What are your thoughts on prostitution?

I've always had a love hate relationship with the concept of prostitution. On one hand I support legalizing it since A it would keep women from using it as a bargaining chip and B would give people a legal option if all they want is a quick fuck.

My issue is that in my opinion it feels hollow because you know at the end of the day she wants what's in your pocket and doesn't really care about you. You know she just wants your money as I imagine a prostitute who is in it because she just enjoys sex and sees any financial gain as a side benefit would be very rare.

Then again I would say this to anyone about any job, if you decide to go into a profession it should be because you enjoy it not because of how well it would pay.
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Most Helpful Girl

  • I support legalizing and regulating it, but only for adult prostitutes and clients. Prostitution exists whether it’s legal or not, so the least we can do is keep track of sex workers and their clients to monitor the spread of STDs, keep prostitutes on birth control, protect them from dangerous clients, and separate trafficked or exploited prostitutes from ones who genuinely want to be in that line of work. Your reasons for supporting legalization are iffy though. With A, I assume that by “it” you mean sex, but some women can still use that as a bargaining chip. If a man wants to sleep with a particular woman and not just anyone it won’t matter if he has the option of going to a prostitute. With B, casual sex is currently an option and has been for a while, so it’s not like prostitution is the only way to get sex without commitment or emotions getting in the way. The “hollowness” you describe shouldn’t be an obstacle either. Paying for a prostitute is a business exchange- she doesn’t care about you and you don’t care about her. She just wants money and you just want sex. That’s the way it’s supposed to be with sex work.

    • Then what would the difference between having sex for money and sex for affection for someone like that? If all I'm paying for is what basically amounts to a glorified sex toy then the entire experience is meaningless. I'm not asking for her to treat me as she would a lover, I'm asking that she enjoys her profession. You may not have an issue seeing a man as little more than a walking dildo, but I want some thing more then that.

    • Exactly what you said- they have sex with some men to make a living and they have sex with other men out of genuine affection. Or just attraction. Most men don’t expect an emotional connection with a prostitute though. They only want sex and they’re content to treat her like a glorified sex toy, so you’re unique in that regard. Prostitution is a job, and like many jobs it’s not necessarily what the worker is passionate about and it doesn’t have to be. Performing the services requested to the customer’s satisfaction is enough. Most women who do sex work probably didn’t grow up dreaming of selling their bodies, but they’re typically uneducated and poor, and don’t have many other options to support themselves. It would be nice if prostitutes and everyone else enjoyed their jobs but that’s just not realistic. If you want someone who really cares about you and enjoys having sex with you, get a real girlfriend.

    • Sad but not inaccurate

Most Helpful Guys

  • I am a beleave in free choice. What we do and how we make our money is no one's business but our own... We don't judge gay, lesbian or bi relations.

    We don't judge a person that works in a office or one that fixes my plumbing..

    My simple answer is we don't have a right to judge someone's choices. You have the right to do with your body as you want, unless it is harmful to other.

    Be kind and stay out of people's business... You want to be a priest be one, you want to be a escort.. Then be one.. Just mind your own business's and be happy.

    • I dont think you quite understand how much of a difference it makes to be in a profession out of passion and being in one because the pay is goof

    • *good

  • Its cool specially after you have dranked a few beersehile watching them enjoying their beauty and then having sex with one. And after drink a few more beers and 😌.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 4
  • I think it should be legal and regulated

    • I mean that's not quite what I was asking but ok

    • Defenitly agreed!

  • Should be legal and regulated everywhere

  • Definitely far from the safest occupation

  • Its legal in Nevada I’m going there to lose my virginity to a prostitute after covid19 is over

  • Keep it illegal.