Why do many still insult girls who have had many sexual partners?

Why are people so interested in other people's personal lives?
Why do many still insult girls who have had many sexual partners?
3 6

Superb Opinion

  • My reason is because it often narcissistically revolves around the woman's needs w/o consideration to the man (emphasis on the pronoun "I" as I can't capitalize it for emphasis, as it's always capitalized):

    "I sleep with men I'm attracted to quickly, because I want sex, if I want a relationship, I'll make the man, who is more dedicated, and working much harder to make things work, get a reward he'd appreciate, because it might conflict with MY interests & not give ME the outcome (boyfriend/relationship) I'M after."

    It's because, in my experience, she doesn't respect the man who puts forth most effort, withholds a reward she gives freely to others, for far less in return, because everything is about her satisfaction - not respect/consideration for the other individual.

    If she gave the sex equally freely to relationship guy as one-night-stand, and didn't use it as a tool unequally to serve her own self-interests - basically respect the man's feelings - many guys, in my experience, wouldn't have a problem.

    The issue is many woman's disrespectful, arrogant, selfish approach to sex, not so much the number of partners.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Listen to this gaslighting nonsense... Anybody but the most naïve girls know that who they choose to have sex with matters. Now, when the chickens come home to roost this girl is trying to shame men who care, like "why does my personal life matter so much to you; why are you so obsessed with me; why are you so insecure; you must be a creep- eww- creepy..."
    Don't listen to this nonsense guys, a girls past matters, and if she's let a ton of guys inside her she's low-class, non-wife/ girlfriend material.

Most Helpful Girls

  • It's okay to have a preference for a partner with a low body count. A lot of people don't want to be with promiscuous people or people who have promiscuous pasts and that's fine. Some people don't care about body count at all. The people who insult promiscuous people are jerks. For example, I don't want a man who smokes but I'm not going to insult people who smoke.

  • A lot of people brag about having slept with many like its a good thing. Its disgusting and shows a lack of willpower and self respect. It shows they easily give into impulse and temptation. So if they ask, Im gonna speak my mind. But nothing i say will stop them from doing as they please. So no ones that bothered by it anyways

    • I refuse to date a guy whose been with more than a handful of girls. He can brag that he's more experienced but i’d consider him more of being a man with little self respect for his body. He’s “easy” and just slinging his dick left to right for anything that walks #WeDontLoveTheseHoes

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  • I guess for me I don't really care about her past as long as she wasn't a prostitute who's serviced hundreds of greasy dudes in back alleys for drug money.
    To be honest I'm a romantic type so I just don't want to hear her double penetration stories, or listen to her brag about all the guys she's been with.
    I want us both to be present in the moment and focus our attention on one another.

  • The same reason people make it known how many sexual partners they have had. When you brag about it you get judged. You gotta take the bad comments with the good.

  • I think people who insult uninhibited girls who love sex are jerks. I think women who embrace their sexuality are great.
    Some people just have issues about sexuality. They make all kids of excuses for why it's wrong. Such people are as worthy of criticism as those who are hypersexual and orgasmic.

  • A girl who has had many partners is a slut, a man who has had many sexual partners in a player. One day those old attitudes will change but I can't see it happening anytime soon. Do I disagree with a girl who has had many partners being called a slut? I certianly do as I am one of those girls and I do not consider myself as such, only a girl who in her younger years had a lot of fun.

  • how about women start disrespecting and devalunig males who show dominance and many partners. you own the keys to the kingdom of life, take control and stop complaining about how others.

  • Because that area of your life is always shared. And if you're reckless with it, others get hurt. Also, critics have loved ones. They'd rather ruin your public image, than risk their loved one ruining his life by getting the wrong idea about you.

    Believe me, I've offered my heart to a lot of women who later revealed that they didn't deserve to have it.

  • I think it depends but i think its usually either jealousy, disgust in the specific way the person goes about what they're doing (they might be a cheater or a manipulator of some kind) and then there's still of course some people who think their religion says its a sin. (more times than not, it doesn't say premarital sex is a sin anywhere)

  • Double standards in it's purist form!

  • I don't insult, That is their live. I have only had my husband.

  • I don't insult them, I just won't date or marry them... and every single woman that has been promiscuous knows deep down that only a simp, or a man with no self respect or options will accept that.

  • Because they prefer female who did not have as many.

  • "Why are people so interested in other people's personal lives?"

    People obviously feel the urge to cause distress/displeasure to their fellow person more than that to feel pleasure, and relax, themselves. That's one of the gloomiest laws of human society.

  • They have low self-esteem. Criticizing others makes them feel better.

  • You've got me by the balls on that. Never made any sense to me. I had a girl at work, that she and I played around during work and after work in her car, and she had a long-term boyfriend.

    How would that make any sense for ANY moron to spread that around? To begin with only an asshole would do that, and why smear someone at work?

    If she has had many partners and interested in my... all the better!!!

  • Good people often don't want promiscuous people for a partner.
    If a person has a promiscuous past, they should only expect other promiscuous people to be interested in them.

  • Because they are either dicks or they have something personal

    If you sleep with 100 men then good for you just don't make me one of them

    If I have a grudge with you and you slept with 100 men then your slut

    In other words for me it's not about the act its about the person

  • It's easier to shame someone than it is to display understanding outside of your norm

  • Because they are sluts, that's why.

  • Is that a Hulk toy glove? lol

  • A form of jealousy I guess. Maybe some of those silly uneducated guys feel as if rejected, or can't deal with the fact that the girl's behaviour does not fit the ideal image his education made him expect.

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