Opinion on condom vs. No condom?

Firstly, I understand the risks of pregnancy, and have gone over the probabilities, but I want to know peoples opinion. My girlfriend of ~3 months is currently on the patch and has only ever had one other partner and never participated in 'unprotected' sex nor recieved oral sex. My self; was a virgin, no STI etc.. Lately I haven't been fully satisfied with my sexual performance, and I blame it on the fact I can feel much of anything down there. Unlike "self-lovin" I don't get the satisfaction I think sex should be. My partner has been loving it, but I have yet to reach a climax ('cum) even after spending well over a half-hour doin it. Honestly, durring masturbation, I have no trouble keeping a rock on and topping out rather quickly, without the use of p*rn etc. I'm attracted to her like crazy, and I have no problem getting up, but during sex, I just seem to loose it eventually. (20+ min in) All in all I'm wondering if condomless sex is that much more satisfying ( guys ) and if it affects the pleasure for her (girls). Thanks a ton for your input and I'll be sure to try and answer some of your questions. (We both just recently turned 18 if anyone thinks we shan't be sexin it up*)
Yes, use a condom
Vote A
No, do not use a condom
Vote B
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Girl Guy
+1 y
Does the patch not provide a good enough prevention?
0 1

Most Helpful Guys

  • Use a condom since you're still young. As you become older and more sexually experienced then you can decide whether you'd prefer to continue using condoms or go bareback in future relationships.

    Going bareback does feel far better and much more intimate though ;-)

  • I must say I am impressed with all the recommendations to keep using the condoms. I will add to that by saying keep using the condms!
    Try different brands and types until you find one that works.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Use a Condom, because you are too young to get pregnant. Even pull out method is not safe you can get pregnant from precum. Check it here: thelifesquare.com/pregnant-from-precum-8575481/

  • Talk to her about it. Have her get tested first just to be safe (you can get an STI even if you use a condom). Sex without a condom is definitely better though.

  • Ask her. She chooses whether to use condom or not. Because irs a bigger deal for her if gets pregnant

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 6
  • Use a condom. You're too young to risk pregnancy.

  • At your age I recommend using condoms for the time being.

  • There are condoms that feel good but they are expensive. Sex without a condom is basically they best feeling in the world, so yea nothing compares.

  • I say just go for bareback. The point of having sex is to enjoy it. Condom reduce to sensations and for me I can’t feel anything down there with a condom. You can feel everything with bareback and it does make sex more enjoyable. You can reach climax maybe faster but it depends. After I tried bareback I couldn’t go back to use condom again

  • Most people use hormones so they can have condomless sex. Everybody has a different risk tolerance though.

  • yes you feel much more without a condom. just pull out if you want to be extra safe. despite what others will say, pulling out does work except for the guys who are too stupid to know they're about to cum.

    • Pulling out doesn't work. Pre-semen can still get a girl pregnant.

    • neko: not a chance. and pre cum doesn't happen to every guy fyi.

    • It happens to enough. He needs to wear a condom, because pulling out isn't effective.

    • Show All
  • I dislike wearing condoms. They reduce the sensation for me.