So what's the whole deal with circumcision? What's the debate about?

From what I read, circumcision has a lot of benefits. And also that uncircumcised men are bullied.

So what's wrong with people getting circumcised and why are there people demanding that circumcision be made illegal?
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  • There are a lot of benefits to it. And even though I'm not in the medical field I have family & friends who are, & they all have said that guys who are circumcised are 99% less likely to ever develop penile cancer.

    But a big reason people are against it is because most people who practice circumcision are religious. And with the amount of people who are so anti religious, more specifically anti Semitic, they want to make the practice illegal, at least on children, claiming that it has no health benefit.

    But as someone who was circumcised early I have no memory, & a baby within the first 8 days of being born will have the highest amount of vitamin K in their system than any other period of life & will heal in about a day. Later in life it takes longer to heal & is apparently very painful.

    But uncircumcised people should not be made fun of either.

    • Thanks for the MHO.

  • In the modern world where we have good hygiene there is not really much benefit. People know to wash under the foreskin etc.

    It can lead to sexual problems later in life because there is nothing to protect the tip of the penis so it loses a lot of sensitivity.

    Penile cancer is extremly rare, so there is no point stressing about that.

    On the whole its just not neccesary these days and I question the sanity of anyone who likes the idea of mutilating a young boys penis.

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  • Routine infant circumcision amputated healthy erogenous tissue from a minor who cannot possibly consent. It's morally and ethically wrong.

  • I am
    I like it
    Wouldn't change.
    Its just the Victim-Outrage Machine at work.

    • I was once told that I have the perfect penis for oral sex. That pretty much dispels any contrary arguments.

  • I got circumcised as an adult and find it superior in all ways. However... I also understand people who feel like it should be up to the individual. Somewhat against that is the fact that infant circumcision is far cheaper, heals much faster with less discomfort and generally heals very well.

  • just de aspect of the dick, i'm uncircumcised but i never have a problem, i just need to wash more offthen then circumcised guys

  • The debate usually focuses on that it is arguably not necessary and that the kid of course cannot give consent to it.

    • That makes sense ig

    • Of course there is also the argument that kids never consent to anything as they simply can’t. Pretty much no country bans it though, which I’m fine with

    • Yeah I mean it's gonna cause a major rift if they do

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  • Yeah, because lopping off a part of someone's genitals as a baby using NO ANAESTHESIA without someone's consent is just fine and dandy!

  • I've always heard that the mother was the one usually opposed to getting it done. The dad usually has no problem with it, but mom wins because she yells making everyone in the room uncomfortable.

  • Yeah, females should be circumcised more.

  • Stupidity. The truth is that it's not really a big deal if you get circumcised or not---at least, not to a Christian. People need to stop looking for imaginary reasons to divide themselves.

  • It is all a cultural bias. "He is different to us, lets pick on him".

  • They can be botched they can also become to tight on one side depending on how much was cut off and which direction your penis bends. I am one of those men. It has resulted in hyper sensitivity in some sexual scenarios , it sucks

  • It's n ok t with the consent of the person and some people claim it is unnecessarily dangerous. Fact is circumcised men are less likely to get infections there.

  • A common misconception is that circumcision is necessary for every male. Rarely is there a medical reason to do this, and all their supposed logic for it falls short. My personal opinion, don't mutilate genitalia. Especially if the Rabbi who wants to do it old school has yellow cavity filled teeth and herpes.

  • the only ones I have heard of having a problem with it is uncircumcised men. why I have no idea

  • Circumcision should be encouraged not be made illegal

  • It's good for nothing and unnessessary

  • I have no clue

  • heyy do you want my whatsapp number?

  • Mutilating a child's genitals is wrong. PERIOD!
    Regardless of what excuses you hear. If it "benefits" the male then he can choose to do it when he is old enough to make that decision.

    People want it illegal because an infant doesn't get to choose and therefore it isn't right for an adult (who it doesn't affect) to mutilate a child because of their stupid beliefs.

    *Just like female circumcision.
    Imagine if you parents had your genitals mutilated when you were an infant... would you be ok with it?

  • Supposedly it’s less sensitive without the foreskin but I don’t have any problem and it’s less maintenance to deal with being circumcised