In self defense could a guy take a girl squeezing and yanking at his testicles?

Ive been taking a self defense class and all the other girls say if you have the chance to grab and squeeze the males testicles and he would be done for. Do you think it would really work?
2 10

Most Helpful Guys

  • ... if we just had sex and were both naked, that might actually work. Or if I was asleep.

    You do realize that in normal situations... and where the guy is actually wearing clothing... how idiotic this idea is?

    You're not striking at the face to make someone back off, disrupt their focus, mess up their vision.

    You're not striking at nerve points in the arms or legs to disable someone, or joints to cause massive pain. Not striking abdomen blows to hurt him.

    No, you're literally trying to grab my balls. How the hell are you thinking this will work?

    And while you're apparently bending over or crouching somewhat to try to find my balls through my jeans or pants, my hands and elbows are free to deal massively painful blows to your face, head, neck, and upper body. Because you have at least one hand gone, and I don't.

    Or most simply, if we're actually fighting, I just go with your motion--as you crouch to grab my balls, I just grab your head and ram my knee into your torso, or if you're unlucky, your face. You then are knocked unconscious and/or spend thousands of dollars having your nose and fractures around your eyes put back together.

  • I know this is a really old question, but I just wanted to share my experience and explain what would really work...

    I recently competed in a mixed gender kick-boxing competition where a strike to the balls was allowed and guys were not allowed to wear any protection (protective cups etc) at all. I was competing against a girl and was winning comfortably on points going into the very last round, but with like seconds to go, I lost concentration and ended up facing the girl with my legs wide apart, so she literally ran up and kicked me in the balls as hard as she possibly could to win!

    I immediately screamed out in shock, fell to the floor and was just rolling around screaming in absolute agony while the girl celebrated her win! A lot of the girls watching in the audience were laughing and cheering too! What made it worse was that my girlfriend was sat watching on the very front row and of course she was horrified!

    I would not wish that pain on anyone and my balls were very bruised and swollen for at least a week! It was excruciatingly agonising! :o(

    • I have NEVER heard of guys not allowed to wear cups. In our DOJO and every competition, cups are mandatory. Guys testicles are vulnerable to serious injury. The match organizers would be sued if something like that happened and a guy ended up in a hospital.

    • Thanks for your comment on my answer. I have read your other comments and I can assure you this 'story' is very true, unfortunately! This was the only competition I've ever competed in where guys weren't allowed to wear cups. I only entered on the assumption that no girl would ever kick a guy in the balls to win a fight! How wrong was I!! I did end up in hospital, worst pain ever and really severe bruising and swelling, but fortunately no surgery required and my balls did fully heal eventually!

    • @crazyincalifornia even worst men have died from getting squeezed or hit there

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I attended a self defense course offered by my college long time ago. We were instructed that if the attacker has a loose scrotum sac it is actually better to grasp one of his testicles tightly, twist it as much as possible and jerk hard. Use the whole momentum of your arm, and if possible, also your weight. This move will tear the spermatic cord and/or detach the epididymis from the testis causing immediate debilitating shock. You can even do it with both of your hands, each testicle in one hand which would basically castrate him. Brutal, yes, effective yes.

    • That's ok but boobs punching also very painful 👈

    • There's just so much to correct here. The legal application, the effectiveness, the scenario itself. Are you superwoman from krypton who can see his nuts loose within his pants or are you breaking into people's bedrooms to defend yourself? Not that sadly if you ever find yourself in a life or death situation your assailant will most likely be clothed at the moment and it will be too late once he does start working down. Self defence isn't a joke and should be taken seriously. Is the assailant armed? How will you protect your upper body if you go reaching down? You think someone will just stand still like they do for sparing practice? What if they are doped up? These are all things you have to consider. I can guarantee your funeral if your assailant is doped up enough. People have fought like bears ignoring multiple gunshots received as they wrestle with police. Then there's the laws almost every country including USA and Canada have about proving the force used was the minimum necessary. It's far worse in Canada then in the usa but it's still there. The cowboy erra is long past folks can't just shootsomeone cuz ya thought he was going for a draw. Only to find out it was his phone he holstered. There so much more to say. But I feel like I gave the important bare minimum. Self defence is a mindset and preparedness that starts before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up. Just like driving. If you don't ready yourself for a potential accident. When it happens. You gonna be worse then "not prepared"

    • carefull. you can make him faint in seconds. even worst there are dozens of cases of women killing men just by squeezing or kicking men in the testicles. google wife kills husbands squeezing testicles, or testicles neurogenic shock death, or look in paclii or indiankanoon legal online databases for the public , type in testicles squeezed and you will find hundreds of cases where women have killed men usually a spouse or girlfriend in a domestic dispute fight attacked the deceased male only on the poly (the testicles) some of these men were also healthy and strong, but this is a very delicate and most vunerably part of the male body. the testicles are rich in nerve endings, even a little flick on the poly is unconfortable, now imagine a full wrench squeeze. i seen a case in china reported all over the news youku the website type in 海南海口 停车起纠纷 男子被抓下体身亡 120423今晚 she squeezed a shop owners testicles until he convusled and dropped dead.

