Do Incels Have a Point?

Hate them if you want to, but incels are a creation of our society. The hard part to admit is that we all had a part in making them, especially women. As much as we don't like it incels are a reflection of the ills of our society. Take Elliot Rodgers for example. All he wanted was to get laid and experience love from a moderately attractive female, and women wouldn't even give him that despite him being rich. If just one moderately attractive girl would have just sit on the grenade and fucked Elliot a few times, then it could have diffused the bomb and saved a lot of lives. But girls wouldn't do that because "he was weird and socially awkward!" Such a superficial excuse. Meanwhile, women line up to fuck, suck, and show love to guys with good social skills even if they are excons. Women still select for men based on the ancient past. They want a strong, confidant man that asserts himself! That usually translates to some high school dropout that is going to beat them repeatedly and they keep coming back. Meanwhile the highly successful but socially inept scientists and engineers of our society live lonely depressing lives starved of sex and love. Not saying I side with the incels, but it seems likethey have a point.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • No, I don't think that they have a point. I think that they buy into an excuse and lose themselves in bitterness and the blame game instead of putting their energy into something constructive. I further think that they develop a sense of entitlement, as if anyone is particularly entitled to anything in this life other than that which the law grants you.

    They can't get laid? Boo fucking hoo. Some people can't walk, or see, or hear, or they die of cancer before they reach a double figure age. The pity party that incels throw for themselves is pure self indulgence and it does them no favour to pander to it. If they can't overcome hurdles to find love then they have no valid claim to finding love. They can just sit at the back of the queue.

  • I know someone in their early 30s who is a nice guy (hehe, trigger words), intelligent, well educated with a Masters degree in STEM, good job and worth about $300k already with no debt. He has dated but has never had a long term relationship and I doubt he will. He likes playing computer games and relaxing with friends. He lives well below his means and saves. He will be a millionaire in ten years I suspect. And a multimillionaire in 20 years. Women just haven’t clicked with him I guess. It’s really a loss for them, and him I guess. Such a loss as a good family could have come of this.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Incels are unnatractive to women.
    That's fine, it's truth.
    Men don't chase women that they don't want either.
    The issue is the women who want to add to tge problem by degrading the incels on top of rejecting them.
    People's attitudes need to change.
    Unattractive people deserve respect as well.

  • They don't have a point. No one owes you sex and you don't need sex to be a decent person. Tons of people are celibate and still sane, normal people. Don't discredit them by trying to explain incels' origins.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 8
  • I only see pipe dreams among minority groups complaining and hoping that the world will change to adapt to their desires whether they're incels or segregationist feminists or any other teeny group making lots of noise. I am not really concerned with points, to be honest. Everyone has a point. Whatever. It's about what can actually practically happen in the world, and adapting to the rest as I see it.

    • Even communists have point. KKK have a point. Neo-Nazis have a point. Antinatalists have a point. Intactivists have a point. BLM have a point.

    • Christians have point, Muslims have a point, Atheists have a point, men have point, women have a point, physically disabled people have a point, transgender athletes have a point, athletes that aren't have a point, everyone got a point! The world is very pointy! So I try to simplify by dividing into gay and not gay, and by "gay" here I don't mean homosexual: -- Feminists: gay -- Antinatalists: gay -- BLM: gay -- Incels: Super duper gay -- Nazis: Gay -- KKK: Gay -- Intactivists: Slightly Gay Mostly people are gay in my opinion.

    • -- MGTOW: Gay -- MRA: Gay -- Serial Killers: Gay -- Progressives: Gay -- Pedophiles: Gay -- Rapists: Gay You know.

    • Show All
  • Inceps hate themselves far more than anyone else in society.

  • No one likes Incels. They are plain annoying

  • You are correct in saying that incels are a product of today's society. They are symptoms of a much larger problem.

  • Evolution must have its losers. The fact none of you can scrape togeather enough money to rent a hooker proves womens point. Your worthless

  • The problem is that they decide to hate women and treat them badly.

  • Agreed. I feel for the incels. It's is bad enough to be an incel but women openly mock them. This mocking by females is what drives incels to kill.

  • I think it's a complex issue as incels are only the part of a much bigger problem. At this point, incels are not even the tip of the iceberg.

  • The problem is social programs. Now if you get knocked up by that drop out the government will take care of you in the kid. Before everyone pretty much cut you off for being a stupid idiot getting knocked up by a failure. The father is too stupid you take care of you or the kid probly runs away and the government does nothing other then Realize it's the woman's own fault.

    But because a massive Social programs they realized they could just be with whoever and if they are a failure the government would take care of them.

    Like so many problems we have nowadays it routes from people wanting the government to be your mommy and daddy and be able to be 5 year olds are entire life's

  • Who cares? lol