How do you feel of a guy who doesn't like anything about being a male?

I feel females have been given better body and physical traits.
I dislike everything that comes with being a male... hate having something hanging between my legs which gets hard with arousal , having high sex drive , having ability to grow beard and hairy chest/body , sensitive balls , flat hairy chest , lacking curves and smooth silky skin.
Dislike the way penis and balls look. The only nice thing about being a male and having penis is ability to stand and pee anywhere.

I feel so embarrassed and inferior whenever I am naked around/with any girl.
It's unusual to feel that way and I don't like such men
Vote A
It's normal to feel this way. It doesn't matter to me.
Vote B
I hav other feelings and suggestions for him
Vote C
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Let’s go through these one by one.

    Having something that gets hard between your legs isn’t any worse than having something that gets wet between your legs with arousal.

    High sex drive isn’t exclusive to men.

    Body hair is a legitimate concern. I do pity men there.

    You have sensitive groins, but we have sensitive groins AND beasts. We have two weak spots to your one.

    This might sound blunt, but your chest doesn’t need to be flat. Chest presses and chest flys exist for a reason. As I said before though, body hair is a legitimate concern.

    You have curves, just not in your hips. Men tend to be more V shaped than women in the upper body, which I think is quite aesthetically pleasing.

    Get on a skincare routine for smooth skin.

    All genitals are ugly.

    Now let’s talk about the cons of being female…
    Pregnancy, childbirth, and periods come to mind. A lot of pain involved with cramps plus mood swings and other fun stuff.

    I’m a sprinter, and it really hurts knowing that men have an advantage over me on the track and in the weight room.

    As I said before, our groins are also weak, but our chests are too - this makes it hard to fight as a woman.

    We have higher rates of Alzheimer’s and autoimmune disorders.

    While we’re on the topic of autoimmune disorders… we have MUCH higher rates of IBS. Additionally, pregnancy and periods cause intense gas due to high estrogen levels. Periods and pregnancy are literally the most female things that can happen to you, which means that burping and farting a lot is more inherently female than male - that’s an embarrassing piece of information to live with.

    Even so, I can be confident and love my body. I deal with the strength disadvantage that comes with being female by physically improving myself. I deal with the extra weak spots that come with being female by learning BJJ. I deal with the gassiness that comes with being female by not getting embarrassed when I burp and fart. I don’t feel ashamed about these things because they’re inherently female experiences that every woman deals with. You shouldn’t be unhappy with yourself, and if you are, you might simply be a woman trapped in a man’s body who hasn’t made the transition yet.

    • First thanks for such detailed opinion. I am glad that you do feel our suffering & pain about having coarse body hair specifically the torso , butt hair. I must say having facial hair is equally bad and pathetic thing. Women don't have to deal with this too. I envy women for these benefits!! Even if we shave or wax our bodies it's a really tedious thing to do regularly and we have to do it on our whole body unlike women and still feel prickly/itchy very easily since our hair is quite coarse and dense. .. Women's groin area is equally weak and sensitive as male is? I doubt because it is never told or discussed in society and no woman ever says this too in any conversation. Mostly they pity males for outer hanging balls that are so sensitive painful and fragile. They even make fun about it. Your groin area gets wet when aroused so? It's not as it it's really really really wet that it's uncomfortable and visible to everyone... erection between legs is worse especially if someone has 7+ inches erection. We also have to shave our balls and butt cheeks... which sucks too. We get bald head with age and grey facial and chest hair... sadly. Being female is much better and I sometimes wonder why and how do women admire and find men sexually and romantically attractive?

    • I see balding as the equivalent to cellulite. And our groin is as sensitive and fragile, the reason we don’t discuss it is because it’s fucking embarrassing to admit. And again, you’ll never have to deal with period farts. Ups and downs to both sexes.

    • You females don't discuss groin area sensitivity out of embarrassment although it's as sensitive an painful as testicles? Come on... So balding is okay and seems fine to you?

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  • I mean, you have the option to change your gender lol.
    I feel neutral about guys like that. Some people feel that way too. There are things I hate about being a woman, but I wouldn’t changed it for a damn thing.

    • Why would you dislike anything about being a female?

    • Well, having a period every month isn’t very fun… But the fact that I can have children because of periods, it don’t mind it.

Most Helpful Guys

  • It all happened because of the lack of self-confidence, and possibly self-esteem.

    And it happens to both genders, even the older ones.

    It is then up to the individuals to get themselves out of this downward spiral condition.

    While counseling may help, friends may offer suggestions, even food may bring some joy, but to get out of it, each has the responsibility to achieve something that helps loop out of the condition.

    Small achievements, like scoring well for your degree, get a well-paying job, start a small business and of course, get your dates, engage in sex, ... all are positive moves to get out of it.

    Yes, it's a normal condition faced by everyone in a merit-oriented, free (dating) world.

    But it builds characters. Whoever survived can manage the real world more successfully.

    It doesn't matter to me, but I do hope you find your ways out and become a successful person, in all manners of life.

  • You dork! I will shape you if you were my son to conquer kingdoms! But I do not blame you for feeling out of touch with this. You do not have pride! You have honesty but no pride! You have a vulnerability and truthfulness but no sense to conquer! We need you to conquer! I am too old to save you from burning buildings. You must be the one to save me and everything else. Do you understand? I am too old to do what you are supposed to do for you. I am counting on you.

    • Ehh what?

    • You think Hercules had a gigantic black man 14-inch dong and lats that puts Arnold Schwz to shame? You seem to have no shortage of ways to say your equipment falls short of the stereotypical guy. If I measured myself as man the way you do I would have fallen short the entirety of my life! Of course, it hurts when you pick up a rock and it cuts your hand. Do you think you are the only one that gets cuts by rock? You have terrible parenting if you think man doesn't hurt from cut on a rock. You have been raised like girl. Of course you do not want to be man.

    • Ya I wish I was a female since they're better and it's nicer to own a female body

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1 6
  • I feel like someone's egg is about to crack...

    • What do you mean by that

    • @ez-bri-z you look so beautiful and dominating. I want to be your slave. Will you give me some tight slaps?

    • Maybe I direct you to my bdsm results that show me as a total submissive to deny your claim?

    • Show All
  • So you wish you were a lesbian?

    • Umm ya Why

  • Aww dude. Maybe look at it a different way. You mentioned all of the fun stuff of being a guy. For example I love flaunting my dick when having sex and love it when my flat hairy chest is worshipped.
    maybe if you think of it differently you won’t be I’m embarrassed with women…they love what u have

    • Why would you like flaunting the dick to a woman who has better more neater parts between her leg?

    • Worshipping a hairy chest? Hahah. Who does this

    • My girlfriend loves my hairy chest. During foreplay I love flaunting my hard dick, it’s fun and my girlfriend loves that too

  • I wouldn't be so quick to think that the grass is greener on the fenale side.

  • It’s strange

  • Sorry

  • A lot of guys feel this way because they resent how they always have to do the pursuing and make the first move

    • Not exactly this... I particularly dislike all physical things that come with being a male