Why do girls complain about not getting enough sex?

A few recent polls show the frustration of girls who aren't getting enough. If guys had it so easy we'd be getting laid all the time! --Heck, all you have to do is just look at a guy for him to want you.-- Are you just so picky that all the planets and the moon have to line up perfectly? Is it even more complicated than that? I know you need a relationship and a connection, but seriously, how hard can it be to find a date when you know every single normal hetero-guy on the planet is just looking for a smile from you to know you're approachable. Is this way out of line? Is it as easy for girls to get approached as guys think it is?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • It's pretty easy to get approached, yeah, but not always by what you're looking for. I've had periods in my life when I was single and somehow became some kind of freak magnet. And yeah, I was unhappy with the amount of sex I wasn't having then. I mean I was turning the weirdest ones away and I still went on three straight dates with: a guy who I'm pretty sure wanted me to join his cult, a guy who told me he liked me because he thought I would be good to have children with, and a guy with mommy issues so severe that I picked up on it within ten minutes. I sure wasn't having sex with any of them, but I still was disappointed at my lack of sex.

    As for having all the planets line up perfectly, I'm sure that the ready availability of men makes that at least somewhat the case. Also we just don't have the same sex drive you guys do, so having a penis and a pulse isn't that appealing. From what I've heard the opposite isn't always true for guys.

  • well for me sex isn't a priority. as I said in a previous post, if I'm not getting any then I can go without it for a very long time. but if I'm getting some then I better be getting copious amounts of it.

    i know I'm not exactly the most approachable person. sometimes if I'm having a bad day I may shoot a guy a really bad look, like a 'get out of my way or die' kinda look. but on a good day you'll find me smiling with my teeth showing. I try not to do this too often as sometimes some guys get way too confident and think that my smile is directed at them. I just smile when I'm happy.

    if I'm feeling horny and if there's no guy around, I'll just fix the problem myself. I don't think I can do the whole friends with benefits thing. it doesn't seem morally right to me. but don't think I'm a prude or anything. I just prefer to have sex with someone I care about more than a friend. :)

    • I could not agree with you more, you took the words right out of my mouth, except the part about not doing the FWB thing, I've done it and your right to stay as far away from it as you can.

    • Why do you need an abundance of sex only if your getting some?

  • OK so I don't get enough sex but I'm in a relationship so I think It's kind of different to what you're talking about. My boyfriend works approx 60 hours a week and I've just graduated and am looking for a job and have a lot of time (and energy) on my hands! We don't get to see each other that much and when we do he is quite often really tired. So I end up pleasing myself. Its alright for now because I know I will get a joob soon and then our energy levels will balance out! I hope! So its not all that easy for me to get sex! So sorry for complaining!

  • Ok you are right about it being easier for a girl to get laid then it is for a guy. The thing is, if I'm going to sleep with someone, I need to have some sort of chemistry with him, or my clothes are not coming off. So I'll date, but unless I feel that spark of carnal desire for the guy, there is no sense in taking it further.

Most Helpful Guys

  • The qualifier is: with people with whom you want to have sex. If you drop your standards enough, anyone can get laid. The question being is it worth it to do so? Generally, the people who are most available for casual sex are not interesting or biologically scary.

    Once you figure out who you want to do, now you have to get their attention. This is harder than it seems because guys prefer to be impervious to the subtle approach if the woman initiates and they don't necessarily ask on their own (The lamentable nice guy who can't figure out why he can't get laid generally never asked anyone to bed, he just tried to be their friend and hope they would fall out of their clothes).

    I learned a long time ago that there are a lot of women who want more sex but aren't getting asked. I make it a policy that if I find someone sexually appealing, I ask them if they would like to have sex. It yields surprising results.

  • You just said it: The planets must be aligned perfectly. Women have stated over and over that they don't date just anybody and the ones they are dating have no guarantee they will get some booty. Women are picky, every poll given in this website alone confirms this. If a woman does not want sex, forget it. Not even God Almighty cannot change their minds. But when a woman does decide to put out, a man better meet her qualifications. Be it tall, handsome, race-specific, gorgeous, athletic, handsome, young, good looking and whatnot, a man better be all that or he's hiring escorts. That is just how it is.

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  • Well, it turns out that not all of us ladies are sluts, and even though we may want more sex, we want sex from maybe one person, or we want sex with a little more.

    Me, I don't get nearly enough sex, but my significant other is kinda far away. Yeah, I could certainly sleep with other guys, but I would prefer not to.

  • lol you tell me? because the last time I has sex was a very long time ago and I'm not unapproachable at all so I guess I'm just not a lot of fellas types and that's why I don't get any lol I just don't know ?

    • It seems so strange to hear what you say because you're obviously smart and attractive...are you really picky - I know I am!

    • Yea i am but not to the point were I can't find anyone I like I know loads of people I like and I see fellas I like when I go out on nights out so I'm obviously the problem

    • I guess I have a problem, too. For me I can chalk it up to being shy and having a fear of rejection - a big hurdle you don't have to worry about (that makes me jealous of girls.) Maybe you need to change where you hang out? I like to go to different places and meet lots of new people. Have you tried expanding your circle of friends?

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  • Love sex but don't like to be manhandled.

  • I don't complain about not getting enough sex, at all, I get at least my fair share.

  • Wow good topic,

    I get the vibe you might get some heat about this one lol

    Cheers !

  • hey its a lot harder for a girl to find a date than you think.lol. I really don't have the sex problem I have a FWB, so if I need it I get it and if I get into a relationship there are no hard feelings