Can A Butt Plug Prevent Accidental Anal Penetration?

I do not care to hear about it “can’t happen” or to hear from you macho, only think with your second head and think that you know it all guys that say “only a dumb ass would make that mistake” or “it wasn’t an accident.” Because it can happen by accident and not all dudes are dogs and intentionally do it and just cause it hasn’t happened with you doesn’t mean it can’t happen. The butt may be tight but it’s still a hole and if a penis is wet enough it can enter with enough force. Like when you’re go ham in certain positions it can happen; if he pulls too far out while trusting and when he is trusting back in it IS possible to miss the vagina and ram into the back door or else where. I’ve had it happen by accident once with my boyfriend we like it fast at times and one time he happen to pull too far out and was going to quick to realize it before it happened. From then on we just go slow now so it doesn’t happen again. We both enjoy sex fast/rough, but my butt does not. I'd really like to go back at it like that, but I’m afraid it might happen again and I really do not want to experience an accidental butt probe again. I was curious if a butt plug would help keep this from happening again? I’ve tried to google the question, but that was a waste of time. Just curious if anyone here would know if butt plugs can help prevent accidental anal penetration. Thanks ~
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I mean.. you are willing to put a butt plug in there. That.. isn't too far off from a dick. The length is mostly the difference.

    Why not get used to anal sex? Like, even if he did miss, you could predatory put lube inside your butt for the scenario he does miss and it won't hurt nearly as much if you actually did get used to it. Rather than be scared about it, conquer it. Thats what I would do anyways o-o (Also have had some experience with a painful moment with my ass.. would have rather been used it than none at all tbh lol)

    • Prepatory*

    • Well see I have had anal with one person before, but that was a long time ago so I’m not use to it anymore and that person was not as big as my boyfriend now. My boyfriend now size is intimidating and I’m just not ready to go there yet with him. There’s the girth of it too besides length. I could always get a smaller plug then his penis. And thank you for you for not being negative.

    • No problem, I don't know why people are that negative

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  • Yes, it can and does happen, and yes a butt plug will prevent it very effectively.

    • Thank you ~

    • Np. I will also add that I think when you get used to it you will enjoy the feeling too. You'll have more intense orgasms with the plug in. My wife does. And your vagina will feel even tighter to your boyfriend with the plug pressing against him through your anal/vaginal wall.

    • Thanks for MHO.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Excellent idea. This is also good to help prepare you for the inevitable anal sex which likely follows. Get a set of trainer plugs and size up as you get used to them - dont want to have him accidentally insert himself in beside the plug either! So have to keep it tight by sizing up.

    Also wearing them outside of sex will make you more comfortable with having them there in general so you are used to them during sex as well..

  • Yes a butt plug would stop anal sex. Getting a butt plug in can take some time though but it does make vaginal sex tighter.

    • Thank you for the info ~

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  • ... wants to prevent penetration by inserting an object big enough to stop penetration 🤔

    • Lol😄

    • I’m not scared of anal penetration when a butt plug can be smaller then my man’s penis. I don’t know everything when it comes to butt plugs, but I do know they come in different sizes and I’m pretty sure they can be inserted with out pain or sudden penetration. I think it would be different then an 8 by 6 all of a sudden and unexpectedly tearing me a new one. So yeah I want to know if it’s possible if one would work as a blocker. K? Now good bye.

    • So can a penis. If a guy is fucking you hard enough to not be in control of pulling out then “accidentally” slipping into the wrong hole with enough force to actually fully penetrate your anus - you’re doing sex wrong. Putting a plug in your arse isn’t going to prevent the (unlikely) above scenario, it’s just going to hurt a metric shit tonne more when the idiot forces the base of the plug through your anus with his careless thrusting.

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  • So I've had a lot of sex in weird posititions, in bondage, in the dark etc and have never accidentally penetrated someone's ass. he's either careless or lying and either way isn't worth keeping around in my opinion.

    Or you could be a real treasure and use one of those toothed anti rape insertables to discourage that behaviour :p A quick google images search for anti rape kit or something to that effect. Those things both terrify me and make me happy to know there's rapists walking around with those barbed contraptions stuck on their dicks.

    • Like I said just cause it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it can’t happen... and in my opinion I do not care if a total stranger thinks my boyfriend isn’t worth keeping around because of a one time accident.

