Would you seek medical evaluation if your partner's skin was an abnormal color, ate pizza backwards & boasted about grabbing people's pussy?

1 1

Most Helpful Girls

  • What if a person totally believed everything that was said on a partisan news outlet, without even a thought of doubting the information or checking it out to see if it was true? Would that be a reason to seek professional help to hopefully reverse the indoctrination? For example, when CNN and the other left-wing media began pushing the story about Trump asking people to drink bleach to prevent Covid, I immediately noticed their video was suspicious. Their 10 second video was clearly spliced and edited. I downloaded the full, unedited interview online, and what a surprise, Trump did not actually say that. You fell for it, like all the other "woke" people did. Let me interview you for five minutes on video, and then after editing, I will show you a video of you admitting that you like to have anal sex with with your dad. It is so easy to do. Yeah, Trump actually made the comment that about grabbing women by the pussy. Guys say stupid things like that. It is interesting that you have a probem with Trump saying that, but you don't have a problem with Biden fondly reminiscing about his days as a lifeguard and how little preteen boys and girls used to love to play with his hairy blonde leg hairs. He said he used to really love that and he REALLY LOVED when they sit in his lap! This video is on YouTube and the sound and video are high quality. Check it out. Nothing to see there, though, right?

    • Only men must register for Selective Service or become felons, be fined and lose voting rights, which is about to change. Hypocrites like this will be going to war after voting for commies, instead of men picking up the check.

    • Single women see the government as their husbands. Marriage, cohabitation, sex and childbirth rates are at all time lows and women file 80-90% of divorces, get custody and alimony in 90% of cases and can falsely accuse good men decades later without consequence or evidence. This is organic rebellion against women's hypocrisy. Get what you deserve. 🦒🍆🇺🇸🎲
      "Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.
      Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach. But he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs." www.politifact.com/.../

  • Yes for sure way too trumpish

Most Helpful Guys

  • No one cares, Karen.
    Marriage, cohabitation, sex and childbirth rates are at all time lows and women file 80-90% of divorces and get custody and alimony in 90% of cases.

    Would you seek medical evaluation if your partner's skin was an abnormal color, ate pizza backwards & boasted about grabbing people's pussy?
    • Good

    • What if your partner noticed you coughing and suggests you drink disinfectant, would you consider medical evaluation then?
      Would you seek medical evaluation if your partner's skin was an abnormal color, ate pizza backwards & boasted about grabbing people's pussy?

    • @ibeowulf no one cares about the nonsense you are spouting, that is for sure.

    • Show All
  • Probably a firing squad would.

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2 1
  • Yeap

  • Absolutely, great question!

  • Regarding eating pizza crust first. That originated from a Pizza Hut commercial when they came out with the stuffed crust. He did it on the campaign as a joke, referring to the commercial.