I’ve been seeing a lot of questions about porn, I’m curious what people REALLY think about porn, and it’s unrealistic portrayals of men AND women?

Especially as it relates to giving (especially younger) people unrealistic ideas about male and female bodies, and the things that (mostly) women enjoy! I for one was surprised that in real life penises are not all HUGE! Also, that the average size of an adult penis is 5.2 Inches! If I believed porn, I’d swear that all men are between 7 and 10 inches (ouch)! Also, in porn all women LOVE anal sex! In fact, they love it SO much, that they frequently orgasm from it! The reality I have learned from my experience and that of my friends is about 5 out of 6 think it hurts like hell, and hated the experience, and 1 of 6 merely found it tolerable. Also, if we were to believe porn women love being dominated… painfully, they love it when between 5 and 20 men ejaculate all over them, especially on the face, and breasts, ALL women secretly love lesbian sex, and lastly that women like nothing more than having sex with a stranger they just met on a train, in a mall, or just walking down the street! So what are your thoughts on the false impressions porn gives both men and women! Oh, And finally, I’M BACK!!! I was locked out of my account for over a week when I changed my email address b/c of a glitch in GAG’s system, so PLEASE start inviting me to answer your questions again! But right now, just thanks for answering mine! (Be honest, no anonymous answers)
5 11

Most Helpful Guys

  • Well their are no unrealistic expectations on women's bodies in porn. They have older women, younger women, petite women, fat women etc. etc. So I don't see that as a thing.

    As for anal, statistically women who do anal sex regularly orgasm from it more often then any other type of sex (and report more intense orgasms from it). The issue is that neither men nor women who attempt it do their research and as a result do it stupidly (and yes, that IS almost certainly due to porn convicing them they can just shove it on in when in reality you need to make sure that the area is one, clean, two, well lubed, three, that she is relaxed and comfortable with a lot of foreplay, and four you go in slow and take your time.) however the wide spread attempts at anal sex ARE due to porn.

    I would also say that yes, porn gives men and women unrealistic expectations on penis size (most porn stars are above average but we are talking an inch or two and the rest is camera angles and size differences in the men and women that make it seem larger then it actually is). It also does convince men that you can just jack hammer away at her and not have foreplay which is also not reality. I think it does put an unrealistic expectation on male bodies as the performers are regularly in great physical shape compared to the average.

    As for dominance, yes women statistically do enjoy being dominated, not all enjoy extreme acts though. statistically 90% of all violent porn (BDSM, Gangbangs, rape, forced sex) is consumed by WOMEN. I believe one UK survey found that over 70% of women had a rape fantasy. This is further proven by the sucess of Fifty shades of grey (which was all of these things but for some reason because it was labeled as romance/erotica it gets overlooked compared to porn).

    Also women are statistically more inclined to look at lesbian porn (more so then men actually). However I think this has to do with several other factors (hormonal birth control seems to make women more attracted to feminine faces for instance yet seem to crave more "masculine" behavior as it pertains to sex (violent sex (psuedo masculine in my opinion)). Though I wouldn't say it is 100% of women by any stretch.

    I don't think any man really thinks women are that promiscuous in real life (otherwise they wouldn't be looking at porn), but it does have some very negative affects on the brain that can lead to all sorts of issues both sexual and relationship wise (ED, and things of that nature. It tricks the reward center of the brain into creating neural pathways that reward the "harem" style of porn watching i. e. multiple tabs open, lots of different women/sex acts etc.).

    However I would also point out that romance movies/novels also have very similar negative effects and unrealistic expectations as well but because their is less nudity and its less hardcore people tend to over look this fact.

    • Thanks for your input, could you please do me a favor and provide the sources (or at least citations) for the statistics you provided, that; “women who do anal sex orgasm from it mor frequently than from any other kind of sex”, “statistically women do enjoy being dominated”, “90% of violent porn (BDSM, Gangbangs, rape, forced sex) is consumed by women”, “statistically women are more inclined to look at lesbian porn (more so than men actually)”, “Hormonal birth control makes women more attracted to feminine faces,” “hormonal birth control makes women crave “masculine behavior” like violent sexual acts”, also that “craving violent sexual acts is normal masculine behavior”. And finally that “romantic movies/novels have similar negative effects to pornography”. These are very specific statistical claims, and it’s quite unusual for someone to use such specific claims, and not cite their sources for those statistics. Otherwise, I’ll assume that you just made them up, and the entirety of your post was simply your unsubstantiated opinion.

