My male teacher wants to have sex with me... what should I do? I am 17?

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    And what makes you think he does? And do you have actual proof for this claim? This may come across as I'm defending him, but I'm not. Because if you're going to report someone with a SERIOUS case like this one, that would end up ruining his entire career and most likely his life, you must have some hard evidence. Otherwise, you're engaging in a false accusation. And this could have serious consequences for YOU.

    If you truly DO have this evidence, then yes, report it to your parents and let them lead the situation. So not only are you protected, but other students as well

    • no i dont have any intention to falsely report him

    • @Asker Good. But do keep in mind that you have to have some evidence in case you do report him. So my question is: Do you have the evidence? Or is this just you thinking he wants to have sex with you?

    • no i don't have any evidence. And I never want to report him bcoz i also like him

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Go to your school Counselor today!

    He is a predator and probably has already emotionally and physically harmed other young ladies. Nothing good will ever come of this situation for you. You will recover from the fallout of this decision, but you may not ever recover from making the decision to cave into this predator.

    • In reading your additional comments, I still say to go your counselor today. You are uncomfortable with his actions. Maybe he does no't know what he is doing, but he should never put you in such a position.

    • Ohkk..

    • Hope you are doing fine today. You are young and this is a tough situation

Most Helpful Girls

  • Did he tell you directly or did he make some understatements or inappropriate moves? If yes, you should tell your parents or another teacher because it is not really good in my opinion.

  • ROFL. Did he tell you this? Or your whore-mind concocted the idea as a means not to fail & repeat the grade your fifth time

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  • There would be consequences for both. He would probably lose his job. And if things don’t work out for you, you have to face him each day to take classes.

  • Report it to the principal and the school board.

  • I don't know how old the teacher is, but he must find you attractive if he wants to have sex with you. Sex is a earn love privilege, that has to be given by the woman after the man earns her love and Trust. No one should have sex without doing that first. But you should reject him unless he's planning to give you solid S+ has on your classwork assignments

    • I am 17 he is 27 .. and married

    • oh yeah, then definitely reject him. He's wants to cheat in his own marriage and become a pedophile A person must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia. Either way, don't have sex with anyone both male or female until he or she has earn your love and trust first and when you are ready to give it. Accept your F grades by your teacher if you have to.

  • You're only 17, that makes it illegal for him. Sexual exploitation of a minor will get him 10-15 years in the penitentiary. Wait til you're 21, then many jump him, but until then stay innocent and pure.

  • Erm, fucking report him duh?

  • WHEN he's NO LONGER your instructor and on the socially-equal terms of just being two ADULTS
    ask yourself, "WHAT DO I WANT?

    'What do I find attractive in him?
    Am I being desired as 'prestige arm-candy' and NOT a gullible breathing human being with feelings?
    Am I just another in a long line of 'educational opportunities' his employment affords him?
    Do I want him to just be MY educational learning experience of THIS 'Cassanova'-wanna-be?

    DEFINITELY condoms or 'No way' ; you don't wanna become 'the 'gift' that keeps on giving' STDs!

  • I am 99% sure this is a troll question.

    17 year old girls are not that stupid.

  • That's messed up. He shouldn't be preying on underage girls plus there's a potential double relationship here (he has authority over you as your teacher plus a sexual interest). That's already a massive red flag and personally it would make me want to report him so he doesn't prey on other girls. But if you're still very interested in that creep, wait until you're 18 and aren't under his authority in some way.

  • Report him, simple as that.

    • Having thought about it and re read below, I retract that. This sounds very much like it’s going on in your head. If you have a school counsellor or similar you need to discuss it with them. You can’t just base it on how he is looking at you, The options are: You are making it up. You are reading more in to it than is actually there He is actually doing as you say. The problem is reporting it for the first two can severely impact his career when he has done nothing wrong. Talk to your friends, see if they have noticed, talk to school counsellor.

    • Thankyuuu !

  • Report him to the authorities.

  • You said, "I don't wanna give my body to anyone except my husband/boyfriend." Then you said you want his D. So which story are you going to tell. It is not a good troll if you keep switching your story.

  • If he made any attempts or inappropriate comments then report him to parents/headmaster/police.

    However if that all is just your imagination/wishful thinking then you should cool down hormones and find some hobbies (based on your comment above, where your main reason for accusation is his "lusty eyes").

    • I know he likes me and wants to sleep with me but I can't surely say he will act on hisfeelings or not

    • People have desires for other people all the time. There is a huge leap between having a desire and acting on it. Not sure why you are making this into something more than it is. I walk into any space, and I can tell immediately that a decent proportion of men desire to have sex with me. Does that mean I need to give it one more second of thought? No. It's just part of being a reasonably attractive female. Unless they are approaching me in a concrete way, I just get on with my day. You should too.

    • @NicoletteXO ohk...

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  • Report him to your parents, the school faculty or administration, the cops, etc.

  • i did that

  • Has he actually told you this himself, if so when, and how did he tell you?

  • Report him. He's a menace.

  • if you are in the uk eventhough the age of consent is 16 he would still be breaking the law because of his position in the school/college... in other countries his contract might mean he is also breaking the law... if you want to have sex with him then thats his problem however

  • Seriously? That's probably illegal. If it becomes known he will lose his career.

  • Don't get involved with him. Report him

  • Call the cops

    • @agape93 that was roughly my first thought, then I read some of the comments above….

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