saying such ridiculous things and just let people be people on their own terms.

  • I hope not. I like to believe in a world where we are all equal.

  • I don't personally think this will happen.

  • Men never ruled the world either. The world is run by very few, and they just happen to be men most of the time - and they still are. That should never be confused with men as a whole running the world, as feminists like to make it seem

  • This is a load of feminazi propaganda im pro womens rights for equality not the evoking a domination of men. Equality is nit the same. Thus should of been banned from being published its hate speech.

  • No, I think the worse feminists become, the more rebellious men would get. It's not in the nature of a man to be submissive. I think most guys are just being patient on a subconsciously level until they realize they're done with the crap. Especially when women think they can enslave them.
    A woman, no matter how 'dominant' she claims to be, will be always submissive in front of a guy who is clearly stronger than her.

  • Nope, while they may have more influence in matters they use to be prohibited from taking part in, they will never “take over the world”. Most people are opposed to a matriarchy, except for a few people. Yes there is a lot of gynocentrism but it’s not enough for an entire sex to launch a coup.

    People incorrectly think that feminism is “growing” in numbers but poll results show that feminists are actually small in numbers (18%) thelala.com/.../

    In my opinion it’s more probable that AI (artificial intelligence) goes on the fritz or gains political positions in certain countries than one sex taking over.

  • We already are. Sex is our most powerful weapon. But I dont like that idea. We compliment each other. Nobody has to be dominant.

    • Yup women are prostitutes that sell sex to men

    • @Markfish if that is your whole understanding of the situation then it is not even worth it speaking to you.

    • Did you not allude to women using sex as a tool, a weapon?

    • Show All
  • yes. Mankind changes completly. men are stupid cavemen and olnly ruled with violence. niw violence is considered old fashioned. women are obvious superior to men mindwise, so they will become our leaders. I can proof my statement by pointing out, that generalizations are always correct.
    Here you can learn more

  • I think equality should exist

  • Yes. Men will only be treated as sperm donors

  • I guess someone took smoking weed to a new level!
    No one can dominant the world, men not women!
    Just go to sleep man

  • I don't know

  • No...

  • No, I think feminism will be exchanged by gender equality and that males and females would work more along, each one with their best quality, but history don´t go in a direct line, things can change and for some reason we can go back to the stone age.

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