    • Well your going to assume they are made up not because they are specific claims but because their claims that you do not like. I don't post my sources anymore because after posting them again and again and again and having to spend all that time refinding them only to have people like yourself ignore them because they don't say exactly what you want them to say, I simply stopped bothering.

      However if you want the sources here (though you could just look them up yourself if you really wanted to know): onlinelibrary.wiley.com/.../...3-6109.2010.02020.x
      I cannot refind the UK study that found that 70% of women had rape fantasies however here are a few that show its about 55% of women that have them: metro.co.uk/.../

    • https://www.glamour.com/story/why-women-love-kink

      Wasn't able to find the exact studies as I read them years ago, but all of that will give you the information I was reffering to. Feel free to claim its all fake because it doesn't conform to your world view (not that you where going to do anything else anyway). But that is the best I can do for now.

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  • Porn is media - it's entertainment - it's NOT a documentary of normal people's lives. Every part of porn is "produced" - nothing happens by accident. Porn is shot by a crew - maybe only a small crew of 2 or 3, but sometimes 10 or more. There's lots of makeup, lots of extra lighting that's usually out of frame, and perhaps most importantly, the finished product you see has been edited.

    A scene that depicts people having sex for 30 minutes might have taken 4 hours to shoot, with people taking breaks (and repeating the same position for still photography before moving on to the next one), having hair and makeup touched up, and for the last 20 years, all shoots have involved Viagra/Cialis - with some male stars using so much that they cannot function without it and a few even "blowing out" their normal erection mechanism, requiring surgery to insert mechanical valves in order to have function. Lube is frequently used even though you don't see it being applied on-screen. Girls "warm up" with toys and plugs so that they can be easily penetrated when the time comes, but it appears that they're just always ready to take a huge dick at any time in any hole - which is not reality. And there's a lot of fake cum.

    Porn in many ways is not unlike a standard Hollywood movie - LOTS of it is faked in one way or another, even if camera angles, lighting, makeup, and editing conceal most of the trickery. As such, you should treat it like you might a Jason Bourne movie - you don't think Matt Damon is actually doing all of those stunts and tricks and everything, all in real time, right? They might spend 2 days shooting a 30 second scene, and then another 2 weeks adding CGI to it to make it seem real. Porn may not go quite that far due to very limited budgets, but they take full advantage of the movie-making process as they can afford

    Never, ever take any media at face value - always be skeptical and be aware that it's easy to edit or take things out of context or just show you parts of a larger scene that help their narrative and ignore the parts that don't. And, for sure, treat porn like entertainment, NOT like a documentary.

    • Fantastic post! Really great job! Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I only wish more men would see porn with as healthy a dose of skepticism as you do! There are far too many guys, especially in my age group, who believe that their girlfriends should either do all the things the “girls” (as opposed to actresses) do, and enjoy it, or there is something wrong with the girlfriend! Again, thanks for your input, you have a very healthy view of porn. I wish more guys shared your wisdom!

Most Helpful Girls

  • Porn is simply adult entertainment and not to be taken seriously.
    Do we believe in Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Trek and Lord of the Rings? No they're all fantasies!
    MEN are the creators of porn for the most part and they cater to MALE FANTASIES. So, because lots of males WANT to have anal sex, in porn, SEXUAL FANTASY FILMS, all women want anal sex and they all orgasms repeatedly from it.
    Men believe women want them to have GIANT dicks, so porn features men with giant dicks so the men WATCHING can believe it's THEM in those films servicing the women moaning and groaning because of their giant dicks.
    Men love seeing two women together because the filmmakers believe that when two women are horny and with each other, all it takes is a MAN to interrupt them and the two women will fuck his brains out. ANOTHER RIDICULOUS MALE FANTASY.
    Same with the stranger sex fantasies.
    And another quite straightforward issue is no matter what your FANTASY is, it doesn't mean you want to act it out! It's a FANTASY! Who knows why we find fantasies appealing. Do I want to live in one of the Star Trek series or in Narnia, or in the Undying Lands? Of course not. They're FICTIONS.
    The false impressions... Since FILMs are fictions, I've never thought that porn was anything but fiction either.
    I'm unsure why anyone would assume anything otherwise. People still go to movies and still read books and understand the difference between BIOGRAPHY and AUTOBIOGRAPHY and NOVELS. The first two are based on an actual living or dead person's historical life. The third is a story made up about a CHARACTER who has never lived in a situation that has never happened.
    Though fiction is a fantasy, it has ELEMENTS of reality plugged into it to make it seem realistic. But it often has as much or MORE fantasy than reality. Characters might be "real" people, but the situations are not.
    So, in porn, the situations are often ridiculously outlandish.
    I can't watch much of it because it's so badly overacted and because of the notions you cite: situations that are basically foolish lies, but play to men's egos.
    Women written and directed porn is supposed to be much better. BUT, porn is simply not my cup of tea because of all the issues you cite.
    I'd rather an ordinary non pornographic drama with a little bed hopping at most, that is STORY oriented and character driven.
    THere is so much of that that is so great, I can use my imagination for any tittilation I might need.
    Parents today might need to address this issue, since it's so easily obtainable.

