Why is small penis shaming and male body shaming so easily accepted?

Small penis shaming needs to be stopped. It can been seen everywhere T. V. shows/movies/social media/advertisements and is easily treated as an element if fun
A) Small penis is nothing to be ashamed about.
B) A big penis isn't a need for "sex" it may be better at PIV but clearly not a requirement for sex
C) Even if it was... how is it acceptable to make a person feel bad about something which he is probably already worried about?

Here are the replies for some of the stupid standard comments which I've seen on other similar posts, so if you have similar opinions, please don't comment.

1) Men do it more than women do.
-> Well read the title again, i didn't ask who does it more, it exists and it needs to be stopped. by the way what made you defend women even if i didn't blame em for this hmm... ? ineteresting.

2) What's the problem in having a preference "lol".
-> Having a preference and body shaming are two different things... if you have a preference, just keep it to yourself and tell your partners politely about it, don't just bombard it in public forums in "mean" ways... and if you have a preference no problem.. if you shame others whose body don't qualify your so called "preferences", you are a SHALLOW PERSON.

3) Coz nobody started a movement against it.
-> here it is. i am going to raid every forum i see :)

4) Poor women of your country have to "deal" with small penises (that's a mean comment and so may be the reply, read only if you have think like that)
-> well, we have "sex" here in our country not just PIV, women of my country love men for who they are and not for their penis, also, cows and women are different species here in my country.

Mass media teaches everyone to feel bad about their small penis and others to shame it that's how people learn to bully others in schools and all. this needs to be stopped
I have some links to share to prove my point but in needs some experience level apparently.
I spent 3 months feeling suicidal, now lemme vent.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I was dating this very petite girl when I was a teenager. Her, my friends, and her ex [one of my friends, at the time, but soon not], were at the park. I'm sleeping in, and I get a call from one of my friends, "You'd better come up here."

    So I walk to the park and see this guy lifting my tiny girlfriend at the time literally off the ground, by her neck, choking her. Enraged, I sprinted towards him and tackled him, some violence ensued, some threats of infinite pain and suffering and some sharp objects were used as emphasis.

    We got into a screaming match after he got up, and--what shocked me the most--was all 5 of my friends walked off with him, while I was left to tend to my bruised girlfriend. Even worse, she justified his actions by saying that it was her fault for making a joke about his small dick. I'll never understand how they all accepted what he did as natural and fine.

    Moral of the story: It can be a big mistake to make fun of a guy's small dick, especially if you don't have a boyfriend willing to rescue you.

    That said, I think people should be able to talk about their preferences as much as they want. If someone's insecure, they're going to take offense to anything.

    Whoa. Why were you feeling suicidal?

    When I was a kid, it was certainly commonplace to mock the shit out of any guy who had a small dick. I get it. But at the same time, you have two choices.

    1: Try to change society to suit your needs.

    2: Adapt to that society.

    You can waste a lot of time blaming society for shit. I certainly did. What I learned along the way is that some things just "are", and even if they are wrong, it's your responsibility to find a way to endure, cope, or transcend them. The world ain't changing. Not any time soon. But you. You can change. All it requires is a shifting of perspective.

    • Well... Not everyone had a fetish for SPH and all, also it's not only me... Visit smalldickproblems subreddit some day and see what effect those jokes cause on a human brain... those jokes aren't jokes anymore they are offensive... and I would rather fight to bring change and die...

    • You are who you hang around. I prefer to be strong. So I visit strong subreddits. Well, we all have what drives us. Personally, I'm a lot more driven by living than dying.

  • 😂😂😂
    people are soo insecure.
    Others take good advantage of that.
    Either way both will sicken.😝

    No matter how good or bad body we have, it doesn't change a lot (as long as we let it).

    One teen almost said me im a single looser and when i askd him why he thinks like that, he was like ur background people have small penis, thats why most of you are virgin losers.😂😂😂

    I was speechless, coz no matter what i try to tell him, immatures won't understand.

    This shit has been arising rapidly.
    They are fools who think sex is everything and body attraction is important for getting laid.
    Life is much more than that. Much more is present to live.

    They get some kind of good feeling by insulting or achieveing self created dominance over others.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think it's because having muscles and a big dick is considered a very masculine thing. Back when we were all cave dwellers, men with big muscles survived long enough to re populate, meaning that more physically fit men were desired because they could protect the family better.

    A bigger or at least average size penis has a good chance of reproduction because the sperm don't have to swim as far as if you had a shorter penis. So the shorter the penis the less likely you will repopulate and will be seen as less masculine because you can't properly impregnate a women.

    Kind of how only the dominant male of a pack gets to make offspring, it's like men are saying "Ha ha you will never get to feel the pleasure of having sex with a women because you are inferior!". It can also be because some people falsely think that a short penis can't please a women, which in most cases is wrong.