  • I guess so…. But it def makes my orgasm better when it’s in.

  • Id imagine it would, yes.

    • Thank you ~

  • Yes it would work and you would also get a double penetration which will make you orgasm feel much more powerful

    • Thank you for your information ~

    • No problem. If you need any help with that I can make myself available.

  • It will stop his penis penetrating your butt hole, it won't stop the butt plug penetrating your butt hole though

    • Not scared of a butt plug, I honestly think a butt plug would hurt less then my partner accidentally ramming into it again. A butt plug can be eased in, it’s not a sudden penetration that wasn’t expected, and there are ones smaller then his penis. Thank you for the advice ~

  • i do think that a butt plug will prevent anal penetration "if" it was actually an "accident". i do think a large number of "accidental anal penetrations" aren't so "accidental" but well it can happen and with a butt plug i don't see how.

  • Wtf is that

  • This is actually a great idea - thank you!! Me and my girlfriend have this problem a lot - she does enjoy anal but when I am being really rough with her and accidentally slip into her ass it's very painful for her but I never thought of using a buttplug on her every time.. But it would definitely work!!

  • If you put a butt plug in I think your butthole will already be getting penetrated so I don't see the point if your saying you don't want anything in there.

    • Never said I didn't want anything to be in there. I just don’t want my boyfriend accidentally ripping me a new one again if we were to go at it like we did.

    • Have you guys just tried anal?

    • If you use a butt plug at the same time as he's in you, you can get a double penetration which I hear is supposed to make you feel really full and give you super intense orgasms (of course that theory could have just been made up by some guy who was trying to get his lady to use a butt plug 😁) you know how guys are i. e. "it won't hurt", "just breathe", "just relax" 😂

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  • Purposely penetrating your ass to prevent accidental anal penetration. Makes perfect sense

  • I read ad i can't believe what you say like how the hell he accedentely penetrate your anus. Like he can't even have control or see which hole he aims at. Noway

    • Um? So you do you just stare down there the entire time? And new question guys, just because you have control over your body and you got a rhythm going on do you think you can control the other persons movements? The answer is no. Unless you tie them down (and hopefully if you do tie them down you have permission from them). If you’re going at it at a pretty fast speed and the other person moves an inch or any certain space at the right time could actually be the wrong time. I’m sorry but I quite enjoy how he gives it to me and when I’m turned on I have a hard time staying still, I wiggle a lot. I’m not one of them girls who just lay there.

    • Well good for you honestly. wish you the best and enjoy it.

  • Yes. Problem though if the cap isn't wide enough he could just ram the plug up there (good luck getting that out) if the cap is too wide it will dig into your cheaks and make the whole experience uncomfortable.

    • Thank you for your information, if I got one I wouldn’t get one with a small handle for that reason. It probably wouldn’t happen again like I said we go slower now most the time, but I deal with anxiety so when the pace gets a little faster I start to worry and can’t focus on enjoying myself. I know I should trust in him better it’s not like he’s done it multiple times, but I can’t help myself I just can’t stop worrying most the time. I figured maybe a plug would easy my mind. lol I’ll either have to uncomfortable butt cheaks or just learn to stop worrying about it. Thank you again ~

    • You could also try crotchless underwear to cover your butt.

  • Yes and it can also make the girl squirt a lot

  • Yes cause your hole is filled with the plug

    • Thank you for the advice ~

  • I have had it happen accidentally a few times. i also have done it on purpose a few times. yes a butt plug could help I guess.

  • Yes it does happen ! Has happened to me many times & I’ve done anal many times with my hubby and it never hurts any less when it’s by accident!! I’ve seen many buttholes cause I’m a beautician (waxing & Colonics if you must know !) and let me tell you everyone’s vagina hole to booty hole ratio differs, ignore the ignorant they know nothing. I’m looking to get a buttplug for this same exact reason ! Let me know how it went for you :)

  • If a guy can shove his dick in there with a butt plug blocking the way, that's no mistake!

  • Might end up with two things in your butt honestly. Lol

  • As it happened one time it can happen in high speed , so you must take care since it can harm your anus , it's not just the matter of enjoying , you must use sth that keeps you away from this kind of harm

    • Thank you for your information ~

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