Guys, Why is it so bad to call a penis cute?

I understand, that a guys penis is one of the most important parts of him, let alone his life. Some people almost have a relation to their sex organ, which I get. I also get that for most guys the penis isn't just a friend who can make you feel good. It's also a tool, mainly used for sex ofc. If I understand correctly, since it's their tool, guys want it to be big, grand, long, intimidating and sexy. You want a girl to go "Wow" when you show it. And the last thing you want is for it to be short or in some way unattractive to girls. I totally get that. It makes perfect sense. Now, I have a boyfriend, he's a little longer than 6 inches and about as thick as the average penis. I think he's perfect. The first time I saw it I loved it. I asked if I could touch and maybe taste it and, as you've already prob guessed, things got pretty heated from there on. But my first reaction was, well I was a little confused because it was much lighter in color than the rest of him. But I figured that's because guys don't tend to sunbathe or be in the sun without pants... Not my brightest moment but we just laughed it off, and then I asked if I could touch and you all know where that led to. (That's the reason it's so light, right? Cause it's not exposed to as much light as the rest of the body?) Anyway, because a guys penis is his main tool, it's also his pride and joy, literally. And I guess it's like, if my boyfriend built a killer robot and I called it cute I'd offend him. That's a good comparison I think. Do correct me if it's not. But still, while I do think his penis is perfect in every way, sexy, and all that, it is a little cute. I think it looks especially cute when the tip is pink/red, like his penis is begging for release or something. I have never told him this because I don't want to hurt his feelings. But I don't want to lie to him either, I want to be honest. So I'm a bit torn right now... Besides, if I told him, I'd mean it as a good thing. Never a bad thing.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • In the English language, "cute" is defined as "delightfully pretty or dainty". I would think that the typical male would not view as a compliment. I saw you are from Sweden, but I don't know if you and your guy converse in English or Swedish. In English, you might call his penis sensational, extraordinary, impressive, tremendous, magnificent, wonderful or even awesome. In Swedish you might consider snygg, statlig, ansenlig or frikostig , but not "sot". My apologies if Google Translate didn't get a good translation for my Swedish words here. Anyway, I would think that when you first saw it and wanted to touch it and taste, that he probably got the idea that you really liked it without too many words being used. Enjoy!

    • We communite in English. But yeah I'm a Swede so that's why my English have some flaws 😅

  • usually the word "cute" is associated with small things, for example a small kitten is "cute" , or, a little baby is "cute". A man's penis is his pride, his badge of masculinity, and when you say "cute", it's almost as if you are demeaning his manhood, and every dude's nightmare is to have a woman that he trusts who takes shots at his pride. I know you don't mean it that way, but it's just the way you word it that becomes important, try sticking with "sexy" and stuff like that. the bottom line is, if he doesn't like it then why do it? sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both, just refrain from calling it "cute" from now on.

    • Okay thank you for a Proper explaination. And thanks for not calling me "mentally challenged" by the way. But lemme ask then, is there any synonyme to cute that you can call a penis? Here are a few synonyms; Endearing, adorable, lovable, sweet, lovely, appealing, engaging, delightful, dear, darling, winning, winsome, charming, enchanting; More

    • Just say you love his penis

    • @skateranon123 Fair enough. Thnx 👍👍

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What Guys Said

  • you can call mine cute any day lol.

  • I think it's probably because "cute" has a different meaning, for guys.

    When we call a girl "cute" it's typically because she's very feminine, petite, or small. A baby is "cute". A puppy is "cute". Those are both small.

    It can also mean someone to be protected, in the right circumstance. Not "weak" but as a term of affection. A girl is "cute" so we want to hold her, cuddle her, and protect her, if that makes any kind of sense?

    So, with that in mind, calling a penis "cute" automatically conjures up "small" or "needs protection", in a guy's mind, because that's how we refer to things. Those are not generally ways we want to hear our penis described, lol.

  • Well penises tend to be more vulnerable than men like to think, after all a penile fracture is a thing, but still many men like to be very arrogant about their penis power. Also if a girl think that a guy's penis is cute is still better than if she think that it''s ugly. :)

  • I'd probably get a boner right away if she'd call it cute. Would be happy that she ikes it and is not intimidated by it. Also I love it if she finds me cute. Best compliment ever, sounds like she is a caring person and would be there for me no matter what~

  • Cute often refers to something or someone being inferior to oneself. Cute can easily interpreted as "small" or "baby like". Imagine being a guard at Buckingham Palace or the Tomb of the Unknow solider and hearing a bystander say, "aww they're so cute!". In a zoo, sure; a penis, no. It makes it seem like you have more power over what you're calling cute.

  • Since it seems like so many girls think penises are gross and ugly your appreciation for your boyfriend's penis is refreshing to hear. So if I were your boyfriend I would just be glad you like it and if you wanted to say "cute" it would be no issue.

  • Start calling huge things cute like Godzilla, King Kong, a Jumbo jet, a skyscraper etc.
    That way he'll understand it in it's correct context if it ever slips out.

  • It's just an insecurity on his part. Nothing wrong with calling a penis a term meant for endearment. Hell, I'd take that as a compliment lol

  • The ''killer robot'' makes me wonder about your -emm- ''standard procedures'' :D To name something ''cute'' indicates (to me) something small and somewhat requiring help/support/protection. Don't do that to your man - you may end up with a constantly ''cute'' condition. I see from your text what you think; perhaps a better word can be found?

    • Great idéa. Any suggestions? 😃

    • Spock would say ''Fascinating'' - and raise an eyebrow.

  • Its not, only insecure guys worry about such things.

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