Do you think we should legalize brothel's / whorehouses?

ok hear me out on this first.

there are a good deal of prostitutes in the world male / female and other. many are infected with STD's or have other issues. so by legalizing brothel's and getting many prostitutes off the streets. brothel's could then require them to get tested regularly to keep all the clients safe.

plus then the brothel's could get security people to keep the prostitutes safer from harm.

also these business's could then be taxed like any other. so more tax income
Vote A
Vote B
maybe to a limited extend
Vote C
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
pornography is more or less paid sex. since many porn stars do it for large amounts of money.
+1 y
the main difference between a strip club and a brothel is just the sex really. so why is it ok to pay to watch someone remove there clothes. but not be able to have sex with them. provided all parties involved consent to it and are of legal age.
+1 y
+1 y
ideally they would be a good place for people with sex addiction to work. since there most likely to get some regularly. once they make a name for themselves. also if they have to get tested regularly. then it is safer for the customers also. plus with security guards they can control the abusive jerks.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I'm against strip clubs and brothels. It supports the very act of hedonism and degeneracy.

    The strippers themselves aren't degenerates as a lot of them do it to support their child as a single parent or other various reasons.

    Although, it is degenerative for the people paying to see it or running the business.

  • Hello? Brothels are already legal. Even independent prostitution is.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Though I have issues with people selling their bodies as commodities, it is WORK and should be regulated like any other business. The only illegal prostitution should be unregulated prostitution where sexworkers are not licensed and regularly tested and don't practice safe sex.

    • I wrote this backward. If all prostitution is legal it's a benefit to society in safety and taxes. Women or men do not even HAVE to be in brothels. As long as they have licenses posted at their homes, their place of business, that are current to the year, AND their STD certificates posted that are up to date, you'll know they are legal practitioners. Prostitutes could also be "come to you" practitioners. However, it is up to JOHNS to ASK for driver's license size prostitution licenses and STD certificates. Such licensing agencies will make money, specialty doctors who might only service prostitute clients will make money. Clients will feel safer and will not suffer stimatization. Prostitutes will be able to demand and get better salaries, benefits, can create sexworker unions and collectively bargain. Vice squads will only be performing licensing and STD checks. They will no longer be busting johns and prostitutes for simply existing. There's no downside to this. The only people complaining will be rigidly religious groups. But even THEY have to admit making it legal makes it safer.

    • And now that I think of it, low cost STD testing, licensing and monitoring will make it SO safe for sexworkers AND johns, there will be very few who would want to do it illegally. Frees up court and police systems to do more important jobs.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • No why? Because of religion and it's immoral.

    • Of course a religious nut wants to control other people sex lives

    • @NorthwestRider I don't care.. I don't care if you like it or not.. Or do I care if you don't want to be my friend which there is no way I'd ever want to be yours. You mad?

  • No..

    • Why you want the government to control people sexual lives? Are you against freedom?

    • You are boring.. That's why.. You are a boring pos stoner aren't you.

    • That's why...

    • Show All
  • Yes, because no consensual sex between adults should be illegal

  • Yes, it should be legal. If it's legal to give it away, why not make it legal to sell it?