Guys, do you pictures girls naked?

A guy friend said he always does it, even if the girl ain't hot. Is it true? (it sorta freaks me out, in a good way)
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I sure don't! I hear some guys say that but not all that many. That's pretty prev I think. I like clothes on girls so much and they can make some girls look sooooo hot and those that aren't they can make them look so much better than if they were naked. I actually think a girl dressed hot is much sexier than girl being naked. That's because there's still a mystery left that you don't know about. It's that mystery that's such a turn on. With all the nudity online, in mags and in movies, being naked isn't even that big a deal anymore. That's not to say that I don't find a girl naked very sexy because I most certainly do. Also, some girls with big boobs if naked you'd see them sagging rather than poking out perky cause of a pushup bra. So I don't wanna picture that. lol! It's just that if she's dressed cute, hot and sexy that's good enough for me. It's more exciting seeing how she accented certain parts of her body and how she tried to make herself look as hot or as sexy as possible, or to just look casual and at other times to actually hide some of her features lol! So there's no need for me to picture a girl naked. I'm too busy enjoying how she's dressed. I'll save the nakedness for special occasions.

    • Your answer totally explains why I was so freaked out. I've always thought guys like it better when we dress girly yet sexy. And I wouldn't want everyguy I know picturing me naked, even though they don't know what I REALLY look like ;)..

    • Well that's certainly what I like best. Gosh, girls spend so much money and time on buying just the right clothes to make them look great. That's what I appreciate. But still be on guard for the guys that do have nakedness on their minds 24/7. Thanks for your comment.

  • I tend to imagine some of my (girl) friends naked from time to time. Not always on purpose, the thouhts just pop into my head every now and then. But it isn't all the time. A girl's personality is far more interesting than her looks by any standard (to me anyways).

Most Helpful Girl

  • I've heard this from a few guys, although I don't think they'd do it if the girl was totally nasty.

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  • I do it.

    A lot.

    Not every girl, not even every day.

    But often I'll wonder what she looks like naked, and an image or two will flash through my mind.

  • Well I do it sometime but with regulation, not for everybody and only if I could see myself with that girl and I'm pretty picky when it come to that so you can imagine.

  • Yes. Sometimes for me. It does come almost without any control over it. It's hard not too though. I really like a smile from women, and the way you dress. Wow, makes me want you more. Do you picture us naked?

    • I rarely picture guys naked, but I do get turned-on by well-dressed guys. The

  • To be completely honest, no. I really have no reason to picture a girl naked. I guess it just depends on the guy's priorities. For me, sexual things are not very important compared to relationships, and so I find myself actually imagining much more mundane things, like taking them out on a date. The most awkward thing I imagine is I sometimes imagine hugging them. No joke, I know that stuff sounds odd! :)

  • Yeah, I do it, but sometimes I can't really help it. It's sort of just a natural, split-second reaction. We aren't really spending a ton of time trying to imagine how the girl looks.