Men, is it a huge turn off if a girl mentions she's a virgin and she wants to wait? (Either for marriage or till she's in love with you)
* and if she's willing to still do oral sex
Even if you guys click personality wise and you're very attracted to her.

Thank you for your honesty! :)
I would wait
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I would make an excuse to dump her
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Well first of all being someone that only wants to lose it with someone they love is a win for me. Rather that than some girl who has sex with every guy on the team.
    She does oral sex which is good if you're turned on, might get boring after a while. But if she wants to keep her virginity, would she do anal? If yes or would try it then that's a real big win as it's basically the same without taking virginity

    • Gotcha so basically if she's still open to try and do anal its ok? Just curious does anal and pussy sex feel extremely different?

    • Well like it's not a necessity anal, but it gives a similar stimulation to the guy as vaginal sex. It just means he gets to have sex and you get to keep your virginity. I haven't tried either, I hear the anal is tighter for the man but no real clue. But if you aren't comfortable with ass play then stick to it, I respect you for only wanting to have sex with a lover

  • Depends on the girl but it most likely won't be a problem. Especially if she's willing to play with hands and mouth in the meantime.

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What Guys Said

  • Virgins ftw! But something tells me you have done bits before, you may remember me

    • Send me a message when you see this. I want to catch up, this isn't a fake account, I lost my other

    • You need to message me first x

    • @mimosachallenge

  • Virgin? Doesn't really matter to me.
    Want to wait until marriage or to see if "I'm the right person"? Smells incredibly like conformism to me and would be a massive hint that the relationship would not end well due to major differences. I can do without sex, my horny teen years are behind me at this point and I can wait some times for the relationship to be a tad more intimate before taking it to the sack. But irrational, long waits just because we arbitrarily decided that sex is this one massive deal and you should only ever do it with the love of your life? Yeah, no thanks. Better to end it quick than to drag out a relationship bound to fail

  • I'm a virgin myself, so I doubt I'd be any good at sex.

    In terms of waiting, I don't see an issue with waiting until she's in love with me, so I doubt it'd be a turn off, I think sex will happen in it's own time in a relationship.

    As for marriage, it will probably have to be a long wait, because I don't think I need to marry to commit to someone, as I'm not religious.

  • It depends on how long to be honest i wouldn't wait until we are married u would need to know if I'm sexualy compatible with someone before I even thought about marriage as for them falling in love thats fair enough but I'm not sure I would be willing to wait past 3-5 months

  • Oh wow. If she is really honest about her terms n all then i would definitely love to wait. Also i might love & respect her even more❤️. But thats just my personal thing & opinion 🙏.

  • Why force something on her and make her feel uncomfortable? I mean would you feel the same if you are a girl and a guy forced you to do it with him despite your call on waiting for marriage before doing it?

  • im a virgin too so losing my virginity to a virgin thats legit

  • No, it's a turn on.

  • That's the kind of girls that i'm attracted too and do admire a lot, she doesn't have to perform oral sex, her love and presence would be enough for me and sex can wait till marriage 😊

  • It's not a turn off. I would wait with her till marriage.

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