What do you really think about prostitution?

What do you really think about prostitution?
Is it really a job, like being a doctor, engineer, singer, etc or you can’t compare other jobs with being a prostitute?

The difference with other professions is with prostitution your naked body is your main work tool end of story.

Pope Francis gave an opinion about prostitution in some book written by some priest. Pope Francis said this and I quote “Prostitution is a human being illness, it is a disgusting vice that subject women to become slaves. Any form of prostitution is slavery, a criminal act, a repulsive vice that confuses making love with venting your own low instincts torturing a woman with no defense. A person should never be for sale”.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It needs to be legalised, it needs to be regulated, and the people who undertake that kind of work need to be protected by health officials and law enforcement.

    You're never going to get rid of prostitution, it's literally impossible. We're talking about one of the oldest professions in the world here. And it's been scientifically shown that animals, when given currency and trained to exchange currency for food, will inevitably start prostituting themselves for more currency within that society (I first read about it in Freakonomics but it's been documented in several well known studies elsewhere).

    So, if it's not going away, we need to start embracing it as a thing. I'm not saying people should encourage it, nor am I saying that people should go to prostitutes in the first place. But if it's not going to be leaving any time soon then the focus needs to be on protecting the men and women (mostly women but there are still a small number of male prostitutes as well, in all fairness) who do this.

    The problem with prostitution isn't the act itself, it's the criminality associated with it, and the circumstances in which people find themselves where they feel they have no other recourse than to have sex for money. With it being unregulated due to the illegality of the job, or borderline legality (depending on country and jurisdiction), it's easier for sex traffickers and pimps to be able to operate. If it was a law that prostitution could only happen by license, in certain designated areas (like Amsterdam's red light district) and at certain times, then you immediately have a police and local authority presence that can monitor whether people are doing this because they want to, or because they're being forced to. Then, you look at the licensing idea, and you can see an opportunity for revenue to come in, paying a small amount for a license and paying taxes on the income earned just the same as any other self-employed person has to declare their earnings.

    You then have a steady stream of income to the local authority that can be spent on enforcing the health regulations (regular STI checks), supply of condoms, and police efforts to remove the drug part of the equation and deal with any remaining traffickers. The money can also go towards dealing with the underlying social issues that are connected to the poverty and destitution that drives many women to seek that lifestyle.

    As another note, I feel like people who specifically choose, of their own free will, to become escorts or prostitutes without any reasons like drug addiction or poverty, should be free to do as they wish. Still meeting those regulations and license rules that I suggested above, of course. But if a girl who really enjoys sex decides, on the side of her successful day job, to make some extra money on the side by sleeping with people for cash, and she's careful and maybe has one client a night and no more or something, then what's so wrong with that? She's doing something that's her own choice, using her own natural attributes in a positive and controlled way, and frankly I find that very business-savvy. But I would never condone someone being forced into that job because of having to fund their drug addiction or alcoholism, or because an abusive prick has decided to earn some money selling someone else's body without their consent.

    I know that all of this is very simplistic as well, and I'm not claiming to have all the answers. There's never any easy solution to anything and this is one of the more complex problems to tackle in modern society. But when I visited Amsterdam and I saw how the red light district operated and heard some of the stories about the pros and cons of the district system, it opened my eyes a lot.


  • Not all prostitution is the same. You can't look at trafficked sex slaves or women who are drug addicts who hook for drug money in the same light as you look at women who choose to sell sex rather than work an office job or as a waitress or something. The former have no choice (or only terrible choices), while the latter group has much more choice - they could walk away at any time.

    Looking at only the latter group, I don't see it much different than women who work as strippers or in porn - they're sex workers by choice and hopefully they have the emotional maturity to handle it. Otherwise, it's fine.

    Is it dangerous or potentially unhealthy? Yes, but so are a lot of jobs that men do. Ever thought about the quality of life of a miner, or an oil field worker, or a bridge builder (or painter)? How about chemists or those who work around radioactive materials? Many people essentially sacrifice their health in various ways to do a job, and they do so by choice (often, the choice was that they didn't want to do the work necessary to open up other options for themselves, such as applying themselves in school or taking training classes or management opportunities, or just not wanting a "normal office job").

    There are plenty of women in the US and around the world who quietly have a group of men who pay her for sex, often at her home, and no one is any the wiser. They get some regulars, see one or two a day, and there's no drama or excitement. Some are even married and do this with their husband's knowledge and consent, as they need the income and he'd rather she didn't have to work 40 hours a week, etc.

    Obviously the people who are trafficked as sex slaves don't want to be there, and that's a whole different situation.

    And the people who are drug addicts may have initially been part of the former group, who were given drugs as a means of control, but the majority were simply "partiers" who got into harder and harder drugs "for fun" until they got to meth or heroin and then they couldn't quit, and had to do whatever they could to get their next fix. That's sad, and I'm definitely for funding drug treatment, but ultimately they made their choices and are suffering the consequences of those choices.

Most Helpful Girls

  • According to Ezekiel 16 in the Bible, giving away casual sex for free, is even worse than prostitution:

    "30How ****weak-willed is your heart,**** declares the Lord GOD, while you do all these things, the acts of a shameless prostitute! 31But when you built your shrines at the head of every street and made your lofty shrines in every public square, *****you were not even like a prostitute, because you scorned payment."*****

    "with prostitution your naked body is your main work tool" well, ALL jobs involve the body as a main work tool.

