I'm too embarrassed to have sex?

I think it's embarrassing being naked in front of someone. I don't want anyone to see my vagina. I also think it is embarrassing to be all out of control of your body and make ugly faces. I'v had sex twice and didn't like it so things with that guy didn't work out.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • young lady, the problem is you. as for the unfortunate sexual experience you had in your prior relationship, I am truly sorry to hear that. However, you can't necessarily nix every guy or making love out all together. Evaluate the reasons why you didn't enjoy it, and why the relationship ended. Men love confident women, just like women love confident men. How do you feel about yourself? What do you love about yourself? How is your self-esteem and self-worth? These are things, that you, and only you should control, and be aware of: naked or not. What do you find attractive in the opposite gender? What do you find attractive about yourself, and how do you think men feel about that? Sex should never be in vain or purely physical. That is why people, both: men and women struggle with the psychological and/or emotional baggage that comes with, desensitizing yourself, from probably the closest thing two people can do with one another: becoming one or exchanging bodily fluids. Perhaps, you weren't ready: physically or emotionally? How did he treat you, and most importantly did you two love each other? I hope your attitude changes for the better. Good luck!

    Jamaica Outtttttttt

  • when you like someone enough, you won't be worried about them seeing you naked

Most Helpful Guys

  • Appreciate yourself. Human beings have the same body parts, there's nothing to be ashamed about. If he doesn't see yours, he'll see someone else's. As for being out of control and making funny faces, well, if he/she doesn't like what he is seeing, that's his problem, you have nothing to worry about here.

    Try to walk inside your house nude, sleep nude, eat nude, etc... Whenever it is possible of course. Go to the beach and wear bikinis :) Or simply just wear more revealing clothes in this up coming summer. This will get you more used and comfortable with the idea of being naked/ semi naked.

    Give sex a chance, it is so much fun. Stop worrying much, and remember that everyone has sex, you are not the first one and you sure aren't the last. Lol, I don't know if what I wrote is helpful, but that's all I can think of now.

    Good luck :D

    • yeah we all have the same body parts. But they don't all look the same, some are attractive and some are ugly. Mine are ugly. I live with my mother, so I'm not going to be doing things nude, the only time I'm nude is when I'm in the shower or bath. It's coming into winter where I live so I won't be going to the beach and wearing revealing clothes. In summer I did go swimming a lot but even though I'm only tiny I never liked to wear skimpy bikinis, I always wore shorts to cover my ass.

    • "Give sex a chance, it is so much fun" I have tryed to give sex a chance, and I can't seem to see the fun part of it. "everyone has sex" no they don't, there are heaps of people who are virgins and never have sex.

    • WoW, you managed to make every word of my answer sound impossible. :( Let me ask you a question: What defines ugly? And who are you to decide what looks ugly or beautiful in other people's eyes? You live with your mother? What's the problem? just try to be more comfortable with the idea of being naked ANYTIME YOU CAN. The more you see your body, the more your brain gets used to that image. "everyone has sex" = it's a natural thing. All I said was my opinion, I didn't say it's valid. =\

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  • Try being naked as much as reasonably possible, and get a mirror and look at your vagina often. Move it around, open it up, and take a good look. These things may not be comfortable for you at first, but do them anyway. After a little while, you'll start to realize that it isn't that big a deal, that nearly everyone has sex, and that your body is a wonderful thing. And know that the guy you're with is going to really like sex and seeing you naked.

    You've built all these things up in your mind to have HUGE importance, but it really isn't that way. You probably have a lot of fear and guilt about it all that you need to learn to get past. Once you do, you'll be able to relax and sex will be very enjoyable.

    • I already do those those things. I think my vagina is ugly and want to get a labiaplasty. I don't think guys will think it's attractive and I would rather them not look at it.

    • What in the world make you think that? Do you know that in your country and many others, vulvas are Photoshopped in soft-core p*rn mags so that they can have wider distribution, and thus sell more magazines? It isn't because guys find "innie" vulvas more attractive, it's because lame censorship laws force these edits or take a huge sales hit due to restrictions on "hard core" p*rn. Real women, even the ones in those pics, don't look like that. Guys know it, but it seems many girls don't.

    • Remember: guys see other real women, and probably lots of unedited p*rn, and they know that real women don't have idential vaginas, and most realize that Playboy and other soft-core p*rn is edited. Most guys enjoy the fact that there is wonderful variation from woman to woman.

      Please do not let such misunderstandings impair your judgements. You are JUST FINE as you are!

      Please watch this:


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What Girls & Guys Said

1 4
  • So don't have sex?

    What is the question here?

    • Well I need to find a way to not be embarrassed... Because that's not normal? And I'll never be able to have a boyfriend

  • My advice. Sont do Sh*t until you are comfortable doing it, and whith whom you are comfortable doing it with.

    Personally, I think that you should not rush into sex until you are sure you are ready... Therein, if that were the case, that is one worthy of marriage. Do as you think you should do, I can only give an opinion I have formed. Therein, don't do things you are uncomfortable with until you are comfortable doing them.

  • People can get accustomed to just about anything if that is what they want to do. Need to find a boyfriend with whom you can lay around the house naked all day. How do you know you make ugly faces during sex?

  • Just think of the fact that, being female, you probably look better naked than he does.

  • If a good guy friend or boyfriend is trying to get you to have sex it means he thinks you're hot. Vagina is hot to guys so no need to feel self conscious about it. The faces you make caused by the guy will turn him on even more if he's already attracted to you so that is just one more thing you really don't need to worry about. Your natural reactions to being turned on are designed by nature to turn guys on.