Guys why do guys say im be a single mom? How would they know?

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Superb Opinion

  • If you don't take precautions to prevent getting pregnant (either being on hormonal birth control, or requiring the guy to use a condom EVERY TIME), then chances are you're going to get pregnant. If you aren't using condoms, you'll probably also get STDs, even if you are on BC.

    And if you get pregnant from a guy who doesn't already have a deep, SERIOUS commitment to you (as in: you're living together in a long-term relationship, and/or you're married), then chances are the guy is going to disappear once you get pregnant, and you'll be left on your own to take care of that child. You might or might not get money out of him, but either way, he's unlikely to be there for the daily care and raising of the child. That's a lot of work and expense and a lot of responsibility, and young guys, especially if they have low morals and have made no prior serious commitment, are almost always going to take the easy way out and just disappear from your life.

    The ONLY person on the planet who can look out for you is YOU. Your friends, your parents, your boyfriends, your "hookups", etc., just aren't going to be there with you all the time, and they have their own competing interests. That means it's all up to YOU to make sure you don't get pregnant, and if you aren't incredibly strict with your rules that ensure you won't, then chances are, you will get pregnant.

    I realize that at 13 you aren't yet an adult, and not ready for adult responsibilities, but your body IS ready, and your body isn't going to care if the rest of you isn't ready. If you're going to be sexually active, then you have to accept the responsibility of preventing pregnancy - no one else will.

    Once you have a child, your own life is no longer your top priority. You don't get to choose yourself first - you have to put your child's needs ahead of yours. That may mean dropping out of school - which will limit you in being able to get a job (most decent jobs won't hire a high-school drop-out) until you work to earn a GED on your own. A child will also severely limit you in finding another man - most men don't want women with another man's child. Guys might have sex with you, but they won't get into relationships with you if you have a kid (yes, a few will, but your selection will be VERY limited compared to what is available to you now).

    The bottom line is: you have to take it seriously, or life will take the choices away from you, and then it's going to be serious whether you want it to be or not.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I'm guessing from some of your replies to comments that you already put it about a bit, so the chances of you being careless are much higher and therefore becoming pregnant. Any guy that gets you pregnant around your age isn't going to be hanging around.
    If you're going to do it just make sure you are safe and take precautions, you don't want to ruin your life before it's even begun.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 10
  • You're 13?
    Maybe it's just by the way you act or something

    • Yes?

    • You're a single mom?

    • No. But guys i meet tell me im be one.

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  • Sounds like an insult implying you will make poor relationship decisions involving a man who will leave you hanging with a child.

    • Ok thanks.

  • You are 13…

    • Yes?

  • I don’t know but I don’t think it’s a compliment.

    • I know its not.

  • Wait until you are 18 before you worry about that.

    • Worry about what?

  • Just ignore them... ☺️

    • Okay.

  • if you are 13 and have a child... then you are single... too young to be married

  • They do not respect you

  • Did u have sex for so many times?

    • I don't know but maybe u aren't that tight?

    • I done sex maybe 60. times

    • I think they exeggerate by calling u mom U must still be tight

    • Show All
  • They think ur pussy is loose

    • Its tight.

    • Weird question but would u be willing to show me on snap prolly not ik this is a longshot

    • Sure?

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  • You're 13, they're insinuating that they perceive you as being loose, sexual and think it's likely you'll get pregnant.

    • Wow. Thanks