How soon should a man inform his date he has a small penis?

How soon should a man inform his date he has a small penis?
Like a really really small penis
When he first introduces himself
Vote A
During the first date
Vote B
During the second date
Vote C
When the pants come off and ready for sex
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
“Hello my name is Tom nice to meet you! By the way I have a really really small penis” 😬
+1 y
How would you even segway into this
2 0

Superb Opinion

  • Does it really matter the size?
    if a man has a small penis and is really concerned about it what he needs to do is:

    BRUSH UP on his Romantic Skills, his appearance, personality, romance skills and sexual skills.

    he needs to brush up on his shivery his charm and his romancing. He might find it boring but it would actually be helpful if he reads some romance novels. (Free ones on kindle) You need to be a good old fashion Gentleman.
    He better have a flower to offer the girl on the first date and he better make sure he knows how to open the car door for lady open building doors and he better be pulling out the seats when she goes to sit down and dont forget to push it in too.

    Personality is very important. You need to be patient respectful well mannered. Not quick to anger not the jealous type definitely not the controlling type value her opinion respect her and others do not go degrading people in front of her especially the waitress/waiter major red flag and turn off is if he treats service people poorly or if he treats his female family members poorly. You must be loyal no cheating and no checking out girls (at least not while she's around)

    The looks
    He better dress well make sure he smells good make sure his hair looks good keep himself well groomed all. Facial hair needs to be neat and if he doesn't have facial then he needs to be well shaved. Oh and major He needs to Make sure he has good smelling breath and do not forget deodorant. hygiene is key

    Sexual skills...
    First it needs to be all about her in the beginning! He needs to play the gentleman card and not go looking for it too quickly aa that will backfire on him. He needs to go on her pace. When she's good and ready and even then the first sexual favors done need to be done to her first. Before he can do any of that he mist first..

    He needs to be reading every single sexual educational book or magazine article out there.
    He needs to buy himself one of those masturbating realistic looking vaginas and practice going down on it.
    Practice kissing even if it's on his own hand

    Hell now this is very important... I suggest he practices edging and often. Penis length put aside the worst any man can be is a poor lover and worst still a lover whos a quick comer.

    He needs to make sure he can find a g-spot and make a woman climax like she's never done in her life. if a short penis bothers him that much I suggest he opens himself up to the idea of a penis extender toy or a strap on.

    His sexual goal should be making sure HE IS A SEX ORGAM MAKING GOD and that she is always satisfied twice over or more before having his own release.

    I seriously suggest he do all of the above and he makes sure she comes several times before he ever ask for a sexual favor from her.

    He better have her knowing he is a romantic good nature climax making KING way before he has her reaching into his pants.

    A small penis is not the deal-breaker!
    You need to know how to play the game. if you're lacking down below you need to make sure that everything else about you is to the nines or more. You need to bring your A++ game.

    Just because a man has a big dick doesn't mean he knows how to use it nor does it mean he knows how to treat her.

    I don't know too many women that will stay with a big dick man if he treats her like shit and he's got no romance or sexing skills.


    I left him when he broke my heart and became an ass.

    • @larry69 Find me

    • I like this yes always please the woman first. Very good take.

    • @larry69 Your turn

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Most Helpful Girl

  • As the anonymous user said, either mention it when the topic comes up or when you get to that part in the relationship.

    Don’t think that waiting until you’re actually about to have sex to show it because that’ll put her off more than anything and you’ll end up with blue balls.

    • What if he doesn't let her look at it and insists on doing doggy for the first sex night think she will know?

    • I highly doubt that would ever happen, but if it does, yeah she would 😂

    • You really think her vagina can measure a penis with precision? 😂

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Probably before the date even happens.
    Like I mean it might be easier to search online for women that have a small penis fetish or specifically state that they don't like big ones and go from there.
    I imagine they exist if a guy were to look hard enough and it could spare you this anxiety and insecurity.
    Just an alternative strategy.
    Good luck.

  • When sex is on the table but before you get to bed.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 9
  • Send them to GaG, particularly to check out the constant asking about dick size. Then she will not be too concerned when yours is not bigger than normal. Are you dating to get to know someone or to have sex with them? You would do better with a prostitute. They don't care if you are small. And they probably cost less than the dinner you buy on your date.

    • I meam, like if women wouldn't care about sex, women care much more about sex and penis size

  • Given most normal people start having sex early in the relationship it's not that big a problem. If she's not happy to continue the relationship after that first intimate encounter they can do end things. The worse thing to do is to delay sex for weeks or even months.

  • Not at all, if ever... just work what ya got... unless we're talking micro-penis which I think is 1" and under. In that case, perhaps mention it right before he comes out of his little turtle house.

  • Don't see why it's something that has to be discussed. Unless she ask, she will notice when you get naked around her.

  • When it’s appropriate

    • And when is that.

    • Depends. Definitely not the first couple dates.

    • Lol. Is that really what you want a guy you are dating to say to you. Hey by the way I have a small dick.

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  • D. If she dumps him, at least he has a chance to get laid first, lol.

    • “Hello my name is Tom nice to meet you! By the way I have a really really small penis” Any guy that does that, will NEVER get laid.

  • After the first few dates and before the pants come off.

  • You should get to know someone first

  • you are factually just being insecure for positively no reason. sex is not just a dick and a cunt. and your ability to please a woman has little to do with size or pornstars would not manually stimulate them selves with well endowed models. I have never heard anything but eagerness for more of my nearly non existent tool.

  • 2 weeks before sex

    • Awfully specific

  • Before sex. Bring dildos just in case

  • Hummm not sure that would go over to well.

  • Hmm, when the conversation gets sexual.

  • Don't say anything, let her find out by herself

  • Just flop it out on the table during the first date haha, I'm kidding

    Serious note it is difficult. Saying it right before sex will kill the mood. Saying it way before sex might put her off as she'll think you're assuming it will lead to sex.

    Maybe just go on a few dates, wait til she brings up sex, then if you feel you can trust her just make out that you're a little insecure about the size of it. If she's a good person she won't judge or mock regardless.

    • Response to your update: Just be like "I really look up to certain musicians, people even call me little' Dicky, why you ask? Well its because of my penis..."