    • WOW! What an amazing answer! Long, but a very quick read, complex but extremely cogent and easy to follow! Thank you, this is by far one of the best answers I’ve ever read on GAG! Seriously thank you! I just love good writing, I guess with a screen name like Screenwriter, I should have expected nothing short of excellence! Girls my age often feel pressured to compete with porn. It’s like… guys think that because the girls THERE do it, then the girls HERE (meaning the real world) should do it! It is a constant battle even with MY boyfriend, and he’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met! I worry about some of my friends, I can see in their faces that they didn’t want to do something but it always “it’s fine, he love me, I’m luck to have him”! I hope you don’t mind I’ve copied your answer to my notebook, and would like to show some friends at school tomorrow. Seriously, thanks 🙏

    • Don't EVER do anything you don't want to do because "he loves me." That is a houseload of bullshit. And if ever someone even suggests you do something they saw on a porn site, run in the opposite direction. PORN IS FICTION. Keep repeating that. It's a film. It's entertainment for adults with sexual themes. That is ALL IT IS. It is not a primer to be practiced or repeated.

    • Thank you! Seriously, thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom with someone you don’t even know! I understand that this is what Girls Ask Guys is all about, but this was like the “motherly advice” I couldn’t even dream of asking my actual mother for! Your straight forward style of cutting through the bullshit, and just getting to the point is something that the people of my generation sorely need! by the way, I did read your answer to that friend of mine at school who desperately needed to hear it. She said she will speak to her boyfriend and tell him that she hates anal sex, and will not do it anymore, and that it’s not about whether she love him, because if he loved her, he wouldn’t ask her to do something that hurts her… a lot! So genuinely, I thank you!

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  • Most American porn is produced by men and it is very unrealistic. There is porn being produced and directed by women that is far more accurate. You should check some of that out. I do not live in the USA, but I have family there and I have spent a lot of time in California. Almost every guy will exaggerate the size of his penis. You can look it up online and the average length is 6 and a half inches, but if asked a guy will automatically claim to have 9 inches. 🙄. To be fair, my cousin told me that girls in her high school would brag that they would not accept anything less than 9 inches. Both is total crap. American guys watch a lot of porn, and it is interesting that they seem to think that the sexual acts only occur in porn. I have been called out for saying that I have friends-with-benefits and I have, *gasp*, actually had threesomes. It amazes me that most guys in here think that any sexual act besides missionary and doggie-style is a fairy tale.🙄. In my country women are now watching more porn than men. Part of that is because women have more free time. Men work more hours per week here than any other country. We have a far more open-minded society and sex and porn is not a taboo thing like it is in the west. We generally don't have those ridiculous hangups about it.

    • I agree with you about most of that, but the actual average size for a penis in North America, is 5.2 inches! So it’s even less than you thought! Thank you for your answer. Take care.

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19 92
  • I recommend using a penis care product daily to ensure that your penis is getting the right amount of vitamins and proteins. I use one called Man1 Man Oil... you just rub it into the penis skin and you will be all set. It is real good stuff and has improved both my sex life and confidence. Check it out. Cheers.

    • What on earth does that have to do with anything being discussed here, or was that just spam for that product?

  • I don't see an issue with porn. And doesn't Hollywood, and models also give an unrealistic idea about bodies?

    • Okay, sweetie. I guess as long as you know that these are unrealistic situations and responses, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying porn. I watch it too, i was just wondering about peoples perspectives on it! Yes, Hollywood absolutely gives unrealistic expectations, especially for young girls. Although they seem to be doing a better job lately of showing different types of people! I guess the days where everyone is perfect in movies, are in the past. Thank you so much for your answer Brains, someday I’ll ask questions that are as good as yours, this is only my second question.