  • I've never tried squeezing as hard as I can, but from what I've experienced with squeezing, my advice is this; if you're thinking about the long squeeze where you're giving him a speech about what a piece of shit he is, like you see in the movies, forget about it. It's dangerous.

    But if you're talking about the grab-twist-and-pull, quickly and with all your might... Well, I believe that would be very very effective. The last time I mentioned this to a male friend, he cringed just at the thought.

    • Hahaha... yes

  • Yeah but that's off limits. You can't do that at all. Advanced Black Belts can ball kick and it's considered a point.
    Girls that attack guys weak areas like that are just plain stupid. The guy could seriously end up in the hospital.
    I kicked a guy just by accident (I was only 14 or so and he was like 22) and he had to be driven home. He never once came back to my DOJO. Guys are embarrassed by that especially if it's from a girl
    Don't do it!

    • Yes it is very embaressing🙌

    • @Guy_2002 pretty sure this article was about the effectiveness of squeezing in a life or death situation. If I was wrong then apologies on me for all that I wrote before. Yeah this shouldn't be taken lightly. It would be the equivalent of kicking someone's liver and rupturing it resulting usually in death. Or sticking a pen into someone's trigeminal nerve which is so painful and permanently damaging people who are unfortunate to have had this happen and survive at that don't usually choose to stay among the living. My point? This isn't a game. It's and organ like every other. You have yours too and though inside, the body isn't a tank we are all weak fragile bags of blood and tissue. Covering bones the only true strong substance in our body and even those we have managed to break with little effort. Hurting someone in this magnitude outside of self defence is just wrong and is assault. And there are some people more creative out there who can find a way to one up you back. If it's self defence though, what ever it takes is my motto. I don't go around trying to hurt others so if someone's gonna do that in my book there the ones who should go. Me vs the assailant? I choose me.

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7 26
  • If you could actually grab them... yes. You'd be lucky to pull it off though. Depending on the pants he's wearing. The way he's probably already dominating the fight. And if you go for it and miss... and he figures out what you were trying to do.. expect his aggression to go through the roof. Just so you know.

    But if you got em in your hands he'll be a quivering mess on the ground and take quite a while to recover.

  • I was at a party over Christmas, and about an hour in I noticed a guy curled up in the hallway looking very sorry for himself. I assumed he was just drunk and left him alone as did everyone else. About two hours later I noticed that he was still there, so I sat down beside him and asked if he was OK. He told me that he had had an argument with his girlfriend and that she had grabbed one of his testicles and refused to let go while squeezing it. she had then walked off, leaving him in agony on the floor. At this point it had been over three hours since she had done this to him, and he was still in agony!

    I have occasionally squeezed my boyfriend's testicles during a playfight and it seems to be agonising for him, so what this chap went through must have been awful. If this episode is anything to go by then I can confirm that this would definitely work in a self-defence situation.

    • I don't believe this story. Sounds like some guy victim fantasy or something. Ok we have rape fantasies too but I would never write about it as if it were true. My BF just ties me up sometimes.

    • This story is bullshit.

    • BS! It doesn't take that long for a guy to recover from getting one of his balls squeezed unless it was ruptured and he's going to the emergency room.

  • It's harder than it looks in the movies, especially identifying the right spot. And if you do that, expect to be hit in breasts and c*nt punted.

  • It would depend on the ssituation. if you were fast accurate and went animal very quickly then you might be right about being done for. Otherwise you might be worse off. I had a bad experience back in high school, part my fault but not all, where I ended up naked with a nasty girl grabbing and wrenching my testicles. Even the other girls watching were telling her to stop. As you said, I was done for. In my case I was naked so beside vicious kicks she could get a solid hold on "things". If I was not naked I doubt she could have done it and the fight might have gone differently. It hurt now just remembering it. It sucked back then.

