Would you allow your partner to cheat on you for 5 million dollars?

Would you allow your partner to cheat on you for 5 million dollars?
hell no I hate money
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Yes I love me a new house and pearls
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Other ( let me explain my morality ) in the comments below
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see poll ( I love chocolate bunnies )
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And yes as the photo shows... you both live happily ever after sharing the money.
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Superb Opinion

  • Do I get a cut or all of the money?

    Kidding, kidding... calm down you downvote happy twits!

    No, of course not! If a person puts money over a relationship that should tell you a lot about them. I can't respect anyone that cheats, no matter how much money you're offered in exchange for it.

    • No new gaming PC for you. Pfffff

    • I know! Damn me for having morals and integrity, lol On a sidenote, guess what... The new WoW expansion launched yesterday!!! I gamed SO hard last night. Don't ask me how I'm awake right now.

    • Ha Ha Ha the new Call of Duty Nuketown 24/7 starts today. Headed to store for some snacks LOL

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Most Helpful Guys

  • here's the thing. Id agree to this. We would then sit down and draw up the paperwork. I would have my lawyer look over the documents. Once everything is all signed and legitimate, id send them off on their way.

    But here's the twist.

    The second his hotel room door closes, my lawyer would file the divorce papers with the proper office.

    *This is the shoot part of this answer.

    We signed a very specific prenup before we got married. If one of us commits adultery, they forfeit their claim to any, and all, marital assets. Meaning they will walk away with some of their clothes... if the filing spouse sees fit to let the other one do so.

    Back to the question.

    Once she gets fucked for $5M, she looses every right she has to everything that is "ours"... INCLUDING the $5M she whored herself out for.

    So... yeah. Id allow her to fuck another guy flr $5M.

    • This is why I don't want to get married. Ever. Even if things belong to me prior to the marriage would be lost in a divorce.

  • yeah 100%. While of course i hate cheating. The fact this would be a one time thing to set up my life and her life to live comfortably and relax to are dying day's it would be dumb not to take the offer. And it's not actually cheating if you agree to it so... In no way have they betrayed my trust.
    Love and trust is worth more than any money. But this would only help a steady life not worrying about money problems and been able to spend more time with the one i love since i would not need a job nor she. I think understanding the strain money can cause on time wasted at work and could cause money issues like no one wants to stay with a broke guy who don't want to work but a rich guy who don't have to work kinda like you hit the jackpot if they truly love you and are nice not a asshole.

Most Helpful Girl

  • So wait, he cheats and I get the 5 million? Then yeah and then I'll take the 5 million, dump him and find someone who wouldn't cheat for all the money in the world and WE'D live happily ever after.
    Split the money, and stay with a cheater... Nah nope

    • So you would get cheated on and PAID off? Interesting. Ha

    • What 🤷🏼‍♀️ people get cheated on all the time without getting paid😅 but seriously no... A partner that puts more value in my feelings and our relationship is something worth more than all the money in the world, even 5 mill

    • Great answer :D

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What Girls & Guys Said

39 86
  • 🤔 I would take the money and run! 😜 "Whose the pimp now ya hoe? Bye!" 🤷‍♀️

  • Considering he and I are open to experimenting with additional people later in our relationship (we're mostly monogamous but both of us want to try threesomes at the least), provided the person he chooses is clean and sterile, and I'm allowed to "cheat" as well (bonus if he then gets an additional $5mil), then I don't see why not.

    I'd get a chance to have sex with a woman, and we'd have money enough to never work again, and meet a lot of our financial goals.

  • No way love means so much more than shity money u can have true love forever and keep it forever but you can't do it with money so fk the money keep the love

  • its not exactly "cheating" if you consent to it now is it?

  • Yea but we’d prob split the money and breakup shortly after. I’d be paranoid about them cheating again. The fact its even “with permission” is more cuck shit. But yea, if i had to watch them “enjoy it”, nah we’re over. But if they laid there looking sad/forced then thats more forgivable

    • by the way only doin this with a boyfriend. Never aspouse

  • No, love is worth more than anything money could buy. I wouldn't cheat on him for it either.

    • Always the decent sweet lady 😌

  • I get five million dollars? Sure thing. I'm jealous, but not that jealous

  • So what you are really asking is do you want your SO to be a high class prostitute? I'm thinking there would not be very many who would turn that down. Whoever would pay that much would be a virgin on his death bed who wanted to be fucked at least once before he died. I hope Viagra would be included in the deal.

  • Whats the point of values if you throw them out the second it becomes convient? no, no I wouldn't.

  • If I allow him to have such relations , it would not count as cheating anyways but no , I would not be okay with him doing such things.

  • You bet. Covid is killing us

  • Yes, since I don't have a partner anyway.

  • If love to have 5 million dollars but not like that. Id remember it forever and it would haunt me. No, that deal is off the table.

  • Well, I dont know, would they ever see that person again?
    Would our relationship stay the same after?

  • If the spouse know thats not cheating anymore. Plus it is borderline pimping.

  • It depends on what you mean by cheat. If you mean just watching porn or maybe buying a girl drinks, then maybe, but if he’s having to do anything more sexual, then definitely NOT.

  • i would for some Gladstones clams and a mojito 🔥

  • does it count as a cheating if I'm in an open relationship? 🤣🤣🤣

    • @vanityfair748 you are in open relationship nowadays?

  • My man ever cheats on me and I find out he better duck cover and run

  • No not at all. Im not pimping my man out and id be pissed but he'd think i care more about his money than his loyalty

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