    • I’m with @brainsbeforebeauty on this one. :)

    • Miss brains is an expert when it comes to love, marriage and sex and she makes me the best meals and muffins but only virtual ones 😒 One day i'm going to receive a real muffin from her 😁

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  • Well, one that isn't untrue, but blown out of proportion in porn, is that a lot of women (and men) do very much enjoy being dominated and get pleasure from pain. Just as there are sadists who enjoy dominating and dishing out the pain.

    Yeah, besides that, good on you for not falling into that hole and thinking the fantasy is anything other than a murky reflection of what consumers want rather than reality. There are so many more things to absolutely crush young people today then when I was a teenager. Like what is the damned deal with all the incest porn? Hells bells, I only had dial-up porn where the image might stop loading just because and fuck it, you have half a titty and fantasy to go on, damn you AOL!

    for men I would say our dicks aren't typically that big... or our balls that tiny (roids do that). For women rather than actions in porn, the lack of labia and smooth look they go for has had just about every woman I've met who is younger than me with really any amount of inner labia or hair thinking she has a disgusting looking vagina when that simply is not the case.

    I think that any unrealistic expectations you may be experiencing (from yourself, and from men) are probably nothing compared to what my kids, and then later yours will face as porn seeks a greater height of "perfection" to display with more immersive media to do so with. There's already VR porn, a market like that is only going to grow, not go away. I think OnlyFans is another sideways step in that direction.

    The flip side to all of that is none of it would exist without a strong demand and high dollar incentive to create the content in the first place. Front page, most popular porn is what will drive people to make more like it, so the more unrealistic and jacked up of things people like... the more unrealistic and jacked up the porn becomes.

    • Okay, well thanks for the input.

  • Porn like most advertisements play on our fantasies, that's why male targeted porn is different than female targeted porn, it's because male and female generally have different fantasies about sex.

    You're right, porn has a lot of unrealistic aspects and can be addictive as hell. In my opinion, porn can be quite dangerous and detrimental to both men and women because the unrealistic aspect of it is not often realized or put into perspective by those who watch it. Unfortunately, It's going to be around for a long time so the best we can do as a society is to learn how to moderate it, so to reduce its potentially catastrophic effects.

    • I absolutely agree! I do enjoy watching porn, but with the full knowledge that what I’m watching is about as real as The Avengers Infinity War! You can enjoy them both, but if you believe either is actually real, you are dangerously close to mental illness!

    • Oops, I forgot to thank you for your excellent answer!

  • I believe why you see so many guys in porn movies with big cock is that it's a lot easier to shoot video. The guy with the bigger Johnson can stand back so to speak as he penetrates the woman and you can see all the action. If they were shooting most scenes with a guy with a 5 inch tool they wouldn't get the same shots of penetration because both of their bodies would be bumped up into each other snd you wouldn't see penetration very well.

    • Well Ashley, I certainly cannot disagree with you on that, but it would certainly give men & boys a much healthier attitude towards their own bodies. Try this… go on any of the many anonymous chat forum websites, and ask guys how “big” they are! Rarely will you ever get an answer of even 6.5 inches, which is the smallest answer I received when I tried it for a science project (which ultimately did NOT get approved)! Most of the answers were between 7 and 8 inches, with the majority of men claiming 8 inch penises! Seriously, how sad that men today feel inadequate, even if they are average or above average! I actually saw a question on Quora… “Is an average sized penis considered small?” That’s just SAD! I love men! My boyfriend is a man, as are my brother and father. My future husband will obviously be a man, and if I have any, my sons will grow-up to be men! If we want men to be allies to us as women, then we need to do a better job of being allies to them!

  • I like to watch real, actual couples.

    • Yes, me too! Thanks for the answer.

    • I agree, its much hotter. I tend to avoid any porn with actresses, it just seems more real to watch couples. :)

    • Agreed!

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  • Fairy tales are unrealistic too. So are romvance novels.
    But we enjoy both.
    Same with porn.
    It can even be a form of sex education -- only don't believe what you see!

    • I agree! I wish more people could understand that!

    • It can be very educational too... if we accept that there are obvious exaggerations, porn also helps to understand women and men (and the opposite gender) better. What they might enjoy. How to do it to them. The diverse variations that could actually exist.

