Give me your most terrifying nightmare ever?

Mine was long but to keep it short I was with my friends at a house party we all got too drunk. One of my female friends goes off to shower these... sex traffickers (?) come along grab her and drag her to our room with guns they told us to take our clothes off if you scream or run your friend dies and well pick off as many as we can. So being basically teenagers scared and terrified we complied they tossed us handcuffs to put on after that they gagged us and chloroformed us. We woke up in a basement chained to a wall. You also have to understand the fear element in this that I felt when your crying traumatised drugged and scared you don’t think straight.
From here it was a case of torture and mostly rape boys and girls got raped repeatedly to buyers. If any of us resisted fought back or hurt our “owners” 😷 we’d get punished corporally punished cane or whip always on your butt you know why? As we were told wouldn’t want to damage the merchandise pretty sick.
If we refused to be punished then they’d threaten to shoot one of us so it was screaming in pain or lose a friend. None of us could even escape because we were terrified if we did they would kill those who didn’t. There was the issue of one friend who went to shower getting cold and ill because of it but she was fine.
We were also told stuff like you’d freeze to death before you escaped, or cut our feet to shreds on the rocks while running.
I woke up when I was going to be punished and the first hit landed thank god.
There’s a fair bit more but that’s the general sense of it after this I got a bit paranoid with my rape safety, drinking and general safety so i’m kinda glad it happened.
Do you have any dreams to share could be chased by a killer or something like that.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Might not sound scary to someone else but this shit scared me for life. I had the same dream from my first memories probably birth but I don't know to about 13 years old. It started whit a person whit authority my parents or a teacher or something like that Forcing me to go somewhere that i didn't want to go to (these are the Only things that changed ever night) i would go to the place and it didn't matter where it whas suposed to be it whas always the same room (it whas my sisters room) it whas dark the Only light coming from the full moon shining in through the Windows, the room would always be empty exept for this tall skinny white figure it whas as white as milk and almost Only bone, it didn't have a face just skin over its head, no hair on the body it whas also naked. it whas on the floor in the moonlight it whas in the feetal position, it whas also crying i felt sad when i saw it. I would always go to it and try to help it, then it would drag me Into it and i would wake up, i somehow knew that i had died, i Think i know how it feels to die. I had this dream for fucking years. I tried to not fall asleep but i would always do it. Almost always night i would wake up screaming and crying. One day i had enough so i didn't sleep for 3-4 days, i finaly passed out from exhaustion, that night i had the dream but i managed to wake myself up before i died, i never had that dream again, i dont dream anymore. I Only dream about 2 Times a month, i Only have "nightmares" i say nightmares becuse they should be that but i never get scared or sad, i usualy get my entrails ripped out of my stomach and strangeld whit them while everybody i know gets killed then i get tortured usualy in sexual ways like showing stuff up my ass or mangling my penis, they are obviusly never sexy but yeah, i never die i should die but i never do even when they rip out my heart or cut of my head.

    • That can be quite terrifying Yeah it depends on the situation though. If you had repeated dreams I’m not sure the cause of it but usually always signifies something repeatedly happening in your life. If your being grabbed could mean you can’t escape something you hate.

    • Thanks I don't know i whas bullied a lot and whas is fights every day but i dont Think thats what that whas about

    • It's really about the fact your constantly drawn to something bad and then it grabs you and brings your demise.

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  • I don't know about most terrifying, but I've had a few that disturbed me. One was relatively recently. I don't know what exactly happened but their was a thing I have taken to calling a mandrake worm (if you know the myth of the mandrake then you'll understand why). Basically all I remember is something crawling into my abdomen near my side. I reached down and grabbed it, it was a worm but it was probably the size of a boa constrictor or something like that. Ripped it out of me and it had a human mouth at the end (full lips, straight human teeth), it had no eyes or anything else and then it "looked"(as best as one can do without eyes) and screamed. That was when I woke up. It was incredibly bizarre.

    Another one wasn't so scary but it startled the hell out of me was when I had just drifted off to sleep I just saw a disinbodied mouth (like when the Cheshire cat disappears and all that is left is his grin). It began whispering something to me. I strained to hear it when it just smiled and screamed as loud as I have ever heard something scream. I was so startled that I didn't jus wake up, I had woken up, rolled to my feet with my fists in the air ready to hit anything that moved. It was kind of screwed up.

    Otherwise most are not terrifying but many are disturbing or weird.

    • You have a lot of screaming themed nightmares. Supposed to say that you have disbelief in a negative situation.

    • Well recently yes, though this is a new development (past year) so I don't know if its always been like that. But yeah, its weird.

    • Could try to move away for a bit might change things.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Me and this guy that I’m interested in were at the beach surfing and we were resting on our boards since there were no waves and out of nowhere a great white shark attacks me and he tried to save but I ended up dying before the ambulance could get because I ended up losing a ton of blood.

    • Oh jesus I can imagine you swimming and out of nowhere a giant shark jump at yoy that would be terrifying indeed.

    • Which is why I’ll never surf

    • I'd do it near shallow waters but not deep in the sea lmao.

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  • I had kids with my ex he broke in killed my whole family ( parents) fucked me and slit my throat. Our kids were staying at my best friends and he brought them home and my kids and my best friend Fould everyone dead.

    • “/ O M G that really is a mother's worst nightmare.

    • Right I was freaking out when I woke up

    • I'd panic and check it wasn't real life.

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1 4
  • That is a very elaborate dream...

    My worst, the only details I can remember, I got swallowed up by a giant purple Big Bird. Like from Sesame Street? Anyway, normally dreams are supposed to end when you die, but I could feel myself being dissolved and broken apart inside its stomach. It was horrifying.

    • 🤮😷 That’s quit horrible actually my god.

  • I've had dreams that I killed someone and the cops were investigating it.

    • Why did you kill

    • @On_cloud_wine I never dreamed about that part. Self defense or hatred most likely.

    • That’s adorable

  • 6am start Monday morning

  • Having a conversation with the devil standing next to him watching my ex wife get punished in hell. It was pretty messed up..

  • I had gay sex

    • As in you were a guy? With a guy? Or girl on girl?

    • Female w female

    • Was it that bad lmao?

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