Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive? & Do you think she has the body of a 12 year old?

Question inspired by an ongoing debate on my other poll, in which someone said that Ariana has a child's body & that the men attracted to her are pedophiles. Opinions? Please read all options before voting. This question is for people 18+ because it's obviously normal for underage people to be attracted by people who look underage. (I'm not saying Ariana looks underage; that's what I'm asking you guys)
Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive? & Do you think she has the body of a 12 year old?
Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive? & Do you think she has the body of a 12 year old?
Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive? & Do you think she has the body of a 12 year old?
Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive? & Do you think she has the body of a 12 year old?
Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive? & Do you think she has the body of a 12 year old?
I'm under 18 /OR/ I am not attracted to females
Vote A
I don't experience sexual attraction to girls 14 and younger. Ariana's body resembles that of a child or young teen. I'm not attracted to her.
Vote B
I don't experience sexual attraction to girls 14 and younger. Ariana's body does NOT resemble that of a child or young teen, but I'm still not attracted to her.
Vote C
I don't experience sexual attraction to girls 14 and younger. Ariana's body does NOT resemble that of a child or young teen. I'm attracted to her.
Vote D
I experience sexual attraction to girls 14 and younger. Ariana's body resembles that of a child or young teen. I'm not attracted to her.
Vote E
I experience sexual attraction to girls 14 and younger. Ariana's body resembles that of a child or young teen. I'm attracted to her.
Vote F
I experience sexual attraction to girls 14 and younger. Ariana's body does NOT resemble that of a child or young teen.
Vote G
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
+1 y
In the poll I'm referring to sexual attraction to her physical appearance only, not involving her personality
1 7

Most Helpful Guys

  • What a fantastic poll. Bait for "To Catch A Predator".

    Every one of those options is unacceptable.

    So let's take this in pieces.

    And for the record, I think Grande is easily one of the best singers of the modern era - she just has terrible music written for her. Those who don't believe me need to watch her on Jimmy Fallon: "Wheel of Musical Impressions with Ariana Grande". I don't think any female currently signing except Mya (who's pseudo active) and Alicia Keys can touch Grande.

    "Do you think Ariana Grande has the body of a 12 year old"?

    12? No. 18 and a bit anorexic? Sure. Possibly 16-18? Sure, I'll give you that. Her marketing team is brilliant - they pick outfits designed to keep her looking youthful. Aguilera went through it (before the Dirrrty album), Mya went through it (see the video with Sisqo), it's just the business.

    "Do you find Ariana Grande's body attractive?"

    None of the pictures you shared do anything for me. But you take her "Problem" Album cover, yes I find that attractive.

    "Do you find Ariana Grande sexually attractive?"

    Given her propensity to lick donuts, bash Americans and act like an idiot, no.

    • @chadpattan "Every one of those options is unacceptable." In full agreement. That is what I've been saying. It's basically "Do you still beat your wife."

    • Ohh. You made the donut reference... I almost didn't read till the end but glad I did

  • I'm attracted to petite women, and Ariana is physically attractive. However, having heard her speak and interact with people, I'm not attracted to her personality.
    Anyway, I'm not attracted to 14 year olds, or 12 year olds. Yes, Ariana is very petite, but that's simply a body type. There are plenty of 14-year-olds that look more like J-Lo or even Anna Nicole Smith, but just because they have more "womanly" bodies by some people's definition, I'm not attracted to them either.

    I don't know why people can't wrap their minds around the fact that being petite doesn't mean you are a teen - any one who has visited East Asia would find millions of fully grown women who are petite in build. But whatever - I don't really care what people think.

    • I 100% agree. Fully grown women can be petite, especially if that's in their genes, as is the case for me.

    • @MrOracle "I'm attracted to petite women, and Ariana is physically attractive. However, having heard her speakand interact with people, I'm not attracted to her personality." In full agreement. I don't care what some 300lb feminist thinks about it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • she markets herself as very sexual you can call her soft porn by her appearances even though she's a singer... which has? I mean porn is porn and singers should be singers not mixing the two... although there's appeal but remember your doing music and music shouldn't be porn... sorry I don't know how much she makes I have heard of her and seen her on news shows here and there... I think she has a nice body some of the pictures she's really young and I don't agree with the soft porn although girls like to show off... but the question is does she look 12? and no she's doesn't... not 18 either.