  • I totally agree about porn being fake AF. A lot of it treats male/female sexuality as the same and gives men the illusion that somehow women would be down for cheap one night stands anywhere. I learned the hard way when I started watching it that this is not how it works lol

    Also, the acting is literally below the bar that could be expected from a high school drama club.

    • That’s so true! Men and women are just so different when it comes to sex, and the way porn makers treat it like women are just raring to get laid by whatever good looking guy comes along, is just wrong, and damages the real world relationships between men and women! After all, if a guy has been bombarded by messages that if a woman likes you, she’ll fuck you, NP… sends entirely the wrong message, because if I go out w/ a guy and I do like him, I just don’t want to ruin it by having sex too soon, he may think that I don’t like him, and pull back, when I really just needed time to get to know him more!

  • Yes its totally fake...
    I also don't know that...
    And I started doubting myself...
    But thanks to some sex Ed youtube channel and Instagram pages to clarify that...

    • I’m glad you finally realized it! This is the type of answer I was most interested in when I wrote the question! We humans tend to think in terms of “it’s only me” or “it’s only my group”. And I think you may be the first male to come right out and say that porn gave you some very wrong ideas. Thank you so much for your answer, and I’m glad you found the truth out eventually! Good luck sweetie!

    • Thank you!

    • Every says woman should not be judged by size of boobs and ass... But it also applies with man, size of penis should not matter... Because its not his fault or strength that he is 3" or 7"... its totally normal... Actually female womb is only 3-4 inch deep and it can contract and expand according to need... So 3" and 7" penis can give same pleasure... Important is that is man really love and respect woman... Sex is just a form of expressing the love...

  • Not all porn is unrealistic and unreasonable and, for those who have no sexual experience, porn CAN be educational. But most porn shows that women LOVE having their ass slapped and having sex with four men at once and guys are all hung like Harry The Horse. Yes, it sets up tremendously unrealistic expectations.

  • I really don’t care for ‘filmed Porn Movies’, from things like bloke coming round to fix washing machine and two seconds later naked and sex with zero foreplay.

    the worst ever porn I have ever ever seen and cannot unsee, is two mates of mine shot a porn movie with some girls and then (without saying it was them in it) showed a bunch of us. It was only when someone noticed a tattoo on one guys leg (in movie) we realised - never again.

    as a rule I don’t watch typical porn films, will watch Chaturbate but most of my ‘thrills’ come from erotic stories.

    with you on the Anal, as nearly everyone is not shown using any lube, dry anal must be one of the worst things possible.

    also as someone in to BDSM for a number of years, I cringe at 50 shades of grey type movies and knowing people will try copying the same stuff. I know at least one uncollard girl that almost emasculated her guy for not having a clue and thought the movie told everything.

    more stories and better writers

    • Thanks for the reply

    • @crazygirl2 wow 7 months ago

  • Yeah I'm guilty of watching it as well, but I know clearly that it's fake and it just appeals to the fantasies of people. In real life most of it is completely useless and it's without any emotion.

    I'm only watching it if I don't have a girlfriend or the sex isn't satisfying enough, and it's like once or twice a week

    • Thanks for taking the time to answer, I really appreciate it.

  • First of all welcome back I enjoy porn until it looks act sounds or is Fake porn the moments girl looks at the camera it makes that fake ohhhh years yes ahhh. Awww sound I find a new one so it takes me until I can't take it and more to find one or I go to another chat site try to find a girl that wants to do 1 s e x t i n g or phone sex or I come out here and ask questions basically looking for the same thing too LOL I forgot the rest of your question if you want to know anything just send me a message

    • Nah, you hit the high points! Thanks so much for answering my question sweetie. I’m with you, give me a couple with a cellphone any day over a ridiculous production!

    • Lol I agree voice and energy of the right person can take you to the moon and back people might think I either don't know what good sex is or have never had it , when I say good phone sex is just as hot or hotter than real sex it's 100 % the truth and is want better than fake porn to

  • The porn industry is a lot like a movie studio, It’s not about weather or not it’s realistic, it’s about what they think the viewers want, not to mention that there are millions of people all over the world who upload porn so like anything else on the internet you can expect some... variety. I could ask everyone I know if they would want to watch people rape animals and they would say no, but it’s still a thing.

