Pretty girls waiting till marriage for sex, do they exist?

I'm 20 years old and I wanna wait till marriage to have sex just because I only wanna do it with one person, no I'm not ugly, I'm actually a funny guy and girls always tell me I'm a ton of fun, but for years I have been looking for a pretty girl who is willing to wait till marriage or at least till things are serious, how come every girl these days give it away like candy? I'm just asking for one girl out there that saved it for me. If I wanted some I could get it but all I ask is for one girl who hasn't. I have to ask 15 year olds out because virgins don't exist at 20, and even at 15 more then 80% aren't young do I have to go, I'm not even an asshole I'm a really nice guy, can you girls out there please tell me why not even one pretty girl around my age could have waited...I want some hope that there's a virgin out there that isn't fat and isn't ugly and just wants a long term relationship...I'm starting to give up and its depressing knowing that I might be alone for the rest of my life because I'm asking for what I thought wasn't a big deal but I guess its all girls do...what do I do?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I plan on waiting until marriage, like you, to have sex for the first time. People assume it's because I am a Catholic, and I'm not extremely religious, but I still believe in God and my morals. I want to wait, because I feel like your virginity is a big thing to just give away to a guy you met at the bar. Also, I want to share my first time with someone who I know cares deeply about me, and will always love me and be there for me. Also, not to mention STD's. If the right guy comes along, and we have been dating for awhile, and are probably engaged, and settling down together, then I will probably have sex with him before my marriage night. Also, I am not going to turn a guy down if he isn't a virgin, because most guys don't keep their virginity! But still, if it's not the guy I am going to marry I don't want to be involved with him in a sexual way. Although, when I am older, and dating a guy, that doesn't mean that we won't fool around a little, but certainly not sex until we are VERY serious. I do not know any of my other friends that plan to do the same as me, but who knows! There are obviously some girls out there for you, you just have to find them! As for if they are pretty or not, well that would be up to you, and what you look for in a girl. Just remember to keep in mind that if you are in love with a girl or really really like her don't just throw it all away because she isn't a virgin. Just have a conversation about it, an you never know! Maybe she will put off having sex again until your wedding night!

    (Sorry I kind of jumped around in there in the middle, but I hope it's still legible! Haha)

    Hope I could help and good luck with finding the right girl!

    • Yeah I'm afraid of STDs too, I just don't trust any girls, I just wish I could find someone saving it, I even tried a site and that didn't work, there's the people commenting on here saying they are but its seriously 1 in 1000, I've turned down sex from a good 6 or 7 girls, and I don't even party anymore just so I don't make a mistake, the last girl I dated was only 15 and she just didn't want a serious relationship so it didn't work. its not like I won't do anything, I've done everything but sex..

    • Well, it's good to stick to your morals, no matter how much sh*t you get about it or how impossible it may seem, because eventually a girl with the same beliefs will come along! Good luck!

  • It's so rare nowadays - I'm actually quite surprised your stil a virgin as most guys who are attractive are not. Guys drop it like it's hot at any chance they get...

    Anyway, I'm still a virgin, and I'd preferred being married before it happens, or at least in a deeply committed relationship.

    I'd say I'm pretty hot; cute face, small waist, big bum, nice shape lol I get compliments so...

    But way to go for saving yourself; there's such an influential idea going around this day and age, that sex isn't something that should be reserved for people in love anymore, that it's something for fun and entertainment, and if you do it out of marriage, that's fine.

    I mean, to each his own, but it's so much more honorable of a person to exhibit self - control, and have that understanding and respect for their own body, and another's to wait for that loving bond/ marriage.

    Claps for you lol

  • I am waiting til marriage too and I know it’s going to be so hard for me to find a guy. I feel like I can’t even get into a relationship because I don’t want to have sex which would annoy the guy I am with, he would probably end up cheating on me and a lot of guys are really forceful these days, a lot of girls get raped from their boyfriends. I just had my first kiss at 18 I have really strong morals and no one really understands them. I am the only virgin out of all my friends, I have to reject guys so much and I really don’t like it. I would love to meet a guy that is a virgin til marriage or a guy that loves the fact that I am a virgin til marriage

Most Helpful Guys

  • Find a girl who goes to church and sticks with her religious beliefs. Supposively, Miss USA 2010 winner Rimah Fakih is sticking to her beliefs about marriage before sex. Also, Jessica Alba kept her beliefs too, to wait for marriage before sex.

    And I'm going to put this on the table - it seems as though many attractive women have had less sexual partners than girls who are average-looking. They may not be virgins, but the good news is, they've only had maybe 1-3 sexual partners which involved them getting into a relationship.

