Do you think it is appropriate to have many or several intimate relationships at the same time?

By intimate I mean involving sexual activity, which can be freely shared with anyone. I am interested in persons under 50 as a group or over fifty as a group. I am interested in
knowing gender identity as well
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Superb Opinion

  • If all of those people are fully in the know as to the fact that they are not the only person involved with you, and they are ok with it, and appropriate steps are taken to safeguard against STDs, then yes I don't see there being a problem.
    I have been in multiple friend with benefits situations before, and the people involved knew about the other people, we all used condoms to safeguard as best we could against STDs and tested regularly.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Unless people agree to become exclusive when dating, it's not really the other person's business to know if the person they're dating is also dating others. If things get serious and two people decide to only date one another, and one person continues to date, then that's not appropriate, it's a lie.

Most Helpful Girls

  • A guy on this site talked to me about a poly tribe. The way he explained it, made it really sound like a good thing. Much better than rolling the dice on Tinder. I don't know how you get begin arranging it, but it really is a thing.

  • I have a few at a time but I only see each guy once or twice a month maybe. Sometimes I will see one guy more and not see the others.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • I think it’s disgusting, trashy, and ultimately a train-wreck to be involved with anyone who does such 🤢
    Like they would ever accept Married and Stuck are synonymous…They would fly on to the next feel-good thing in heartbeat.

  • As long as you are not in a committed relationship then sure.
    Just like the 70s.

  • I don't see any problem if you're single

  • It is totally fine. It is only the very insecure and weak that have a problem with it.