How much say should men have over abortion?

Ok so for you guys out there do you think men have the right to dictate what a woman does with her body? What about the father?

Personally for men in general I’d say no. You can disagree with abortion but it’s not your body or decision to make. You have no right to enforce your views onto others.

The father I’d say is a bit different. A deadbeat father no but a caring loving father I think has some say over the new bubba. At least if both parties want the child. This is more on the 22 week mark when possible genetic problems are revealed and such a difficult decision should be made from both parties in my opinion.

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Superb Opinion

  • To preface, I support early term abortions. But quite frankly, at a certain point, it's not "your body" either. I mean, technically it is, and technically it might be his, too (it's a combination of byproducts from both your body and his), but this argument is akin to one conjoined twin connected at the him saying they can get a tattoo on the other twins face because "my body my choice and since there's on body interconnected body here then it's all mine." When aby reasonable person would disagree, as there are two distinct beings, there. Just because you're connected, from a practical standpoint, doesn't make it all "your body."

    And the hypocrisy is best exemplified by asking these same "my body my choice" people "is it okay for a pregnant woman to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, smoke crack, or do math while pregnant?" Because nearly of them would say "no, you'd hurt the baby" not "uh, yeah, it's it's her body, so it's her choice."

    My view on it is the baby is both of yours. Yes, it's unfair, because the woman has to go through 9 months of pregnancy. But that doesn't mean she can just do whatever she wants because she's not the sole owner of that baby. Think of it like a company where you and another person start a company, but after it gets off the ground, you do most of the work. Can you just ignore the other person and do whatever you want with the company? No. Because it's not just your company. It's the both of yours. Even if you put in more work, they own that company, too. And obviously, this is even more significant as we're talking about human life, let alone the life of someone's own child, not an abstract concept like a company.

    I know it socks, I fully acknowledge it, but I don't think abortions should occur unless both parents agree to it. A lot of people would throw a fit hearing this, but that's just because they're accustomed to not having that responsibility. There are many other things that such that they don't complain about simply because that's just how it is. But if you have sex, whether unprotected or not, you're taking the risk of getting pregnant and if you do get pregnant than you have that responsibility. If you don't want to take the risk of that responsibility, don't have sex.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Should a man ultimately decide if any individual woman should or should not have an abortion? Absolutely not. Just like another woman shouldn't have a say if another woman wants an abortion.

    That being said, I absolutely positively believe men should have an equal say about abortion when it comes to voting for it or ruling on it in a court. I've heard many express the opinion that men shouldn't even be allowed to *vote* on any policy about abortion. To that I must ask how in the hell is this not a direct violation of the 19th amendment? No one has ever answered that. To those who say it *only* impacts women, I say horse shit. It impacts all of society. If anything, our tax dollars go to state hospitals that perform abortions. Our tax dollars go to state colleges that train medical personnel. Any time the state taxes us, we have the right to have a say in it. To do otherwise is taxation without representation.

    Now that being said, I am pro choice. However I will defend anyone's right to vote on policies that impact every one of us, including the right for people to vote against me.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I’d say no. Men aren’t the ones that are going to be hosting the fetus in their body, they aren’t even the ones that are going to have to be pushing the baby out when it’s born. Not to mention, it’s a huge grey area how these laws could negatively effect women in disadvantaged situations which can harm them and be exploited as a loophole. For example, what if a man with a lot of connections but is extremely abusive wants to reproductively abuse is wife by forcing her to have his child in order to coerce her to stay with him. He could definitely use the legal loophole of fathers having a say in pregnancy to his advantage

    • A lot of abusive spouses use these legal loopholes of having connections to their child to abuse their spouse or child.

    • When it comes to domestic court

  • If he is the father of the baby then I think he has a right to join in on the discussion. Ultimately it's the womans choice because it is her body.

    I remember reading an old reddit post about a guy who convinced his baby mama to have the baby and he would have sole custody and she wanted nothing to do with it. She birthed the baby and handed it over and went on with her life. He had the audacity to get mad at her and complained that she did exactly what she said she would do. (Not be a part of the kids life)

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  • Depends on your view of the unborn. If it's just a clump of cells, then he should probably have as much say as he has over your fingernails.

    However, if you view the unborn as a human life, with its own separate human DNA, heart, etc, then society as a whole has a responsibility to protect that life just as much as they have a responsibility to keep a mother from stabbing her 5 year old child in front of them. A woman failing to properly protect herself from the risk of pregnancy doesn't mean that the human growing inside them should be the one to pay the price with their life.

    I'm not coming down on either side of the argument, rather just explaining both sides. Because the answer to your question depends on YOUR views, not mine.

  • Men can share their opinion/desire, but the woman has 100% choice.
    The only thing I'll add is, if the guy doesn't want the baby and the woman decides to go ahead and have it, the guy should have the choice whether to lend financial support or not. Her choice and his choice.

  • How much say should a woman have over his WEARING a condom vs. signing legally-binding 18 yr child support? "Baby I canz FEELS yah wit a rubbah!" Can you feel me NOW?

    Can yah hear the crickets chirping?~ :O

  • I think abortion should be 70% the women's decision, 30% the men's.

