How can I be more brave?

I often like get pushed off my opinions easily or i just wimp out a little bit in general like how can I be more brave and like hold my ground a bit more
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Most Helpful Guys

  • i would say these things can help you become more brave

    fight back when someone says or does something you don't like keep fighting dont stay down

    stick with it if you make a decision and the other person does not like it don't change stick to your decision that you made

    don't hide your opinions if you think something can be done better or handle better share your opinion on the matter

    if some gives you attitude give them a attitude back treat them how they treat you if they treat you right you treat them right if they treat you bad treat them bad

    like for an example!! i work at a gas station yesterday there was only me and another guy like there. many times pumping gas we get busy a lot 6 more cars at a time.

    a guy give me a attitude told me to get to him faster i told him he could go to another gas station.

    • @lemia do you agree?

    • Yes I do

    • To quote Captain America "I could do this all day!"

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  • Put yourself in a more uncomfortable situation but gradually. It has nothing to do with being brave or not but you're just a deep thinker that's all. You just interpret things in different ways that hurts you that's why and chances are you tend to avoid situations instead of facing them. Like for example if someone pushes your opinions away, i know what you're thinking. Youd be like "I knew it. I suck" pitying yourself. But instead you can say it like "ok that's not my problem" just like that. Think of it as you gave your opinion because they ask for it whether they like it or not and you don't have to argue. But if its something that is needed to be corrected, give them facts not opinions.

Most Helpful Girls

  • You have to consider the possibility that your ideas and beliefs are totally nonsense. Sticking to them doesn't make you strong, it makes you look like an idiot. Logically if you are right then others must be wrong. It's better to simply prove a point than just hold fast to it. Look at people who believe that the earth is flat or vaccines are about government mind control or creationists, These people stick firmly to their delusions in the mistaken belief that you should never back down no matter what and stick to your guns. Doesn't prove them right, it proves their idiots.

    • Yea but I mea. This even on small useless things like I don't know the best board game just leave it and agree with people

    • @purplepoppy dav1ss sticking to her ideas and beliefs we not make her look an idiot

    • @justcurious2019 u nessesary but ok

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  • By stop being a pansies and blaming yourself for your ex abusive behaviour. There was nothing you could of done to stop it by you not fighting back you lessened the damage. He could of cut them completely and removed them.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 15
  • Be more honest. You'd be surprised how many are afraid to do that much. Then stick with you decisions. Just those two actions, those commitments, can make a noticable change in how wimpy you are. And people WILL take notice.

  • By exploring and pushing your limits

  • It's tough because it's good to be right but it's good to hold your stance too... I'd say pick one arugement and fight your point till the very end kind of like debate class. The goal is don't back down and keep coming up with reasons to support your stance. Just do it once and then see how future arguements go, it might help...

  • Left your top and flash your boobs @Dav1ss nah Just joking with confidence and self beleive.

  • Just think I can do this and repeat it till you start to believe

  • By not looking back and taking more risks.

  • Stop being a wimp!😂 Seriously though, stop avoiding confrontation and your beliefs being challenged, it's not a big deal and you could get some good out of debates.

  • I just take a deep beath and dive in

  • This might be random but is it cool if I DM you? I have a few questions about some of your posts, but I'm not sure how well recieved they'll be.

  • Practice. Bravery is like a muscle. You have to keep working at it to build it up. You are on the right track. Keep standing up for yourself

  • Stand by how you feel don't let anyone push you into thinking that your idea isn't good enough. Maybe that's why you don't like telling me your ideas, do you think i won't appreciate them? I like knowing your anyone else's opinion or position. I am pretty set in my ways and i know that but i need to know other people's position because they open my mind to new ideas. Just like @purplepoppy. I am blown away by what she says or puts online. If you need me to back you up i am here for you. 😋

  • If its politics watch out you can have people want to fight with you like if you say Obama of Bush bbn or choose even our president now sucks you get people nad but other topics that are not the types that set people off then just stats your view in a smart opion like weather just say ths weathers been odd dont say climate change at least 75 percent of American people believe its true but others don't

  • You need to remember why you want to say what you have to say and how it is important, what will happen if you don't. If you want to say something, it's to make something clear so that it does not affect some aspects of your life. Keep in mind that, as long as you don't say something, all of these things that could be affected are potentially compromised and that there is a chance that it could damage these things or even make them disappear of your life. Remember why you're doing this and why it's so important to do it.

  • Just stand your ground your opinions and feelings are valid

  • Just have confidence your right and they are wrong