If you had a son would you have him circumsized as a baby or allow that to be his choice when he's older?

Also why do you think circumcision is more popular and do you think it has more to do with cosmetic reasons?
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I think I'm going to have a really hard time picking an MHO... all the opinions from what I'm getting all seem really good and do have valid points
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It's against both my morals AND my religion, so hell no. His body, his choice.

    As to why it's so popular- inertia. It applies to ideas as well as physical objects. Maimonides himself admitted that its primary purpose was to curtail masturbation by making it less pleasurable. Kellogg and Graham (among many, many others), believing that masturbation had horrible side effects, sought to curtail it in the same way. Their followers adopted the practices, and subsequent generations, not knowing better, did the same. You even see traces of it today: they don't claim it'll make your teeth fall out or lower your IQ any more, but now it'll "damage your psychology" and "ruin your ability to interact with women".

    When something becomes so entrenched, it goes unquestioned. As I've said before, ask the typical advocate to watch a video of the procedure: to see that poor child strapped down and listen to him scream- not cry, SCREAM- in pain and terror, is to face the test of your own ability to empathize. Anyone who doesn't feel a sudden, overpowering urge to rush in and save him is not fit to be a parent.

  • I'm in a unique position to answer this question. I was circumcised at 17 years old , because my penis outgrew the foreskin. It became painful to roll the Glans (head) out as it had become larger in diameter then my foreskin, and then the foreskin would get stuck behind the head and not roll back in place. that is painful as well.
    Then I got circumcised they deadened my penis with a local like at the dentist and gave me some kind of drug that made me not care. Then I went to a room for recovery.
    When my penis became sensitive to feeling after the local wore off. Ohhhh my Goooshhh! The best I can describe the pain is like the entire end of my penis was on fire. like a cross between fire pain , and when you bump your funny bone that ain't so funny. this is common in males. More common is when they reach 40 or so and the foreskin loses its elasticity and and does the same thing.
    So yes my boys are circumcised as babies so they don't have to go through that pain as an adult.
    Hope this helps.

    • yes, my father had it done when he was 50. It looked like somebody went at it with a blind stitch machine. He was in a lot of pain.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I didn't have my son's circumcised. It just seems so unnecessary to put a baby through surgery like that on their first day of their life. With my last son the doctors at the hospital were very happy with my choice not to do. And said I was doing the best thing for my son and that boys are born perfect. There is no need to change their penis for cosmetic reasons.

    • circumcision is unnecessary. the only reason people do it is because they think it keeps the penis cleaner and because daddy has it done. none of the men in my family are circumcised and no one has had any issues ever. my dick is clean always and when I get a boner you'd never know I had foreskin.

    • @whosnumber1 yes exactly! Seems so stupid that people do it just so the kid looks like their dad. My husband is circumcised and my kids aren't. They have see him naked and don't even notice that it looks different cause kids don't compare like that. I find those type of excuses as such shit. It's just cause they don't want to admit that it's genital mutilation and it has been done to them so they go on and do it to their kids too. Luckily my husband isn't like that and admits that just cause it was done to him doesn't mean that we need to do that to our kids too

    • it is genital mutilation for sure. kids don't notice genitals for sure... although, my boy took a look at my dick and said... "Daddy your winkie looks like a spring roll" I just about pissed myself laughing 😃

  • I wouldn't. It's unlikely though that he would chose to when he's older... the only circumcised men I knew had it done as babies. I don't think many men would care about it otherwise. Also, I don't think it's popular in Europe at all though I was wondering why it's so common in the US...

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What Girls & Guys Said

19 64
  • It is absolutely my son's choice. It his body, not mine.

  • I don’t think it’s my place as a woman to decide whether or not a boy should be circumcised, I’d let the father make the decision.
    If he decides to not circumcise our son, then our son can make the choice as an adult… Although I know adult circumcision has gotta be painful as hell, so I’d hope our son doesn’t have/want to get circumcised in adulthood unless it’s medically needed.

  • I would let him chose. It is pure vanity that makes it popular in US. Doesn't happen so much in UK. A dick was meant to be the way it is, or it would have evolved without a foreskin. As for all this "cleaner" bullshit, ffs teach your kid how to clean itself! Maybe these mothers would rather go down the circumcision route because the are too embarrassed and don't have the balls to teach their kids!

    • Well said.

    • @Gb-Fan Thanks!

  • Yes I would have him circumcised, without really thinking about it... but if my significant other didn't want it done I would not have an issue about it either. But I would not do it with the believe that the child would make up their own mind on it for themselves later. Once a boy gets old enough to consider such things, he's going to be so in love with is penis that there is no way anyone is going to take a knife to it, unless there is some type of religious or medical factor involved.

    But honestly like 99% of males in the US are circumcised so your kind setting him up for failure... because chances are very few women have seen an uncircumcised penis and it might make him insecure about using it if the lady freaks out when they see one for the first time and doesn't know what wrong with it.

  • His father will be the one with the dick so I’ll let him decide since the baby can't speak for himself.

  • It's nothing more than child abuse

  • I'd leave that up to hubby. If it requires extra cleaning as he grows up, so be it. I'm sure it can't be worse than the indignities of dirty diapers or toilet training "wipe my butt".

  • I didn't have my son circumcised. It isn't necessary and It's his body, he can decide later on.

  • Never condone genital mutilation

  • Would not have him done at all and would explain that we have decent hygiene in the western world, we have showers, soap etc and that having a shower and washing your cock is rather easy.

    also it’s not popular at all, only in countries with poor hygiene or people not sure how to wash themselves.

  • The poll options are confusing. It's asking would you rather do this or that, but the options are "yes and no. "I voted No, hoping that meant that I wouldn't circumcise a hypothetical son of mine (I'm black anyway and I think only white/Jewish people do that.)

  • I have a 3 year old son and we chose not to circumcise him, despite being in the upper Midwest where circumcision rates are the highest.

  • I would because a man with uncircumcised looks gross.

    • Would you follow me?

    • @emyywolf shouldn’t you be in the kitchen cooking

    • Yeah like big hang out labia, chop that stuff off.

    • Show All
  • Never. Not my boys. Too much documentation against. Nature makes us the way we are.

  • Can't answer your poll am I saying no to circumcision or no to let him choose later

    My answer is only circumcise if medically needed and let him choose for himself later on.

  • I think parents worry about what they perceive as harm to their kids. Naturally you don't want to, but then there's the opinions that it might be better for them in the long run...

    I was circumsized as a baby. I don't remember it. The procedure sounds horrorific. I don't remember it. If I had the procedure done later, I'd likely wouldn't have had it. Because I'd remember it.

  • Why is chopping a part of a kid's dick off a normal thing to anyone? Should we cut some fingers and an ear off aswell perhaps?

  • It’s cleaner so probably I would just get the snip for him while he’s younger

  • A bit daft to ask them as a baby, don't you think? What are they going to say? "Gee I've only just been pushed out, and you're putting me under this much pressure already?"

    Joking aside, circumcision done for religious reasons is very different from that done for aesthetics. While both are done by surgeons and under hospital conditions, that done for aesthetics usually involves plastic surgery. Mainly as adult skin doesn't heal like newborn skin.

  • I've had two sons, both of them are circumcised

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