Guys, when you sit crossing your legs, where do your nuts go?

So I see a lot of men (on talk shows mostly and interviews) sitting cross-legged. When guys sit with their legs crossed (crossed one over the other like the picture) where are his nuts?
Where are they?
Where are they?
I am just curious! Do they sit nicely on your lap? Or do your nuts go down below near your butt? Or do they get squeezed between your legs- which I would think would hurt!
Ouch, lol! Poor old guy, why dont we see his happen more often?
Ouch, lol! Poor old guy, why don't we see his happen more often?
I understand when guys sit "man spreading" I totally don't blame them. (I would probably do it too if I had those dangling) I am just wondering where they go, or does it depend on the guy/ age.
1 0

Most Helpful Guys

  • All I can say is that they hang down low enough where they don't get squeezed when I sit like that. The exception might be when I'm cold. As you probably know when a guy is cold the testicles draw up closer to the body. So I think I've had to shift position somewhat in that situation. But I can understand why a girl would be curious about it.

    • !! Stay warm :0

    • I try to! 🏀⚽️

  • I have truck nuts.

    Guys, when you sit crossing your legs, where do your nuts go?

    There's no way I could cross my legs lady-fashion like Brosnan. I cross shin over knee. Big nuts are the cause of "man spreading".

Most Helpful Girl

  • I have always wondered about that lol good question

    • It is a mystery, lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 14
  • You just have to do the "sit-fling" or put your undies on carefully. That way they are just under the cheeks and we sit on them a little.

  • I think they go on the top of the bottom leg

  • Best question I've seen so far

    • Isn't it though!

  • They kind of move to one being on top of the other one and hang down wherever they have room. Sometimes they move a bit towards the butt where there is a little bit more room.

    What I do sometimes before I sit down is to adjust my underwear and pants so that they have more room before I sit down. But I frequently have to uncross my legs and adjust the balls so I can recross my legs.

    But it depends. Some days they are just kind of sensitive and I have a hard time crossing my legs, which is when I'll need to sit with my legs apart for a little bit of time.

    But it's a good question and really made me think about it.

  • Where ever gravity and space combined offer a solution.
    How can I say... things just fall in their place.

    • Sounds like gambling!-

    • :D that may be. But with the highest chances for the jackpot

  • Usually they go down between. Realise that they dangle about where your outer labia are so sitting back is probably the best solution.

  • I've always wondered this too... I think they fall below the legs but sometimes the scrotum gets squeezed between legs. It does not hurt but is uncomfortable.

    • Sounds uncomfortable!

    • sometimes i have to move my sack out of the way and recross my legs. not very often. it's a bigger problem for my balls to stick to my dick or to my legs and i have to grab it to separate them.

    • 😬😬 sounds complicated. Don’t get them tangled 😃😘

  • Under the thighs. 😂

  • Under I guess

  • They just don't have nuts... I personally can't sit cross legged comfortably.

  • Lmao I literally had to do it to think about it. But I can’t comfortably really do that. I need space or it hurts.

    • I dont blame you :p It doesn't seem like that would be comfortable

  • I don't cross.

  • I don't sit lik dat but for real tho I hav sat on my nuts before n hard not to show what happen? Sit down n bam sat on ur nut n u jump up kinda or move ah leg hella fast but n e 1 dat don't 1! If u c dat n u like wtf it juss mean he sat on his nuts

  • They either hang out down below or swing out in front. No room between legs for these things. xD

  • They just get pushed up

    • It’s uncomfortable to do so I never sit like that anyway

    • Pushed up where? into your body?

    • No, they just go up and create a bulge but it’s uncomfortable after a while

  • guys who cross legs don't have nuts