What's the worst experience you've ever made with a teacher/boss?

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  • 2 years ago, I took an engineering course, EE 227BT Convex Optimization, it was considered a scary course for phd engineering students because of the math involved. As the only math major in the class I was cocky and flexed my functional analysis skill as much as I could (imagine the overeager kid who keeps answering every question the professor asks the class). Of course what I didn't realize was that I was not the best student in the class, there were some quiet guys who knew more and probably watched me and was amused.

    Then the mid term test happened: I arrived 15 minutes late, and couldn't solve one question. There were some guys in the class who could solve it, in fact they even finished the test before the time was up. This bothered the hell out of me, later I found out that the question was a text book problem, the book was Convex Optimization by Stephen Boyd, it was a classic in this field. It was literally the textbook for the course, the professor even explicitly said in the first lecture that exam questions will come from this book. Because he knew if someone is good enough to solve all problems in this book, they deserve a good grade. Anyway I ignored Boyd's book completely because it was not really a math book, it doesn't have the typical presentation (definitions, theorems, proofs) of math books. It was more a book about math concepts, examples and algorithms written for engineers.

    So I was upset that I didn't do well, what did I do? I looked at the solution the professor gave the class for the problem I couldn't solve, and I tried to find a flaw in it. And I found a flaw. At that time I thought if I could show the professor that his solution is wrong I could invalidate this question and I could get full marks, lol. On the day the professor returned the papers, I went to him and told him there was something I didn't understand about his solution. He said okay let's see, so we went to the board. I started writing what I thought should be the correct solution. It turned into a 30 minutes showdown about mathematical arguments, both me and the professor took turn writing on the board. The entire class was watching, his PhD students were literally in the front row. Eventually he conceded, his solution was half a solution and not the full solution, personally to me his solution was more like 20% of the solution, he actually ignored the hard part of the problem, and so was everyone else who "solved" it.

    Then came the decisive moment, the grades. The professor decided that it would be fair to take away 10 marks from everyone in the class and I get full marks for that question. So we looked at my paper.

    This was when I realized I fucked up, he actually already gave me full marks for this question (I thought I didn't solve it, but he considered what I hastily scribbled down a solution). It turned out my grade was deducted elsewhere, in another problem lol. So essentially I had gained zero mark from this negotiation and took away 10 marks out of everyone else's grade. The thing is, the problem we discussed was to prove a mathematical result about convex sets, you know the end result is correct, you need to prove it. To engineers and physicists, 20% of a proof is still a proof, they rely more on intuition and experimentation than axiomatic methods and abstractions. And they care more about applying the result, turning it into computer programs to solve practical problems. To those engineering students what I did was just an extra 30 minutes of sitting in class for some pointless technical details that have no value to them and also lost them 10 marks lol

    I could tell that professor did not like me either. I never took another class from EECS again :))

    • That’s just awful but it’s 100% your fault. Don‘t be so cocky lol

    • Damn. 😮 talk about getting it off of your chest.

  • Last year, During an internship in an IT company the manager who supervised us hated me a lot and I still don't know why. It was a one year internship program but I left it after six months because I couldn't stand the hatred. He was never impressed by the work I did and gave the credit to some people who literally just watched movies while we worked. Eventually the weekly meetings which we had became pointless and he only called those who had managed to woo him in some other ways to his cabin and they discussed about the work secretly which pissed everyone else off. Finally after half a year I was in no mood to further work in that filthy place and I along with a group of fellow interns who were equally pissed decided to leave the program and I can't describe how happy I was when I finally got to be free. Since then I've been sleping happily everyday.

    • Thanks!

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  • I'd say, boss, he once asked me to watch the front of the store but I was quickly cleaning my station and he was getting upset that I was missing a few customers from catching them just as they walked in. It was so quiet that the start of my shift that i just wanted done so when he yelled at me again, I said to give me a break. I almost lost my job...

  • Telling him that the junior managers knew more about his restaurant than he did, got me fired.

  • Getting fired unfairly.

  • I had 2 teacher that i hate them in my school (2005/2006)
    One beat us when we have a kids fight or insult somebody, he never make justice, beat both of us and call as well the parents (NOT SAY HE BEAT US) and tell them that we have disciplinity issues, parents get mads and punish us home as well.
    And a nother one who insult us because we didn't know math and if i can read very good a text he stat to say "how did you get in this clas when you don't even know how to read a proposition", I stay at the blackbord for more then 5 min for a problem and he send me back because it take to much and it supose to be end in like 3 min, just because it take to much to analizate and whrite "come on, you are relly dump if this problem take you so much, go back you stupid kid". And he say more insult about you. In a time he call the fat guy from the back to come and solve a problem, because the suport from the blackbord start to squeak he tell him "it take you 10 min to get up and come here (5-6m distance) and even when the grownd strat to crush under you're feet when you sleep don't realizate you have 120kg" (he didn't have that much) he whas just a little more round then the other today i will say if i whas in his place whit 1.93m i will say he have 110 ( i don't know how tall he whas and how much kg)

  • Not much at all

  • When my boss tried to scold me for staying over my scheduled time for helping a customer and no one else was available.

  • My experiences aren't that vivid. Two things come to mind:
    One way where he tried forcing me to pray, which I declined. I was silent and waited for them to be done, but that was not enough for him. Despicable. I went to the principal, after which he hasn't asked again.

    The second was where a teacher thought I tempered with a test for a better grade. I hadn't and I didn't care enough about his lessons to do so. Following the lessons, I saw him carry my test form to another teacher for advise. He was probably told to "let it go", because he hadn't mentioned it again.
    My final tests in his subject were half the score. I got an 8.6/10, together with the average of 4.4/10 I had before, I got a 7. He was visibly upset that I could actually pass his subject when I put effort into it and during the graduation ceremony he gave everyone a handshake except for me. I just smirked at him on my way out.

  • Seen her naked once lol 🙈