My sister is late on her period?

So I wake up this morning to a message from my baby sister and thought she was going to say happy birthday. Well, no. I open it and she's like "I'm 7 days late on my period". she's only 17 years old. I'm trying not to flip out because I became pregnant at 17 as well but I was also a whole hell of a lot more mature than she is due to different upbringing. In your opinion, do you think there is a possibility that she could be pregnant? I know everyone has different symptoms so I will lay hers down so people can compare.
*she's been super moody- crying over the littlest things and saying she has no idea why she is so upset all the time. She just nonstop cries. It has been going on for 2 weeks.
*She has cramping that she described as period cramps but not as intense. She said that the cramping generally starts right after she's had sex and it's only in her lower abdomen area.
*Her breasts are sore to touch and she says it is super uncomfortable to wear a bra because the sides of her breasts are super tender.
*Her areolas have developed a slight purple tint to them (not sure if this is relevant).
*She has been sick to her stomach and nauseated for about a week but has not thrown up.
*She has inconsistent spotting when she wipes herself and it is a pinkish/orange color with a strong odor.

So far these are the only 'symptoms' she has. I did inform her that stress is a playing factor is late or missed periods but she made a point to tell me that not once, since she started having periods, have her periods been late. Her cycle is very regular. I begged my mom months ago to get my sister on BC to prevent this (her boyfriend lives with her) and she said she was going to but obviously didn't. And where my sister doesn't have a job and neither does her boyfriend, who is her age, they can't buy condoms. Ladies, do any of these symptoms match what you experienced in your pregnancies? Some of them match mine but not all. Thanks in advance!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Aunt Destiny Elizabeth,
    Aunty, Aundt D, just giving you options.

    I was 17 as well when I had 2 children. I'll say this if she is pregnant she will need your support however things go. Her boyfriend is about to become a man sort of... if she is keeping the baby nothing else matters at this point. He needs a job and so does she. They will both need to grow up and learn how to be parents. I wish you guys all the luck whatever decision may be made. She will need big sis. But it could be her body going through a biological change that's causing this.

    • I wouldn't mind being an auntie lol I guess I am just terrified for her due to her maturity levels. When I had my son at 17 I was already out of the house and living on my own, with a full time job. Kids these days dont have the same upbringing unfortunately so she is pretty anxiety ridden and it consumes her life. I'm hoping that she is not pregnant due to this but if she is, I will be there for her no matter what decision she makes.

    • I was scared to death and obviously had no clue how to be a dad. But like you my maturity level was there and I did what was necessary and you are right about the kids today. I'm scared for the future children because the kids today are out there and don't care. Smh. She is lucky to have a sister like you. Whatever happens it's God's will and you all will get through it. Good luck.💯

  • Sounds similar to symptoms my ex had when she was pregnant. Go buy some tests and get her to drink some water

Most Helpful Girls

  • When I became pregnant I had no cramps (while I always had that before my period), had no nausea, had no weird discharge and had no mood swings. My PMS symptoms were nowhere to be found. My breasts also didn’t change or look different (that happened way into the pregnancy).
    What I did have was an elevated heart rate, dizziness and feeling out of breath. Also were the dogs of my parents behaving differently towards me.

    But every pregnancy is different. When she’s in doubt, she should take a test as that’s most accurate.

    • I practically begged her to get a test but she says she doesn't have the funding. So if she doesn't start within the next few days I am going to make the hour and a half trip out to her and get her a test myself.

    • Pregnancy tests can be extremely cheap though. Also, remember that stress can also put her period on a stop. So stressing about this might actually delay her period.

    • That's what I told her as well! I told her not to think about it because her body will start developing signs of pregnancy if she convinces herself that she is even when she isn't.

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  • It’s possible, but I’m not sure. I’d suggest getting 3 pregnancy tests and seeing the majority. If it is, suggest an abortion. At her age and maturity levels, I don’t think it’ll be good for her or the kids quality of life to carry to term.

    • Definitely. I know she would be 100% oppose to an abortion due to the way we were raised. My mother has always been completely against abortions and would disown my sister if she were to get one. I was raised that way as well but over the years my outlook on abortions has completely changed. My sister on the other hand... well she is afraid of my mom disowning her.

    • Don’t let her mom find out then. Maybe planned parenthood can keep it discreet due to her circumstances. It’s either that, or she goes through all of that pain and debt just to give it away, or she ends up ruining her life and maybe the kids life too.

    • Yup! I bad attempted to get her on BC back a year ago when she became sexually active and made her an appointment through Planned Parenthood because they are a fantastic resource for low income families and would literally give her free birth control. My mom caught wind of it and said "there's no way in hell my kid is going to a murder clinic". My mom is so stuck in her own head that she truly believes Planned Parenthood does nothing but abortions. And my sister is completely transparent and wouldn't be able to lie if questioned.

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  • I made my cousin (21 yo) read your post just because she legit just had a baby and I wanted to give you the BEST sensible advises. She's saying your bb sister's totally pregnant and has been pregnant for weeks or a month! The breast tenderness was a big symptom, but all the things you listed happened to my cousin as well. The fact that her body is changing so drastically because of possible stress is not quite correct. Her period is missing for a reason and she's saying your bb sister should see a gynaecologist fast - asap- cos she is possibly 3 weeks or 1 month pregnant without knowing and she needs to make sure she's healthy. But first TAKE THE TEST. I'm nervous for her, update us, good luck!!

  • Gross... too much info, and 100% conjecture -- Who knows? She could very easily be or not.
    Why don't you just ask her directly? Or say "I hope you're not too stupid enough to be pregnant, and acting so aloof and careless about it -- why don't ya get a test?"

  • Go buy the test for her, then both go to someplace to take the test. Like a rest room at a McDonald's. I know, sounds weird, but at least if she discloses it to her mother, it's on her own terms.

  • It is completly possible some crazy shit

    • She can't afford the test but is willing to risk have a child 😑

    • To be fair, my sister isn't the brightest. I tried getting her on birth control a year ago upon finding out she was sexually active and my mom wouldn't allow it because she wanted to bring her to a doctor versus the clinic I had suggested and then never brought her.

    • I get that it's not even me trying to be mean but there must be some level of maybe we are not being smart between her and the partner

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  • Yeah. With those symptoms. There is a good chance of it. Tell her take a test. Have her see a doctor.

  • has she taken a test

    • Not yet. I told her to take one but she is saying that she doesn't have the money to do so. So I might have to go and buy her one myself.

    • can she get a free one form her GP

    • She can if my mom makes an appointment for her because my mom is her legal guardian. But from the sounds of it, my mom won't.

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  • Who is the father?

    Condoms have a 6% failure rate, so... probably pregnant, or she has stds.

  • when last time she had sex with any guy?

    • Last night. She has a live in boyfriend. Apparently my mom thought it would be a good idea to move this boy in back in February.