Does legalizing prostitution lower the rate of rape?

Legalizing prostitution would:

a) Regulate the business, thus filtering out sex workers with STDs and preventing other infected workers from entering.
b) Allow safe sex prostitution to dominate the market whilst discouraging unsafe sex practices by removing the threat of prosecution when consumers choose the former.
c) Create a safe avenue for sexually-frustrated men to channel their desires and gain relief and satisfaction from their urges and sexual needs.

So with these three incentives in mind, do you think that legalizing prostitution would serve as an effective control mechanism to lower or stabilize the rate of rape in society?
Legalizing prostitution DOES lower the rate of rape
Vote A
Legalizing prostitution DOES NOT lower the rate of rape
Vote B
Vote C
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It probably does, but that's not the primary reason that legalizing prostitution makes sense - more of a side benefit.

    Rape is more often about power and control and less about sex, so paying for sex isn't going to satisfy those guys who are looking for that power and control - but it would for the guys who are really just after sex.

    The reasons to legalize prostitution is because the prohibition on prostitution creates far, FAR more crime and problems than prostitution itself does - and it doesn't have any significant impact on reducing prostitution. It's virtually exactly the same story as alcohol prohibition: people not only didn't drink less - they probably drank MORE, but by taking away the production and distribution from legitimate businesses and effectively turning it over to criminals, it significantly grew those criminal organizations and supplied them with tons of money, which lead to lots of corruption, gang violence, and innocent people being hurt. It also funded other types of crimes because those criminals made so much money from supplying alcohol.

    Similarly, the prohibition on prostitution funds criminals, which allows them to commit other crimes, organize and grow, funds gang violence, harms innocent people, causes corruption of police, courts, and government, and makes the women involved criminals who are all but unable to use the legal system against anyone who would hurt them. And it doesn't reduce prostitution!

    During Prohibition, gangs were shooting each other (and innocent people in the area) constantly. Since Prohibition was repealed, there have been zero instances of Budweiser guys shooting at Coors guys.

    Regulated prostitution also increases the health of both the women and the johns, by requiring women use condoms and be tested often in order to be certified to work. Oh, it also generates tax revenue instead of burning it, and allows police to focus on other crimes instead of running prostitution stings.

    Looking at it objectively, Prohibition makes it worse in every way.

  • "When the Rhode Island legislature inadvertently decriminalized indoor prostitution in the state from 2003 to 2009, ... the state saw a large decrease in rapes and a large reduction in gonorrhea incidence for men and women"

    It goes on: "... there were 31 percent or 824 fewer reported rapes and a decrease of approximately 2000 cases of gonorrhea during the seven years indoor prostitution was decriminalized"

    I don't know if anyone went on to follow up and see if the rates rose again after 2009, or if it's applicable to anywhere else, but it certainly raises some questions!

    • That's interesting, thanks for sharing!

Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't think rape has much to do with sex itself, but more about having power over someone else. I can't confirm, nor deny, if this is actually true or not, since I'm not a rapist, but that's what I've been taught in my Psychology and Sociology courses.

    That being said, no, I don't really think legalizing prostitution would lower the rate of rape.

  • It's legal here in germany and I did a quick google search. Appereantly the rate rape is 9,37 per 100.000 population. While it's 26.95 per 100.000 in the US. Of course there are a lot of factors that play into this statistics but generally I do think it could lower them.

    • It's legal here in Australia too but I'm not sure about the numbers. Maybe I'll look it up as well

    • It’s legal in places where people aren’t going bananas lol The stated bah lol it’s a freak show there I wish I studied in Germany. Everyone here says Germany has amazing education

    • Wikipedia says it was 28.6 per 100 000 in 2010, which is surprisingly higher than that of the US statistic that you found

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  • Of course it won't. Rapists do not rape their victims because they are sexually frustrated (although that may be a reason for some rapists). Rapists rape their victims because they get a sick pleasure from the power they have over their victims, as well as the pain they cause them.

    Also, it is not always men who are rapists. Women can and have raped men but due to society's emphasis on masculinity and men being macho, a lot of male victims of rape do not report it as they feel ashamed.

  • From a psychology stand point, rape is not about the low accessibility of sex as a product, but it is an act of power and dominance.

    • How about from a statistical standpoint. Are there any real numbers or just people verbally jerking off?

