Have you ever been attracted to a girl sexually, then her personality made you loose that attraction? What about her personality made you loose it?

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  • Many, many times. Lots of women are physically attractive, but a good number of those same women are loud, opinionated, rude, self-centered, shallow, and immoral. I often can discover this just by listening to them talk with their friends, or, if they're alone, just initiating normal conversation with them. And, yes, despite their good looks, they can be ugly people inside, and I'm totally turned off by them.

    • I notice that older men like to go for younger women. Yet younger women tend to be more emotionally immature, self-absorbed, ignorant, and not as intelligent or as personable as older more mature women are. Why is that? Men just use younger women for sex and an ability to control? Tell me.

    • Men of all ages are most attracted to women in their 20s. This is built into male biology, because men's biological imperative is to impregnate women so that the species will continue on, and guess what age women are when they are most likely to be fertile and have healthy children? That would be her 20s. Of course, not all older men will date woman that young, but generally, aside from looks, which both sexes value, men value youth/fertility, while women value status (which is closely related to income and resources) and security.

    • No, in a *human* relationship (because we are not animals), people value partnership, an ability to connect on common experiences and interests, being on the same "wavelength", respecting each other's thought process, sharing a sense of humor, intellect, vision for life, ambition. Older men who go younger are either too low quality to have landed a good wife when young, or just looking to get laid. Not interested in the girl for who she is as a person, or for healthy reasons. The vast majority of young women do not want to get married to older men. They were forced into it in the past. We prefer young bucks who show promise, with whom we can connect and who will respect us at our maturity level.

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  • Yes! The big change happened when I realized that she's super insecure and gets extremely aggressive and rude with people as a defense. Like it's not just an act, she's not just trying to be funny; that's who she is as a person... That really took me by surprise.

    It was such a shame because I thought I had a pretty good idea of the sort of person she was before our conflict happened. Obviously I misread the situation though.

    • Oh wow what happened exactly if you won’t mind sharing?

    • In my last semester of college, I was walking to the bus stop from the club one night. I encountered her (girl 1) with a group of our mutual friends. One of her girlfriends ran up to me and gave me a big hug and invited me back to girl 1's house to smoke weed instead of catching the last bus out of town. We stopped at Taco Bell to get some food. The group left while I was in the bathroom, but I managed to catch up with them. In hindsight, that really should have been my first sign. We start smoking and girl 1 loudly proclaims that anyone that needs a place to sleep can stay on her couch. After I get suuuuper baked, she kicks me out, saying I can't stay. In her defense, I was the only person who would have stayed, so I do kind of get it. But like... damn. After that she just randomly started treating me with super blatant disdain. This was the same woman who gave me a big super tight hug after our group camping trip the summer before. I'm sure I must have done something to cause the change, but I never got any answers or ideas about what happened.

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  • Yeah I dated a girl and was actually with her a few weeks, then found out she was homophobic and dumped her there and then.

  • So many times lol

    Usually she’s very loud, obnoxious or otherwise unaware or social graces and/or people’s boundaries. I have social anxiety so if someone I’m with is being rude in public I get pretty uncomfortable.

  • Yes, plenty. You look at a girl and think she really nice looking, then she opens her trashy mouth and you instantly go off her. Lack of intelligence, general ignorance and arrogance, is a massive let down for me and a complete turn off.

  • She lit a cigarette.

  • All the time. Personality is usually why I don’t pursue. Overly aggressive, arrogant, rude, loud or obnoxious. Typically masculine traits are a huge turn off.

  • "Lose it" (not loose it), and it's usually because she's dumber than a bag of rocks and/or in love with herself and nothing else.

  • Yes. The three things that have made me lose the attraction was rudeness, stuck up, and degrading herself all the time. I also not big on the swearing.

  • Yeah, mostly too clingy

  • If she is really conceited or bitchy I don't lose my boner for her, but I go from having romantic and tender feelings to having hatefuck feelings

  • No...

  • Because sex and love are different.
    For each guy it would be different.

  • If you are referring to being visually attracted and then not after getting to know them, Yes!
    Some of the reasons would be, she is a smoker, does drugs, alcoholic, major flirt, can’t handle finances or just a loose woman!

  • Yes. Being closed minded

  • Girls who are overly materialistic.

  • Cold and arrogant women.

  • Yes, I find stupid women extremely off-putting. I don't just mean not highly intelligent women, but really very stupid women.

  • Yes it's most of the time this way.

  • It's happened.

  • Yes many times I have been attracted to a girl sexually, but her personality made me loose attraction. Bitchy, arrogant, or just plain crazy women are a huge turnoff. It doesn't matter how pretty she is, bitchy, arrogant or crazy isn't worth it!

  • Of course, just like with you women and guys, you can find them physically attractive, but get to know them a little and be turned off. While guys tend to be more driven with the physical appearance, that doesn't mean her personality doesn't factor or matter. And every guy is different to, depends on the guy.