Have you ever been turned down by someone because you were or were not a virgin?

I’m asking about your personal experience specifically.
As for mine, I remember being torn between these two guys in highschool. One was my first boyfriend, a class clown and troublemaker, who I knew I didn't want to be with anymore because he constantly pressured me into doing stuff that I didn't want to do. Back then I didn't have much of a voice and oddly felt that I had to be loyal to him because I loved him, so I found it hard to to escape.
The other was his classmate, a seemingly good guy who wanted to wait til marriage just like I did. I think he admired that i was a good girl (at the time) and that we were both virgins. But he knew I was taken and I asked him to respect that but he kept serenading me with love letters begging me to leave the guy.
Well one day he wrote me a letter saying “He’s telling everyone in class that he hit. Are you still a virgin?” I told him what happened and how. But he didn't care. He was done with pursuing me. I guess he only wanted me solely for us havinf the virginity thing in common. Funny thing is, he lost his virginity like 2 years later and he is the one who had a kid first out of wedlock.
#FeelFreeToList #VirginOrNot
2 5

Most Helpful Guys

  • It is unfortunate that these things happen. I see an awkward conundrum here, and I don't think there's any easy solution or answer to the problem. Because, on the one hand, what he did was wrong because it's not appropriate to go after someone who is already taken and in a relationship. But on the other hand, if you had listened to him and left the other guy to be with him (which I usually don't advise, but in this case I think it would have been fine), he could have saved you from the first guy. Because, from what I'm reading, the second guy does sound like he really was a decent guy, and he would have treated you well.
    (I think what happened two years later was probably because he had his heart broken and became disillusioned, and he unfortunately let it get to him, so he went off the rails. That does happen to many people, sadly.)

    • Hmmm thats quite possible. I know he and i were hung up on eachother about ayear or two. I dont even know how he and his friend ever came to like me. They were a grade under but they asked my cousin to let me know they were interested. Now his friend didn't stand a chance because I saw him as a little brother and his big brother had already tried and failed. But to stay on topic lol, thats quite possible. Another part of me feels that he never wanted to wait til marriage and just wanted us to lose our virginity to eachother. Dating wouldve been awkward since my mom used to crush on his dad and his little brother used to crush on my sister 🤣

    • Oooo- your mom used to crush on his dad? Do you know if they ever dated?

    • And as far as him just wanting to lose his virginity with you, I honestly don't know, since I'm not close enough to the situation and don't personally know the people involved. I can't judge what was in his heart.

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  • When I was younger I wouldn’t turn down a virgin. I wouldn’t even pressure them to do anything. But now since I am in my 40’s I don’t have time to teach. Lol. I haven’t been a virgin since I was 11. So I don’t know how it feels to be turned down because I was a virgin. Even when I hit my celibate stage. I had girls who just wanted to date me. Because they knew I wasn’t looking for that.

    • 😂 i understand

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  • I remember a girl when I was in another city, we decided to meet and she told me about a roof top restaurant and told me to reach there.
    When we met, she drank vodka shots and LIIT and was sloshed. When we were done, and walked downstairs she told me that I ( like meee) am too drunk and she is really concerned and wanted me to drop me home. During our conversations I told her that I am a virgin and since then she was really interested in me as she kept on saying that she never met a virgin guy. I told her that I am not drunk and I should be the one who should drop her home instead. It was tough for me to convince her and maybe I was excited for some action and so I agreed her dropping me home. On our way home she almost slid down on the back seat and kept on repeating I just wanna get fucked so hard, I would love some one playing with my nipples and it was totally turning me on. But It was getting weird as we were in a cab. I told her lets first get home and I will make you a black coffee. We managed to reach my flat and by the time she entered my room she started kissing me and I really enjoyed kissing her back. It was pretty normal for me to get a boner and she kind of felt it and started moving her hand inside my pants to grab me. Let me remind you that I am a virgin and I reached heaven when I felt her hand touching me and things were all fine till she wanted me to remove my pant. I was really excited wanted us to get naked but then I realized that she is sloshed and it wasn't a great idea for me to lose my virginity when the partner isn't completely in here senses. I asked her if we should continue it after I make her a black coffee.
    I made her a quick black coffee and by then her dad called her as it was too late. We started kissing her again as we didn't have much time then and then she had to leave.

    The next day I got to know that she was excited to feel a virgin dick and I turned her down 😑 so she made it all about her dad's call and told me that never miss a chance if the girl wants your dick and I virgin till date.

    This happened 2 years back, but no worries I am happy masturbating.

    Cheers to proud virgins and experienced sexual masters.

    Thanks for reading and keep having fun.

    • I wouldn't even expect them to remember much that i said while they were drunk

    • I really wanted it all that day but then whats the fun if the partner won't even remember any of it? I will lose my virginity and she won't believe that she was the one lol.

  • Definitely! I've had guys be major into me but when they find out I'm not a virgin lose interest. This has happened numerous times, I think I come across as innocent to some people, even though I'm not.

    I get it, your first is the one you get the most emotionally attached to, that isn't to say we cannot to the others later. I understand why my parents and others who were each others first and got extremely emotionally attached from that experience have been married for decades and happily too.

    The first guy I was engaged to was a virgin, we were going to wait until marriage but when he found it, he couldn't handle it, the second one was not a virgin but cheated trying to get his body count up to mine.

    With the first guy, I didn't think past mattered, since then I'm completely open about it, to avoid wasting time. By date number 6 or so, I have a talk with him about it, our pasts and if there will be issues to stop wasting time if that will be a issue.

  • No and I was never asked either!