  • I find it so rude when people say those things about grown-ass adult women. It doesn't matter that she looks adolescent or whatever, she is an adult and there are adult men out there who are attracted to her that aren't pedophiles.

    Even a 12 year old can look very womanly if their height increases rapidly and she has curves, does it make it okay for adult men to gawk her or desire her for sex? Absolutely not.

    Like @mroracle said, it's simply another body type that an adult woman can have.

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What Girls & Guys Said

32 119
  • I find her to be pretty and petite in stature, (hence why many are quick to see and say she looks like a child), it's simply her body type - she doesn't look like a child in my opinion. I'm not sexually attracted to her as I don't have that sort of physical attraction towards women.

    My mum was a rather petite woman, and so am I. My curves didn't come naturally, I had to put my body through a strick workout regime.

  • She does have a childish look but I think that's more her face than anything. She isn't my type but even if she was that would mean I have pedo tendencies at all some adults just look like that

  • Her and I have the same height, weight, and measurements so I hope not! 😂

    • @MzAsh "Her and I have the same height, weight, and measurements so I hope not!" Are you sexy like she is?

  • She is petite but her body sculpture is definitely not that of a 12 year old.

  • Pedophilia is sexual attraction to children who have not yet entered puberty.

    She has breasts and curves. These don't develop until puberty. Even if she resembled a young teenager, pedophile is an incorrect term for the attraction.

    It would be one of the following:

    Hebephilia - Strong attraction to early adolescents, typically 11 to 14.

    Ephebophilia - Strong sexual attraction to late adolescents, typically 15 to 19. Note: this age can include people who have reached the age of consent.

  • She is just not my type. But I have nothing against her. She is objectively very attractive. But just not my scene

  • There are always those who are openly jealous of the success of others.

  • she's tiny and she accents her small size with her clothing and props and camera angles. she's definitely a fully mature adult she's just purposefully playing into the "I look like a teenager" idea because she knows people like it. Ariana is attractive, not my type, but is definitely attractive.

    It's the same way they get 20-25 year olds to play highschool teenagers in movies and tv and then people wonder why young actual 14 year old girls have body issues, it's because they are comparing themselves to an actor in their 20s pretending to be a teenager.

    I think ariana is attractive (shes too thin for my taste) but still very attractive. I think she has a fully mature body, she just purposefully accents her features to make her look way younger than she really is.

  • not at all and she does look young, <14.
    I've always gone for more mature...

  • She has tits and looks like she has pubes. Outside of laws of the land... I'd be DTF. Where I currently live that magic number of 18 somehow makes you a twisted fuck that would fuck babies and animals too. I'm not that guy though and see that just as disgusting.

    Pedophiles are out there as well as people that don't respect the law of the land. Outside of that I don't care if this chick is 15... I want to smash. I wouldn't though if it didn't look like it could make babies or wasn't legal.

    But there's plenty of people that would call me a pedo if she is a day under 18...

    With all that said though, here is the other side of that logic. If I'm financially responsible for everything this person does on their own until they're 18, then fuck no, I don't care if she does want to fuck a 19 y. o. sailor... my money my choice right? That's the difference and what I could reason for a reason. If the law's viewed her responsible for her actions at 16 I gurantee the law would reflect an age of consent to match it.

    Imperfect systems, but it is what we got... I'll respect that because when in Rome, just do what the Roman's do. Obey laws of the land.

    Also... what if she was 80 and looks 14? Same disgust legitimate? I doubt that. I don't care if other people wouldn't fuck a midget because they think it's weird... If it's a legal midget, it's my choice.

  • I find her body way more attractive than the fatties like Tess Holliday that are being pushed by fat accepting society as ‘thicc.’

    • @HomoFuge That's probably the group that is going after Ariana Grande.

  • She is petite but that doesn’t make her look any less womanly, I like her look I think she’s gorgeous!