    • You're welcome to look them up yourself. I'm not willing to put in the energy to prove it to someone who clearly has their mind made up

    • In other words, YOU HAVE ZERO CLUE and are just pulling words out of your ass, since you're a liar and a moron.

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  • Prositution does not correlate with rape, there is no data on this, they are completely unrelated.

  • I'm not sure if it would or wouldn't. I'm guessing no. But prostitution is bad because it robs men of money.

  • No. Rape happens outside of prostitution as well. So maybe prostitutes wouldn’t have to worry about that and that’s great. But is it going to minimize rape among those who have nothing to do with sex trade? Not really.

    • IF you ty to rape a prostitute, that could make you a one eyed bandit.

    • @jacquesvol ok

  • It’s not hard I get a paid escorts for sex. Millions do it. From cheating dads to millionaires for their mansion party with the boys

    The Wealthy do it all the time lol. But A rapist is nuts sometimes. They aren’t always normal

    It’s really more protection for the girls. And yes I do agree it’s a better environment for them if they can call the cops instead of their pimp. For sure

  • Frankly, I think rapists are sick in the head and no legalization of anything is ever gonna stop them.
    They get off by forcing themselves on women and men, if it’s consensual they probably wouldn’t like it.

    Legalizing prostitution would certainly lower the rate of sex trafficking though so I’m still for it.

    • Exactly, they're just weirdo freaks

    • @brittslitt They should all be castrated honestly

    • They really should and recieve a psych eval

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  • The rhode island data suggests their may indeed be a reduction.

    I'm aware this conflicts with some theories being taught about rape, but it suggests that perhaps those theories need to be amended (not necessarily tossed out).

    It's a popular claim that rape isn't about sex, it's about power. The problem with that perhaps is that it is trying to make a distinction between sex and power that may not exist. It's possible that yes, one reason men commit rape is that they feel powerless and one of the things they feel powerless about is their lack of sex. And that for some men, hiring a prostitute gives them the feeling of power they need.

    One can come up with other theories as well.

    But the evidence is the evidence, and we have to work with it.

  • Why would legalizing prostitution reduce rapes. Rape is illegal so the fact that prostitution would be legal doesn't really have any bearing on someone willing to commit a felony. Plus, from what I know, rape is about power and control over another person. It's not solely about getting your wick wet.

  • NO
    Rape is about dominating, more than about sexual release. For sexual release, your right hand or pocket pussy are enough. Cheaper, no risk.

  • prostitution one of oldest professions and people will still sell sex regardless of legal or not so why not make legal give them some security and protect them and at same time give a place for people to go for sexual needs. Lot cleaner and safer

  • How are the two related?

  • Other-- without data and statistics with which to measure this issue, there's no way to know. If you mean, IN AMERICA, then again since it's not legal there isn't a way to be sure.

    • What about what you theorize would be its effect (of making it legal)?

    • I have no perspective on that, really. I suppose it's possible that the rate of rape could be lowered but the two things may have no effect on each other at all.

    • Alright, thanks

  • No it doesn't Lower the rape rate. prostitutes cost and men that do rape are sick in the head. It doesn't stop pedophilia either

    • Data?

  • I think it would, I know someone, who my friends believe if he did not have access to prostitutes, he would most probably attack women, on a weekly basis, I think if men get a taste of serial violent crime like this its can create serial killers too. Ted Bundy was a Scorpio, ladies if you meet a man you think you like, find out what his star sign is, plus if he likes to screw dead people.

    • Your last sentence haha

    • Yeah, and sorry Ted Bundy was a Sagittarius. got mg dates wrong.

    • Too bad you can't edit opinions on G@G hey

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  • I don't think so because people who are rapists are sick the average guy can control himself when it comes to sex rapists are all about controlling another person and terrorizing them

  • No not at all.

  • IF, properly regulated and the people involved are willing and paid well then yes.

    I'd say it would help.

  • From what little research I've done, legalizing prostitution does reduce rates of rape and sexual assault (https://www. huffingtonpost. com/entry/legal-prostitution-zones-reduce-incidents-of-rape-and_us_58c83be1e4b01d0d473bce8a), however, this is if one ignores violence against prostitutes (https://www. independent. co. uk/voices/prostitution-decriminalisation-sexual-violence-stis-reduction-sex-work-exploitation-a8120631. html)

  • No, because some rapists use prostitutes and some don't.

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