  • No I haven’t

  • Interesting, no it has never happened. My first time was with a virgin so we shared that experience together. I f I was not a virgin, I’ll bet she would have said no

    • I remember my ex lying saying he was only with one girl before me. But even if that were true, he was cheating with a lot of girls while with me soooo 🤣

  • Not at all.
    The only people that are virgins are those who are ugly, fat, weird, disabled, unappealing, unattractive, undesirable, lack social skills and such.

    Those men who say that they want a virgin. Usually refer to minors or underage girls. All of those are P3DOPH! LES!

    • wait virgins are ugly fat and all that?

    • @Still-alive Female Virgins who are 18- 27

    • yeah but/... there''s no other reason why they are virgins? like by choice perhaps?

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  • No that would be kind of funny if somebody did that with me

    But in high school the very last day of my senior year I was in my history class and the teacher was just talking to all of us and she started passing out a piece of paper it had like 20 questions on it what you going to do with the rest of your life and just all kinds of random questions well there is one question on there that asked when you get married would you rather marry a virgin part somebody who has had sex already and I sat there and I thought about it for a few minutes and I broke down I first wrote down somebody that has had sex already but then I erased it and I put down virgin well she said okay everybody hand your paper to the person on the left of you and then that person pass it up one in front of them and then she started a question number one and she blessed has anybody ever unique answer blah blah blah cuz she got to the Virgin question and she said if anybody had written down virgin raise your hand and one girl raises her hand and I went oh crap only one person she said and who is that person can I had to raise my head and only classmate started laughing scene you did not write that down and I said yes I did I said what's the big deal even though I did get a little bit red-faced because all the girls in there was like staring at me maybe said oh well that's the way it is I would probably do it again to you just because even though it doesn't matter to me I look at all women as if they're virgins anyway because they are virgin because it's the first time that I'm doing it so to me that's virgin

    • Ummmmm yeaaaa

    • Mmm yes know matter whatone it is im going to fo it the same way well at least the final outcome would be the same probably

  • Can't say anyone's ever been interested enough in me for it to have been a problem. :(

    • It’ll happen

  • Yes I got rejected once because of a woman thought that a guy is socially awkward to say the least if he´s still a virgin with 24.
    It was a shock and made me angry because of it.

    • Under 35 is not weird

  • Lmaooo yes to both

    In the past some german dudes tried to ask through the bushes about my experience (they all will first ask if you ever had a boyfriend, if you answer with yes, they automatically assume you had sex and if you say no, they will assume you're a virgin. Some will try to ask about how far you went etc)
    I always gave nearly the same answer, that I never had a relationship (in my eyes) and then refuse to talk about the rest cause it's not their fucking busines! and according to that I would either never hear from them again or they would try to meet again

    Only one guy turned me down, cause I wasn't a virgin and everyone else probably cause they assumed I was a virgin. Even my ex said, he thought I was a virgin until he got to make out with me lol

    Also one confessed later on that the topic virginity was his reasoning to turn me down, I even told him that I wasn't a virgin and he literally had the audacity to ask me for coffee after that lol

    • After we made out the first time he literally said "i thought you were a virgin but you're a beast!!!" Lmao I was dying 😂 I still love that moment

    • Lol i hate when they assume dating someone equals sex and i hate if they assume good kisser equals nonvirgin. Like you can be a great kisser either way

    • Sameeee! It's like how stupid can a person be lol

  • I've never been turned down, in general

    • Well look at you

    • lmao... not like I go around asking people to take me

      I steal their souls and then they have no choice

      Have you ever been turned down by someone because you were or were not a virgin?

  • As a virgin, It feels like it has made men see me as a target to pursue. If anyone has turned me down cause of that, I am not aware of it.

  • This never happened to me.

  • No because my sexual experience is nobody's business but mine.

    I got no std and that's all they need to know about my sexual experience.
    They don't like it find someone else to date

  • No, and I honestly would not care if someone did. All that does is show me that they didn't like me as much as they made out like they did.

    • True

  • Nope. Nuff said

  • Yes, twice for the latter.

    • Did they have any reason as to why or did they keep it general

    • The first one just said I was "not marriage material then " and the other because I was "used goods" and didn't want another's leftovers.

    • Omg yes I've heard the used goods one before. And the ones saying it are usually the desperate ones who will date anything that walks just in hopes of finally marrying so they can get laid

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  • When I was around 18 or 19, I was turned down a lot. Girls would often say, your so sweet, naïve and innocent I do not want to take that away from you, I am not that way. I do not know if that was just a excuse or if they really thought that way, I found it extremely annoying.

    The only girl that was interested me that I turned down, she said she had 75 sexual partners but wasn't sure, was probably more than that.

    • I wouldn't even want someone whos had that many

    • We never got that serious though, I think she knew that. She just wanted to hang out a lot and spend time together. Reason she wasn't sure was cause she was an alcoholic, and I was the first guy to try to help her with that. Went to court with her for her DUI, I'd take her to AA or pick her up. Being drunk all the time makes it hard to know how many guys you've done it. I know there is no way it would of worked out, as there isn't any way I could of gotten past that, I can still count my partners on one hand.

  • I never lost my male virginity cause me and my ex-GF's engaged in pleasuring nothing more and we kissed, french kissed but I never judge a girl cause she's a virgin or not a virgin also my ex-GF's were not virgins and I never turned them down I love people for whom they are makes no difference to me as long as we are all disease-free that's all matters

  • I wouldn't go out with someone who's virginity-obsessed.

    To the point, I'd lie to a guy / girl til next morning, when they confirm their suspicion that yes, they were doing a virgin.

    I hate the whole concept of virginity.

    • Damn dont lie about it. You might get physically hurt

    • Physically hurt?

    • You mean a guy would beat me?

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