  • Wow controversial - There was a stage where I thought Ariana was very young looking for her age but over last couple of years has matured a bit.
    Your question anyone who owns up to finding a 14 year old or younger is on well dodgy ground maybe there are cases of girls maybe 16/17/18 who not knowing the age might seem older but once you find out age a self imposed censorship kicks in.
    Honestly the older you get the more pronounced it gets like I definitely wouldn't comment on anyone under 18 in a sexual way. Even in the age range 18 to 25 I would be uncomfortable saying hot, sexy etc sticking to cute and pretty

    • With Ariana I would say "Yeah she is pretty" never anything like "I would really love to sleep with her" (the polite version)

  • Sorry, I wanted to vote really but then I found myself horny thinking and 14 year old girls So The Questions Seemed Confusing to Vote.
    I just wanted out of that Voting Room and Question because I felt trapped and No Matter What my answer. Was making me feel CREEPY !!
    Anyways, No.
    Unless there is a reason to think sexy, or young or not or just a person that Cuter than me... I might where or fit that dress.. but She Can Be Beautiful... and to get attractive sexy thoughts and Teen or younger... she would have to be a Slutty Bad Little Girl and shouldn't be around me if that young acting Sooo bad , really... so but if let's say then.

    If she was all Lap dancing on me, just doing the moves well, all sexy like and eyes gaze into, her lips all glistening Sexy like wet from her Licks, whispering and fondling, wet lips, playing with herself onto getting me to Play Back , with and Her Hips hinting Hot, Sweaty Sexy, leaning lustfully lowering herself, head down on my from my chest, reaching under her bent over skirt, Raising her head slowly, looking at her fingers as they Dripping so wet, She Grins and Giggles as she licks off her wet juices then shared fingers with me , over and over until she's So Damn Got Us Horny its my turn as she turns around lays down on my body crossing inner legs on my face reaching in between mine and Caresses Firmly having her way as her Ass in my face, She starts Comfily Sucking Pulling Out, inserts it in her mouth/juicy lips, Stirring up my Hardening Harder Hardened !!! for me licking me like a lollypop RAPPER...

    Oh sorry, I was Dreamimg!!! My bad.

    Hell No. she's ALRIGHT :/

  • She looks like she's 12 and I'm not into that

  • She does look like she was made in some lab but I don't see a child when I see her. And she's definitely attractive

  • She looks like a trashy high school girl that tries to make herself look older than she really is to pick up older men.

    And then once actually factoring in personality... I don't think I'd be able to stand being in the same room as her.

  • Yes, I definitely think she is very childlike in appearance.
    That kind of woman doesn't appeal to me at all, same as Barbara Palvin and Selena Gomez.
    They all look off-puttingly infantile in their appearance, to me personally.

    But it is worth noting that I don't think this because of her body in particular, her body, albeit not my preference, would be fine on some other person.
    It's her overall style and facial features that makes her too girly for me.

    • But I think the association with pedophilia is silly. I always found that overtly masculine men are the ones who like petite and super girly women the most, it sounds perfectly normal to me, biologically speaking.

  • It's an odd sort of thing. If you were to tell me that she was 20, sure how would I know? If you were to say that she is 18, also fine.

    But what if you were to tell me that she is 17 but the legal age is reduced to 17? Or what if you told me she was 14 but the legal age was reduced to 14? Or what if you were to tell me Selena Gomez is 14 but the legal age was reduced to 14?

    At my age, dancing around the legal limit is pretty much out of the question unless the girl is either damaged or enlightened (which is sadly often two sides of the same coin). So, while I can't argue she is attractive for her age, I simply don't know anything about her demeanor. After a point, age is more a question of wisdom than physical appearance. And I can not be attracted to someone who lacks the focus of an adult.

  • I don’t know why but I don’t think that she look 12. She look maybe in her late teens and early twenties, but not like a kid. People just see bad things everywhere. I mean... her face look definitly mature compared to a kid. I know many girls who used to wear make up in their pre-teen years but she didn’t made me think about them when I see her.

    Plus saying that a man is a pedo for being attracted to petite women is BS, some men find them just cute and easy to protect and carry.

    I mean.. if a woman who’s 4’9 tall, but she wear make up, mature perfume and cloths that are definitly not childish, then I hardly think that a man will imagine a kid while fucking her, unless he’s mentally ill pedo.

    Plus the other reason why many guys like short girls is because not all men are over 6ft so a woman who’s 5’8 will make them look short if they’re at the same height compared to a shorter girl

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