    These girls are known as 'traditional' girls. They won't put out unless they are in a commited relationship. Other girls will put out before the relationship is stated. The reason is simple - they want the guy they're dating, so they'll sacrifice their value to get him to commit.

    If you want to stick with your standards and find a virgin, good luck. They're rare, but I suppose they're present. Finding a girl who's very religious is your best bet. There was a guy here who was complaining about his girlfriend not wanting to have sex with him, because she wanted to save herself for marriage. So you never know buddy, you might just change and not want to wait a couple years to relieve the sexual tension that's built up.

  • I'm waiting as well. I would prefer a girl who is also waiting, but it won't be the end of the world if she didn't. If she didn't, I won't automatically assume that she's a slut. I've seen some troll questions on this site that imply that and it pisses me off. She would have to respect my decision to wait, though. That is an absolute must.

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What Girls & Guys Said

13 2
  • Girls don't give it away.

    They have sex with guys.

    I'm a pretty girl and I'm a virgin.

    Yep pretty virgins exist.

    Try spiritual, religious girls.

    Try alternative girls.

    Try "sorta virgins" reborn again virgins, only had oral/anal virgins, was only fingered virgins

    If they want you is another question.

  • Hey I'm 22 and I do exist, waiting til marriage for all that fun physical spiritual connection. I'm pretty damn pretty but you knew that. ^_^

    • Yeah girls like you are hard to find! I'm not even bad looking, I mean the pics on here were from like 3 years ago I'm in much better shape haha, plus I have a ton of money and I drive a freekin sports car...but not even one girl that's been interested was a virgin...

    • I'm not sure where you live, sounds like LA, NY, or some big town. Well I can tell you it's pretty tough finding a guy who isn't shy to approach or who is respectful. Maybe it's not supposed to be easy finding the one or someone to love. Idk?

    • Ohio nothin big, and I am shy that's a small problem compared to just being able to find a girl whos right for me

    • Show All
  • I'm 20 too and a virgin. I don't consider myself ugly since I've had guys tell me otherwise and ask me out. But I respect myself to make my decisions and not give in. So to answer your question, yes they exist.

  • I don't plan on waiting for marriage but I am 20 and a virgin and the guy I am with now I intend on giving him my virginity and I want to marry him also

  • I'm waiting till marriage

  • I plan to wait too! =)

    I applaud both girls AND guys who wait to have sex until after getting married.

    The amount of people who get together and have children before they even GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL is unbelievable! It makes me sick that people think it's OK to do that...I feel bad for the children honestly...shame...

    • i agreeeeee! :)

  • i don't think I will wait till marriage .

  • Hello girls is there is anyone to talk wit me..

  • Yes they do like I was a model but I stiLl kept myself till this year I lost my virginity now at 31 years old all oi say is dnt let anyone pressure u tho do it cse u wna not csse of others.I used2 get pressurised and dumped a lot

  • UR not alone and I've actually never dated because all guys are either bad looking or good-looking that don't want to respect me and try to take advantage of me but I run away from it always... I hope there is still hope

  • I'm 20 and I'm waiting. Hopefully, I'll find a guy who is waiting as well... as rare as that may be

  • I'm in my twenties, and I'm waiting. I think the most precious gift I can give my future husband is myself. I'll be able to tell him that I loved him so much before I even met him that I decided to wait for him.

  • Dude me too I wanna know. But I've seen some but you gotta look younger before they get to the party stage of college lol.

  • Im the same way. I don't feel like there are any guys that are willing to wait either.

  • I am a 22 year old virgin who wants to wait till a serious relationship or marriage. Ha, I am not fat or ugly, I've been told I'm really beautiful ;) Its good to hear that there's a GUY out there who doesn't want to have sex just to have sex and wants to wait till there's something serious :)

    • Now all I need is to find a girl whos like you, but I know I wont, I'm about to give in because its getting so hard and its not like I don't wanna, I'm sure ill love a guy and all, but apparently its a lot to ask for one girl to want it to mean something :(

    • Please don't have sex, just to have sex. That's what I don't want in a guy, so you'll basically be doing what many girls don't like, and THEN it'll be harder to find someone that will take you seriously because they'll think you're just with them to have sex. Also, think about the girl who you'll be doing it with, you'll be playing with her just because you wanted to give in and do it. Just wait! OR at least find a girl, who will ONLY have sex when there's a serious relationship...

    • I'm trying to find that girl, I really am but I'm stuck looking for a 15 year old because I can't find a girl my age, I don't wanna give in but I also don't wanna be alone the rest of my life, at least I'll get to have fun, I just don't no what to do I feel like ill never find her if she's even out there

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