    Or, if women should have 100% of abortion rights (which I can understand), then men rightfully should have ZERO legal obligation to be fathers or pay money to single mothers. The only thing that really pisses me off is how women claim it's "My Body, My Choice," but then go all "pay up" to the fathers of these children. It's such absolute sh*tty double standards. The man has literally 0% rights to his own child, but is forced by law to support that child, even if he doesn't want to be a father.

    It takes two people to create a kid, but the woman gets 100% of the rights to that child, but the father is forced to pay for that child also, even if he has zero say-so towards it. I have absolutely NO respect to anyone who thinks this is fair or isn't completely f*cked up. It's the worst kind of double standard.

    I myself don't even want kids, so I'm not speaking personally here. It's just messed up and makes me angry how society treats men when it comes to children. Women can have 100% rights to that child since it's "her body," but the man is legally forced to it to, with no rights whatsoever to the child.

  • Its really two questions
    1. Should the father have say if the mother wants to abort the pregnancy?

    2. Should the father be legally committed to pay child support for 18 years if the mother decides to keep it?

    If the answer to Question 1 is yes, then the answer to question 2 should also be yes. Likewise if the answer to question 1 is no, the answer to question 2 Should also be no.

  • Yes they should. I shouldn't be forced to have a child I don't want because of an accident, and/or someone who I thought was childfree changing her mind out of the blue. That's downright manipulative.

    Random strangers, even parents or friends obviously have no say over this. But if either the mother or father want or don't want the child, neither of them should be forced to live with the other's decision.

  • I think they should have as much say as the female. I mean, he's the father, half of the child's DNA comes from him, so why shouldn't he have any say as to what happens?

    If the female doesn't want the baby, then give the father the option to care for it himself without her.

    The ONLY times I think abortion is acceptable, is if it'll kill the mother or the baby up-to or during labor, or if it's a rape baby. Then I think the father should have no say whatsoever in that decision.

    That's what sucks though. You can't be prolife without saying even in the aforementioned examples, that you vote for forcing women to carry the baby.

    But being prochoice means you're in the group of people who hey drunk at a party, hook up and get pregnant because of their irresponsibility and instead of living with that, they get an abortion, then later do the same thing, killing the "would be" baby. A human life... all because a couple were irresponsible.

  • None, zero, nada, zilch. Men bear none of the risk or cost of pregnancy.

  • Women go to "it's my body", while I see it more about the child's life, and that it's BOTH of yours, so BOTH should be equally involved and have a say. Yes it's your body, and that's also a consideration don't get me wrong, but I think the main focus should be about the child! Ladies if this was reversed, wouldn't you want a say in the decision being it's your child as well? Really think about that, if it were reversed, how would you feel about it then? I bet it would change a lot (even if some won't admit it). Having said that, he should "dictate" either, like I say, and equal say and his opinion should matter. Ultimately is it the woman's choice yes, but his opinion should have equal weight I think.

    • * shouldn't dictate lol

  • None but a man should have the right to just opt out of been a parent or paying for it. Because what if your with a girl and using birth control and etc and your clear you don't want none but they get preggo anyway and now your stuck with a baby. What's the option there should of just not have sex at all?
    And allow her to be a lair by her telling you, there will be no baby we've agreed on this.

  • Well I'm a conservative and I feel like they should have it just as much say as the mother. I agree with my body my choice philosophy but The body of the fetus belongs to the fetus not the mother. It's a separate body.

  • The man who is part of the pregnancy should have some input, but it is ultimately the woman's decision.

  • Not an easy answer.

  • None whatsoever.

    They're welcome to discuss it. They're welcome to their opinion. But they have no final say in the matter.

  • Married husbands should have 100% veto power.
    State legislators can and should regulate it.
    Boyfriends should pay 18 years of child support.

  • I think a woman should tell the guy up front her views on abortion. if she's pro choice and if she'll have an abortion before jumping in bed. If the guy is pro life then kindly walk away and spare him the immense hurt you could potentially cause him. we are NOT made of stone. If you're willing to have abortions kindly go for the men who feel the same way. That would be better for everyone imho.

  • Only women are pregnant, and it's their body. It's only up to the concernde women to decide, be it after having asked their doctor, or any other person of their choice, for advice. In my opinion, men have no say at all otherwise, and certainly no politicians or representatives of any church or religion.

  • If you don't want a kid don't have sex, problem solved. As for how much say a guy should have, well it's his kid too.

    • Well said.

    • Yes if only rapist understood that too hey.

    • Or you can have safe sex, with a partner who knows you're pro choice.

  • Practically speaking, the final say over an abortion is going to be up to the would-be mother. While I would say that if the would-be father would rather not have anything to with the child, there should be some kind of "paper abortion" available to him, but something is telling me that it's not that simple and there something that I'm not considering. That being said with the inverse scenario, the would-be mom wants to abort and the would-be dad doesn't, the would-be dad has a lot of leverage in this situation to say: "You abort that child and we're done".

    And frankly, as harsh as that might sound, it would probably be best for all parties involved if their values are that misaligned.

  • Around 10 percent. If the woman has strong personal reasons for abortion, including not wanting to be a mother — he has to make peace with it. She's gonna have it. Now swallow.

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