Can men and women be platonic friends without no sexual desire?

I really don’t think that can happen. Not with out any thoughts of having sex with them or being with them. Even if you don’t act upon it the thoughts are still there.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • We need to start by limiting this to men who are straight (or, perhaps, bi), and who are single, and not asexual. It wouldn't apply to men who are already in a happy, healthy relationship, though women will often "count" these men as examples of it being possible to be "just friends."

    For single men, it's not absolutely impossible, but it's VERY rare. I mean, people DO win the lotto grand prize, but you and your entire neighborhood could play the lotto twice a week for 50 years and never win a prize more than 10,000, so it's not exactly a good bet.

    You also have to understand a fundamental truth about men: we are biologically programmed to want to fuck every attractive woman we see - we may not DO it, or even TRY to do it, but if every woman was willing, men wouldn't start their day until they'd banged 3 or 4 women, and then a couple more at lunch and a few before bed (if we had body fluids enough to handle it). And when we actually LIKE a girl's personality and attitude on top of being attracted to her, then we want to bang her even more - and we might even want a relationship with her.

    Most women have the ability to be platonic friends with men, so it's hard for them to grasp that men DO NOT HAVE this ability for the most part. If we find her physically attractive, we want to bang her, and if we also find her personality and attitude attractive, we likely want to date her. In NO case do we want to be "just friends" with her, and the only reason men pretend that they do is because they know that's all she'll allow TODAY. The hope is that ONE DAY, she's going to look at her "friend" and realize what a great guy he is, OR, failing that, she's going to get her heart broken and be looking for someone to "console" her, and he'll be right there. And make no mistake: this ABSOLUTELY has a big impact on the "friendship." Most often, it means that the "friend" is going to be far more willing to "nice things" for her - stuff that's normally reserved as obligations for boyfriends - because he thinks he's "earning points" with her. When he eventually realizes that she's never going to redeem these "points", he's going to be very upset - feeling used and taken advantage of - and at best, he'll disappear forever, which is what usually happens. At worst, thinks could get ugly.

    For women who don't believe this is true, go to your "guy friends" and tell them "you and me will only ever be 'just friends' and while I value your friendship, it's important that you know how I feel." 99% of those "friends" will fade out of your life within 3 months, even if you talk to them every day right now. Why? Because what's kept them around is not friendship, but the hope for sex and/or a relationship eventually. If you extinguish that hope, which you apparently don't believe exists, then you'll see what's left - and usually, that's NOTHING.

    Yes, that's harsh, but it's also the truth, and it's better you know the truth than to live with comfortable lies that will eventually be revealed as lies, usually in big and dramatic fashion at the worst possible time.

  • Well if the question was can they be platonic friends yes of course. But no sexual desire i dunno that would be hard for me dunno about other's. I feel like there is always some sexual desire even if it platonic friendship just cause i am single and well attracted to girls. Don't mean i do anything about that attraction but it is there even if it just a little bit.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm not sure about zero sexual desire. It's possible, for sure, but perhaps not common.

    I have several close male platonic friends, but at various points one or both of us have felt attraction. However, I establish and keep strong boundaries with my platonic male friends I have close connections to.

    They know if I'm in a relationship, I'm not cheating. And they know if they're in a relationship, I will absolutely not enterain any sexual ideation on either of our parts. I will not be a side bitch.

    But I have and continue to keep a few very close male friends who are platonic, and strong enough to keep that bond despite my (or in a few cases a mutual) language of affection being physical contact.

    Close hugs, hand holding (in rare cases), touches on arms and shoulders, etc.

    I'm French-Canadian in terms of my raising, so I'm familiar and comfortable with the kisses on the cheeks as a platonic friendly greeting. I think this gives me an "edge" in terms of being able to separate platonic physical affection with actual attraction.

    I also make sure that I know my male friends' SOs and I'm open about everything I do with them. Because I don't want to even risk being seen as a risk. I feel it's only respectful to my friends' SOs to be forthright and honest - I expect my partner to do the same, and my friends to be open and honest with their SOs, too.

    The few men who've been unable or unwilling to do such things, I drop as friends. I don't need that sort of drama in my life.

  • I think so, I had male friends that I had no sexual desire too, maybe they were interested in me. I certainly know one of them was but I never felt the same towards him.

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  • Yeah thats possible, it's rare though if the woman and the man have been friends for a while the emotional bond gets stronger and eventually over whelms any physical desire the man or the woman maybe have about the other person. They don't exactly see each other as siblings but refuse to see the other person as a viable candidate for sex as that puts their emotional relationship at risk. At least that's what I have felt towards some women in my life.

  • Very rarely. I've had female friends before where it was very clear that neither of us fancied each other in that way. Most often though there's some level of desire one way or the other, which is why I think that most boy-girl "best friendships" are fake friendships.

  • I recently worked with a very attractive lesbian lady that REALLY loved her partner. I found her quite attractive, like if I just saw her in the grocery store, or some place, but knowing her, and her feelings, and having partner, and I respect that, means that we can ONLY be friends, and I would never say, or do anything sexual, or suggestive, as I respect her choice, and that she loves another.
    It helps that she was a lot younger, so I could think of her more like a "little sister".

    • The question is have you ever thought about it

    • @justneedtokno Have I ever looked at her, in her tight jeans, and low-cut top, and thought things? Yeah, maybe, for a second, but I have never done anything more than just let a purely physical feeling, distract me, momentarily. I would never act on that, in any way, because I respect her.

  • If they are like brother and sister, though it didn't stop some true brothers and sisters.

  • Pretty closed minded thinking, lol.
    Yes, we can.
    If family members can, why can't others?

  • Friendship can exist it's just a matter of if he is attracted to her. He can want to sleep with her and still be friends and can not want to sleep with her and be friends it's pretty straightforward

  • Yes, but they would need to,
    Know that they want more than the other person can offer in a relationship.
    Know the other person can not meet that need.
    Be unwilling to settle for the other person.
    Not want anything casual.
    And date partners who truly believe it is platonic.

  • if their is no sexual tension between them sure. but that is often rare.

  • Yes.

  • If I had a female friend and thoughts went through our head I would ask her if we can take our friendship a step higher... But I would never have sex with a friend

  • For the most parts yes, but at a younger age there is a wonder question of if they have meet someone to make them happy. No you are not jealous or want them just wondering

  • Sadly it can.
    Nothing i did could change him

  • Yes. I have a few. I'm attracted to most of my friends that are women.

  • sure. if neither side finds the other attractive, that's easy.

  • Without no sexual desire, yes. I think there can always be some sort of desire in that way but its if you can see around it as more of appreciation and just platonically basic feelings, but if feelings of romantic or sexual tension rise to the occasion, it then becomes their own decision of how to deal with that. Its a joint process that can be handled delicately or with recklessness that leads to maybe a similar outcome either way.

  • Of course we can. It's not like we want to have sex with every woman we know. I have lots of female friends.

  • Yes if that is the end goal in the relationship and both agrees to it.

  • Not in my experience, trust I have tried, I found trying to have a female friend harder than dating

  • Yeah

  • Yeah. I mean my mom hangs out with her friends a lot and my siblings and I hang out with their kids just fine.

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