Ladies do you ever fantasize about being raped?

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  • Learn more about the BDSM culture before you start arguing about such intense topics as rape fantasies.

    Being drugged or otherwise inebriated and then touched or fucked without the ability to say no is considered sexual assault or rape. If a person is not able to consent or withdraw consent (with the presence of mind to know what is happening) during the act, it is sexual assault/rape. This is something that happens to some women (and men) and something that some women (and men) fantasize about having done to them.

    Being touched while you sleep is another popular sexual assault fantasy, and is considered rape as you did not consent before it happened.

    Saying your safe word, or otherwise just saying "no" during sex and having that ignored immediately turns sex into rape. This is yet another fantasy that some women (and men) consider.

    "Thinking about" and "fantasizing" are two heads of the same coin when it comes to thoughts in one's mind, especially while one is turned on.

    It is absolutely possible to fantasize about rape, and it is not something that you have the right to judge anybody about. So fuck you for your douchey attitude in that young lady's commented opinion earlier.

    • Nice way to talk to someone who is autistic and was just trying to understand what she was talking about. Reportedm

    • *Reported

    • Lol. A, how would I know if you are autistic? I do not know you, nor do I have any interest in learning about your medical history. B, autism is not an excuse to talk to people like they are stupid, which you did earlier with that young lady. C, if you are simply trying to learn then you would not have been so argumentative with her and would not have insisted that she is wrong for her opinion. D, using autism as an excuse makes you even worse of a person. E, fuck you.

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What Girls Said

  • Yeah pretty regularly

  • Definitely not.