    • I like the way you don't romanticize everything like most people do. I appreciate the realistic view. And not just because I'm physically fit with a big dick (probably). It's pretty rare for a female to openly talk about evolutionary psychology. Or even begin to dare to accept it. Is that fact? About penis length and chances of pregnancy?

    • where in the world did you get your data about small penis and reproduction? sounds like a bunch of b. s. to me...

    • Small penis can't impregnate women? Wtaf! XD I agree about masculine thing and all... but thats not true... also my concern is against male body shaming being considered as a joke so easily in TV shows and followed by that "ahahhaa sound" you know what I mean right? Nobody thinks about it.. that it is offending someone or making em feel like shit for something they can't control...

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  • I don’t get it either. Everyone has flaws that we can’t control and if those happen to be the center of attention for the media it’s automatically something people choose to be shammed or praised. Nobody wants to be a leader nowadays, they want to sit on a high pedestal and look down at the people who don’t fit into the group and laugh at them

    • Why do you consider a small dick a flaw?

    • I don’t. I meant it as something someone probably doesn’t like about themselves. I didn’t know what other word to describe in that context

    • even at face value, a flaw is a negative term. use a neutral term. a small dick is not a flaw

  • I do not agree with people shaming people’s bodies.
    But I will say that some men who have small penises and are insecure can be easily offended. Sometimes they think people (most women) are shaming them when in reality is that those people are simply rejecting. Key word SOMETIMES.

    • Rejecting what? Let’s ask why some men are over sensitive...

    • Rejecting the option to sleep with them.

    • How is “I don’t wanna have sex with you” penis shaming? How in the hell can anyone get that confused?

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3 12
  • Get your man (if he has a smaller penis...) to use a penis pump... these work really well and will give him both length and girth. I use one and I love it. Just make sure he uses a penis health creme like Man1 Man Oil to prevent soreness and other skin irritations... you can get both a pump and this creme online. Hope this helps.

  • anyone who shames someone because of their penis size, is a dick.

    • Holy shit! Somebody call Comedy Central!

    • @LtJackass nope. We are not jackass.😂

  • Anyone who's overweight is bound to catch a few fat jokes and I can't remember last time I heard someone call a girl out for being flat-chested.

    However jokes about small penises and even jailhouse male rape seem to be hilarious content on television. Trump says 'grab 'em by the pu**y' and women find what he said rude, horrifying, scary, belittling, demeaning and ignorant, then act like they've never heard other women (or themselves) run off at the mouth with stuff just as distasteful.

  • Nobody cares about men. We're disposable in the eyes of society. So shaming us is no big deal to them.

  • this should've been a myTake @Tiny_penis98

  • I think shaming is all about you.. If you are confident person than this all doesn't matter a lot

    • So dismiss it... ok.

    • Lol.. a small penis don't give pleasure

    • Ok... So... feminists movements and all those movements against body shaming were pointless? Wow! And penis shaming is already being neglected... and since you re indian... lemme tell ya something... "Agar aapke sath koi galat cheez Baar Baar ho Rahi hai to aap hi chutiye ho" - this is a line from a stand up comedy video... but it makes sense... Men have never opposed this level of body shaming that is everywhere in movies TV shows... even advertisement... and we should just ignore it?

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  • My penis looks like a black Cheeto

    • Like a Cheeto puff or the original Cheeto?

  • Yeah it's disgusting. Yet we are supposed to accept a 600+ woman lol as a model.

  • Culture. Western countries hate white men.

  • I agree 100%... this needs to stop immediately

  • I'm with you dude. This is my main pet peeve. Woman say the get it too but honestly how many times have you seen a movie or TV show where guys are talking shit about women? yet small penis shaming is in every other show. In fact any show that features mostly women like Sex and The City it's not a matter of IF there we be a small penis shaming scene it's just a matter of WHEN.

    I know I have become really sensitive over this because I've been dealing with it since I was 12. When the song Short Dick Man came out I was near suicidal. I know there are guys who aren't bothered by it (if you are average and above there's no real reason to) but we're not the same. We have different brains and different experiences.

  • For the same reason bullies can dish it out but can't take it.
    Women are ok, mocking, shaming, hating on men but when we do it to them it's a major problem.

  • Something someone with a small penis would ask

    • What’s it matter?

    • Yes i have a small penis... now what? go ahead... tell me... also if that's all you have to say... keep your mouth shut coz... i can smell the stink of your rotten brain

  • For the same reason women who are overweight or flat chested are shamed.

    • Well you clearly didn't read the post completely eh? I'm talking about A you're talking about B... simple as that...