    Being a prostitute is a job, but a sinful one. Ideally sex is within marriage

  • I'm all for well run massage parlours, I think they provide a good service and it's a real job. On the other hand I don't like street hookers, I think they give the profession a bad name

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3 31
  • I think if there is something I can do to help someone get out of that to something else that doesn't damage their soul, then lets help to do that. And women do get out of those roles. But if she's gone through the therapy, this is who she decides she wants to be and she freely chooses that, then so be it. A lot of decisions are made from the wrong reference point in life... so I question if anyone really wants to live ike this, but maybe some do.

    The problem I have is they do the work and others take the money. that is wrong.
    The vast majority of people don't want to sell themselves, I suspect that is true, I don't have it as a fact. they may have been conditioned to see themselves as cheap and worthless, or whatever. but that is not true and likely not their true potential as a human being. We are all slaves to what we've been conditioned for... and have to strive to reach out of that conditioning to what we can be.

    • a client pays the prostitute for her services, the client do not take their money.

  • It's definitely a job the oldest profession.
    I personally think Pope Francis is way off the mark. Women who take up the profession are far from ill especially those who do it as escorts. It is not slavery nor torture in fact it considered empowering in the fact they have the power to get men to pay considerable sums of money for them to perform physical acts for pleasure.

    • How is being a prostitute and seel your body being empower?

    • It's the control you have over a man it's by far easier for a woman to get sex if she wants it and will not gave to pay for it

    • Well Im a woman I believe me I dont have it easy to get sex from anyone anyone. I mean im not prostitute of course but guys repel me so I doubt women have it easier youst beacuse you are horny and you need us for sex to satisfy you

  • In some ways it would be better, but it would also be worse in some ways.

  • I understand a person considering it to be a deal breaker in a relationship, but in general, I don't care if a person wants to have sex for money, especially if they earn a lot, I mean an easier life, thank you very much, not that I'm saying I'd do it myself.

    I think safety should be taken into consideration though, like protection is a must and prostitutes deserve to be treated fairly and with respect from clients and consent is obviously a must.

  • It is in those countries its legal. And the fact that it is illegal is what make it really bad since there will never be improvements or protection or status in the field. You can compare it to the porn industry which is often legal but still shunned upon, there is status, ie famous porn stars exist, they can put in demands and they have safety system in place.

    So I think we should legalize it put in government health check and registration a bit like casino are run. I would however never want to see a society who force people to job in that field if a job opening exist. Ie unemployment office should accept that you refuse that line of work.

  • I don't think anything of them.

  • It is known that if not for prostitution a lot of the countries that celebrates first world status would be third world countries today but they won't want you to know that bit of truth about their history. In fact it funded some of the world's largest businesses in there start ups before they became conglomerates; and it's still the great grandfather to Captialism before it was a buzz word, the exchange of goods and or services we all are constantly conducting in some form so in essence we're all are prostitutes.

  • I think we should legalize prostitution so we can tax the hell out of these bitches and lower tax rates on other more important things that are ACTUAL necessities like income.

  • While I understand it’s not a very genuine act and not really a true job... the reality is, women charge men for their time even when dating...
    How much money does a guy have to spend in order to actually call her his gf? Not all girls but many... it would be at least 500$ and that’s on the low end...

  • Exactly. I’m sure there’s an emotional toll for them but what’s the difference between prostitution or porn except the paycheck? I’m sure if that choice of career is truly their own, then I’m sure in their minds it’s just a job

  • It's definitely a job. If you sell your ass for drugs. It's just an easy way for a junkie to get drugs. But if you choose to be a professional prostitute intraf of a cashier or a nurse. You probably like sex and money., And are good enough to make a career out of it. I'm sure every garbage man or telephone operator would rather be a professional baseball player. Who wouldn't like to get paid way too much to do something like..

  • It should be de-criminalized, licensed, regulated and taxed. Regulation would include STD checkups once a month and drug tests.

  • It's a living.

  • Lol @ the pope condemning prostitution when Christian society is the most perverted and oversexualized society on the planet 🤣 Last time I checked, Christian women by the millions go out dressed like a prostitute cause it's basically their culture to do so.

  • Number of dates, girlfriend s, ltrs, marriages dropping... prostitution hourly rates increasing. Simple economics. Prostitutes are the only women remaining that need men and they shall have plenty and more in the future.

  • If it's a choice I'm cool with it I see it as a job

  • I think its a lot better a way more CHEAPER than having a girlfriend.

    • You sir, are a gentleman.

    • @Texaskid1 its illegal because it would create more gentlemen

  • Why is it illegal to sell something you can give away for free?

    • dude pussy is never free

    • @CasaNorba lmao right?

    • Yeah, I agree, but it could be given away for free.

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  • Don't agree 100% with the Pope here. Sure, some women are exploited in prostitution, whether because of trafficking, or because of being a lost soul no one saved.

    But other women make a comfortable living out of essentially exploiting lonely, horny, left-over guys.

    You think if good-looking men were charging lonely girls with low self-esteem big bucks to sleep with them that wouldn't be portrayed as exploitation? Of course it would. "Those poor lonely girls being exploited by the patriarchy. Why won't anyone love them for free? Why oh why?"

  • I think it should be legalized and her income taxed like the rest of us. Too many men become violent due to being rejected by women consistently there is no escape valve in our society for the sexually repressed. If she consents she owns her body not the government. Funny how you can get paid for doing porn, what the actual fuck is this hypocrisy.

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