Do you think looks defines a persons sexuality?

Few days back i posted question regarding me and my wifes bodybuilding transformation.

Some sick minds went on commenting my wife as a transgender just only beacuse she looks mascular.

I have posted our pics of before and after bodybuilding.

Do you think if a women has muscles then society considers her as transgender? Why is that?
Do you think looks defines a persons sexuality?
Do you think looks defines a persons sexuality?
3 0

Superb Opinion

  • She doesn't look transgender.
    can't go Listening to those trolls narrow-minded trolls.
    honestly it looks like you both transformed a bit you're thicker in the muscles compared to the first picture you look like a cute couple Do you have any recent pictures of your recent competitions?

Most Helpful Girl

  • Yes I think the muscles can throw us off, for me its the upper body which I think makes me wonder. But I wouldn't think ur wife is, still feminine features. But some female builders, I do think facial features play role into questioning transgender.

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What Girls Said

  • Looks do not define sexuality but it plays a huge part in how people treat others. Due to survival and evolution, humans have to quickly determine what they see in order to define a fight or flight response. Nowadays that has become a way to catergorize and place a certain person within seconds of meeting them into a preset group in one's mind. Unfortunately, in today's society, once the "appearance" has placed a person into a group, the person will then be treated according to the "rules" set forth for that catergory. In the case of your wife, outsiders could see that she went from a "gentle, delicate, and soft featured" woman to a more "defined, muscular, and chiseled" woman. Over the generations, society has taught that only men are defined, muscular, and chiseled because they are the protectors and providers as women are supposed to be gentle, delicate, and soft featured because they are to attract males, they are weak, and they are supposed raise the young. In one's conditioned mind, a person who has male features are male. However, if they don't have the necessary parts they are put into "other". Same with males with female features. But the mind does not like that there are multiple "others" therefore, the label of Transgender comes in and replaces the label of "others." People tend to not want to change how their mind works because it is hard so many just judge others without a care.

    On another note, your wife and you look awesome! Don't concern yourself with what others say about her. They judge her no matter what whether she is fat, skinny, or fit. As long as you are both happy and healthy with how you look, ignore all the haters.

  • No? Sexuality is about sexual preference, not looks.

    Some demographics may prefer to look one way or another, but it's about your sexual preferences.

    Many insecure men and women will consider feminine men or muscly women to be "trans" because they (the people labelling others) are fearful, easily confused, and narrow minded. Woman's got muscles? Looks stronger than a man? No! It can't be! Man wears a dress? *clutches pearls* Won't someone think of my fragile masculinity? Etc, etc.

    Fortunately, those mindsets are becoming more and more rare, especially among the younger generations.

    Women who are muscular like your wife are amazing. And no less feminine. They're just stronger than the average man, which honestly doesn't take much effort nowadays with how rampant obesity is.

  • Your wife has lost a lot of facial body fat due to training and supplements. This happens all the time with extreme bodybuilding in women, moreso than in men. So this masculinizes women's faces. And she's extremely muscular for a woman, also. These are facts.
    You've both chosen to live your lives this way, and that's valid. But you also have to realize, your choices mean you lose something from your past "look." She's lost that full face look because she's extremely lean.
    When you lose weight and you're extra lean, you lose weight ALL OVER. Again, a fact. If she decides to be less lean, she'll get the fuller face look. But at 5% body fat, it won't happen! Fact.

  • They clearly have never been to a gym and seen an actual fit thick baddie before, they don’t even know what to expect or how these types of photos work.
    They don’t understand she doesn’t just look like a muscular man because it’s just not possible, she’s a whole woman she’s always going to have a woman’s build.
    She’s strong but that’s not something only a man can be, don’t even worry they’ll never really know until they actually start hitting the gym or actually being able to talk to baddies

  • As long as you're physically, sexually attracted to your wife, that's all that matters... There's always gotta be people tryna hate on something or someone... Screw them... And no, she looks like a muscular woman👍💜🙂

    • Of course we dont care about people but sometimes its painful to see that she dosent gets respect from society they dont know the hard work she did.

    • But she gets it from you and I'm sure that matters the most to her!!

    • Yes ofcourse and she deserves it.

  • It just makes her look in away that looks like a male gender... her body looks amazing, but it doesn't fit her face fitures... and thats where she looks like a transgender... in the regular picture you posted prior to your wife transformation, she looks like a woman... but as she changed she went past the point where she looks like a guy... but she still looks fine... also its extremely different for any man to see your wife as a good looking woman, and its ok... everyone is different and they have different preferences when it comes to looks into a woman that is very different as supposed of what they are used too like normal not extra extra muscles on females. So you both looking great, and its you have to impressed not the world... if you both are happy hey thats cool. Keep striving for the goal you are achieving. 😊😃

    • Thanks a lot for the kind words. I respect her decision and supported her for her thoughts. We love each other thats what matters for us as you said. I would like to connect with like minded people like you.

    • Its all good. Glad that you support her goal she wants to do... great husband. 😃😃

  • You shouldn't be offended if they call her a transgender, it isn't something bad but if she is not you know it and having muscules doesn't define someone or if they are a man or a woman, it depends on the person

  • Depends on the culture you are referring to. From where i come from, a woman with muscles is seen like someone who isn't supposed to have them. Feminity after all, for so long, was never associated with muscles or brawn. Honestly though, brother, that is very impressive: and as someone who is working on their body themselves I know how hard it is to gain and maintain such fitness form.

    Your wife looked feminine in her earlier photos and being muscular later on decreased that. Your wife is beautiful no matter what because she has this certain charm to her when she's all buffed up.
    But sadly yes, in today's society looks somewhat causes assumptions to be made about sexuality.
    I really hope it cchanges though

    • Yes things are changing slowly

  • Looks really don't define a person's sexuality. A guy can wear a dress or skirt and still be straight.

  • Sometimes it does, other times it doesn't. Being transgender doesn't have to do with sexuality it has to do with gender identity.
    They assumed that your wife is transgender because her looks changed and women usually don't look like that.

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