    • Not sure what your point is, but I really appreciate you adding your opinion to the discussion.

    • Sorry I tend to go off track whenever I’m talking and I’m not the best at explaining things. Basically I’m saying that the porn producers are focused on what will sell, not what is realistic, and you can find literally anything on the internet and find anything in anything on the internet. Hopefully this explanation is better worded and maybe you can get what I am trying to say.

  • I think most porn is so fake it’s laughable. The people are paid actors selected because they have model-like bods and are willing to perform in front of a camera for $$. The cameras are all positioned just right and there are directors and producers and camera crews present. I know guys get into it a lot but it’s just freaky to me and yeah I think it sets unrealistic expectations for bodies and sex. I actually think the worse the production the more realistic it seems. Find true amateurs with not perfect bods who fumble with a cell phone camera and it’s much more interesting. As for anal I wouldn’t completely agree. I think most girls try it for sure but not all go back. The reality is that anal hurts the first time and even the first few times. If you’re one and done then you form a negative opinion and never try again. Those that persevere and repeat it do find it to be extremely pleasurable and I know I’m not alone in that opinion among friends or on here. I personally don’t want to be dominated, I’m not into girls, and I don’t want sex with strangers. That’s all porn fantasyland.

    • Thanks, I absolutely agree, although why anyone would go back for more after trying anal once! Pain is your body’s way of saying something is wrong! And usually whenever someone says “it hurts at first, but if you keep doing it, it eventually stops hurting” they are taking about something stupid, dangerous, or both like smoking cigarettes… or anal sex! But everything else, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

    • Thanks for the feedback. I can only speak from my own experience and what I’ve learned from friends. Pain is certainly one way the body tells you something is wrong. But there is not always pain when something goes awry in the body, just like pain doesn’t always mean something’s wrong. For example, working out can often be painful, even physical therapy. But people push through it to reach a positive result. Anal is kinda like that. In fact, much of the pain comes from the initial stretching of the muscles there. Once they are conditioned physically and mentally to relax, the pain goes away. It’s the same when you work out or get PT. You eventually reach a positive result if you persevere. In the case of anal, that result is the stimulation of thousands of pleasurable nerve endings. It’s not stupid, dangerous, or like smoking cigarettes. Not every girl will want to push past the first one or two times, and I understand and respect that. But I also know that when you do there’s a reward.

    • Well Erin, I really appreciate you being so sweet and helpful, but I think once was enough for me. I certainly don’t judge, I don’t believe anyone should be telling a woman what she should or should not do with her own body, but since I have tried it, didn’t like it and I have a purposely evolved penis tube less than an inch away… I’ll stick with that one. But I really do appreciate you answering my question, and explaining your point so eloquently. Thanks 🙏

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  • I’m just trying to watch two people fuck so I can too. Simple as that.

    • ^this

    • @loves2learn thanks for the answer.

    • Thanks for the answer.

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  • I mostly watch it for the choreography, at this point. I used to think it was real but I saw too many women with a look of irritation quite incongruent to their moans of pleasure. So now I look for subtle moments like that and evaluate the quality of the actress based on how well she fakes being into it.

    • Ever thought of movie critic? You definitely know the job description… And knowing is half the battle. Da de dah doo 🌈

    • Heh. If you can point me towards the people who pay others to criticize movies, I'll happily do just that 😊

  • I dont watch it.. I dont agree with it.. it doesn't get me turned on same with dick pics or videos.. I need the skin on skin contact to be turned on.. or im turned on by voice.. hearing my man sigh if its a stranger does nothing for me... its one thing seeing an attractive guy or woman thinking wow God you did a good job on that one.. and seeing my man knowing that he doesn't look at that stuff and when one of us want it the other gives it.. like his body is an extension of mine and mine is to him... humans are sexual beings and one of us denying the other would be wrong unless the other physically couldnt.. weve woken each other up on weekends any hours of the night.. there's nothing that has ever turnrd me on more than him

    • Very well said! 🤗

    • Thanks are you the same way? It why before my man and I lived together wed talk sex on the phone what wed do to the other of we could haha.. after the first wave of covid he asked me to move in.. were in our 3rd wave now

  • fiction is fiction, as simple as that.

  • I enjoyed reading your question and response so I gave it a "thumbs up."
    In my opinion, porn is unrealistic and puts unrealistic expectations on both men and women.

    • Thanks David, I enjoyed your answer, so I did the same!

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