There is no homophobia, there is heterophobia, you know?

There is no homophobia, there is heterophobia, you know?
All lgbt members accuse heterosexuals of being homophobic, but heterosexual people don't care about them. The concept of homophobia is the excuse lgbt makes up to attract attention and make its voice heard.
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Superb Opinion

  • i kind of agree with this on some levels, but you have to keep in mind there are some people that HATE the lgbt community, like to the point where they want to kill people who are gay or lesbian or trans, Evil nasty people.. those are the phobes you speak of..

    I have been called homophobic when i state that i dislike the pride parades, when every single one that i have been to (i have been to two) had people marching down the street, in all states of undress, some of them performing sex acts publicly in front of children no less.. Or when they glorify a 9 year old little boy being a drag queen.. which to me is sickening.. Children should not be exposed to things like that, saying that they should be means that you support pedophilia.. Which most LGBT people i have spoken to stand against.. Beyond what i mentioned above i simply do not care about them.. They have done me no harm so i dont see a reason for them to register on my radar if you get my meaning.

    • I also don't like lgbt members' ceremonies as it is a bad example for children. Children are sensitive and should not see sexual behavior until a certain age.

    • Agreed

Most Helpful Guy

  • you are generalizing far too much there but if you are suggesting that some people marginalize themselves or label themselves and play the victim then you would indeed be correct. its no reason to discredit a whole movement though.

    • Yes, that is exactly what I said. People playing the victim.

    • cool and thanks for mho too

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yep. Ever notice how homos get mad or upset just by being called a homo when that’s what they are but yet straight people take being straight proudly?

    • Because "homo" has been screamed at us for decades while people kick us out of our homes, beat us up, fire us, and murder us. Because "homo" has been used to call us weak, perverted, dangerous, crazy, or any number of other things. Because people know "homo" is an insult and that's why we say gay. Because straight people havr NEVER been persecuted for being straight

    • @Inexpensivefurniture That’s why you shouldn’t base your pride on what other people think. I say that not because I’m for it but because it applies to everything. If you’re living to please other people then you’re doomed to fail at it. Live FOR YOURSELF. Not just you but everybody

    • I would love to live just for myself, but my existence and my rights are seen as a political statement, not fundamental human rights. Part of my life is always going to involve other people debating how I should be treated, and if I deserve the same respect afforded to straight people. That's not something I can ignore. And while Pride was created to uplift lgbt people, it was also created to push for equality and acceptance. So part of Pride is always going to be about what other people think. That's a fundamental element of why we have it

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  • Never heard of a gay person murdering someone for being straight. But straight people have killed people because they don’t like gay people.

    • People can kill another person for any reason. This is not just homophobia. There may also be racism. Murder crimes should be committed as a hate crime. Homophobia is very rare in modern societies.

    • No, it really isn’t rare at all lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 8
  • You seem very lucky. Or possibly out of touch. Or, likely, both.

    • Not both.

    • So, unlucky and out of touch? Oof, condolences my man.

    • I am aware of everything around me, and no one ever violates anyone as homosexual. This is the country I live in.

    • Show All
  • Agreed, western society is so degenerate right now, it’s hard to tell if it’s real or just surreal and vivid nightmare

    • Yes. You're right.

  • Tell that to the government of Somalia which executes homosexual people, countries wher it's illegaland Christian parents who disown their kids for coming out, gay men murdered for being gay, lesbian couples beatea

  • I agree, straight people are an overwhelming majority in society and thus are not at all threatened by gay people. Gays have no power at the end of the day. They speak from a position of exaggerated weakness and like a puffer fish put on a fake display out of fear. They fear they will be discriminated against, becomes excluded as a social pariah, get beat up, have laws passed against them that restrict their freedom, etc. They are the rejects of society that no one wants or loves. So when they are pissing their pants in fear, they call you afraid (homophobic). Just like a puffer fish they act big, when they are small as a defense mechanism. They are a bunch of soy boy wimps with a destroyed self esteem and a psychological complex built from endless piles of baggage stacked on top of each other.

  • Hetero's are the dominant culture. If they push us too hard, we will push them right back into that closet where they belong.

    • Yes, hetero's are the dominant culture.

  • There's no homophobia? Oh good! Good, I guess that kid I went to school with whose parents threatened to kick him out if they found out he was gay has nothing to worry about then. And I guess all the times "faggot", "abomination", or "sinner" were yelled at my friends, those didn't actually happen. I better hurry up and tell my grandpa homophobia is no more, so he'll talk to me again for the first time in 6 years. God, I can't wait to hold a guy's hand on the street without people purposefully bumping into us, good thing I don't have to think about that anymore, right?
    Good thing homophobia isn't a real thing. For a lifetime there, I was pretty worried

    • You have experienced very hard things 🙁

    • But the pressure of the family and the environment. Society usually doesn't put pressure on people it doesn't know.

    • Where do you think family members learn this stuff if not from society?

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  • I agree 100 percent. Most heterosexual people don't really give a shit about gay people. We have our own problems to deal with.

    • You're right.

  • M’kay. Multiple countries still execute gay and lesbian people. But I’m sure it’s not homophobia.

    • So why are homosexuals playing victims in modern societies without homophobia?

    • There are no modern societies without homophobia. I’m bisexual and experienced a homophobic hate crime by a police officer. In New York.

    • You have to sue that police, you must seek your right. The police must be punished.

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  • Makes sense!

    • Okay

  • Honestly I agree. People get shit on for all different reasons, and we shouldn't label every reason. Why can't we stick with "discrimination" and move on?