  • bullsh*t. A guy is expecting you to do that, and most guys are stronger than you. You will probably not get a good grip, anyway. Hitting him in the balls is not effective either, because the pain usually takes about 5 seconds to really set in. In that time, he can hurt you.

    If you MUST hit a guy in a confrontation, I would suggest the heel of your hand right into the tip of his nose. The nose is very easy to break and the bleeding will be profuse. The pain is excruciating and the mess will probably make him run away.

    The best thing to do is to run away. Don't attempt to fight a man.

  • Keep your guard up while you do it.

    You'd take the most prejudiced haymaker ever to the face as soon as you did it.
    You've gotta be ready.

  • you grab a mans balls or try to, you might end up dead.
    just kick and run. it might hurt them a lot but it will activate their endorphins, they would most likely start to strangle you without even realizing or break your arm without realizing.

    I once hit my brother in the crotch and watch him break something while reeling in the pain

    • Hahaha funny

    • Its very effective and fast to stop a guy and bring him down. Gotta get in close and get a good grip of a testicle. As soon as you squeeze he'll freeze, even with adrenaline i bet. I let a 100lb female friend try it on me and man oh man it works

    • If you kick a guy's balls very hard he won't be able to get up and strangle or hurt you.

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  • Depends on what the dude is wearing. If you grab for my bulge in my jeans, It won't bother me that much, and I'll still be able to do whatever I want. If you really got a hold of my junk in basketball shorts, then you might be able to stop me.

  • It would work but you would struggle to get hold of his johnson...a guy friend tried to grab me down there one time, completely out of the blue. He gripped the ting briefly, but I managed to stop his hand and pull it off, a reflex move. lol

    • It's not about gripping his johnson. It's about gripping one or both of his BALLS! It wouldn't have been so easy to pull his hand off if he had a grip on one or both your nuts.

  • If they are dangling exposed and you can squeeze him, then yes no man could take a grab and squeeze and yank to his sensitive parts. They could get crushed or at least bruised

  • Yes, it would work! I have done this to guys that wouldn't leave me alone and it totally incapacitated all of the guys. I not only kick them I also twist their balls!! Trust me, it really works!

    • How did you twist them, were they naked? What happened?

    • @trumpets310 Yes they were naked

    • Oh ouch! What did they do to deserve that? And what happened when you did that to them?

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  • Yes and it hurts really bad!!!😫

    In self defense could a guy take a girl squeezing and yanking at his testicles?In self defense could a guy take a girl squeezing and yanking at his testicles?
  • My classmate did that after an argument. She literally, just put her hand under my underwear and just grab, squeeze, twist and pull. I also punched her in the stomach. My testicle was swollen for whole week and she lost her one ovary.

  • My defense would be, I love it as long as it not excessive squeezing

    In self defense could a guy take a girl squeezing and yanking at his testicles?
  • I squeezed a guys balls once. He dropped to his knees & just said "oh please, oh please" about 20 times. LOL! When I let-go he stayed down & I just left him there. ha

    So, I'd say he'll say uncle.

    • Holy crap that's hardcore.

    • 2 of my female friends who were attacked didn't squeeze, but they distracted their attackers by showing them their panties and bra before kicking them in the balls. Hope this helps.

    • Well, I hope you had some good reason.

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  • Yes. It hurts.

    Don't just trust us, ask your father.

    • Or brother

    • @Paige90 have u asked?

  • unless it was a great hit..its gonna make em even madder..and that is not good for females in general

  • Squeezing is a maybe. One girlfriend wanted to know how hard she could squeeze before it started to hurt, so I let her hold a testicle and slowly squeeze harder and harder until it just barely hurt and she would stop when I said so. She had pretty weak hands actually and couldn't squeeze hard enough.
    She tried both hands on one testicle and it just barely hurt, not to say that you couldn't. I once, immaturely, publicly insulted a former girlfriend. She later that night tricked me into thinking we were going to be intimate, grabbed and squeezed a testicle and lectured me for ~5 min about how much of a douche I was, her hands were definitely strong enough. Having time to find a testicle through pants, a sure grip, and enough strength is a gamble and pants might restrict grabbing and yanking especially with jeans. Best just hit them and run if you can for self defense. If you're trapped and need to take control then a grab and yank is best. Ouch!

  • It works very well.

    As soon the girl grabbed your testicles, it's finish for you.

    You can't fight back. The pain is so excruciating! Most men think they can overcome this pain because they have never experienced it. Believe me. You cannot! Girls often don't really know how effective it is. They should because any girl could beat any man, even if the guy wears trousers. In this case, it's very important for women to practice with a partner to grip the testicles with ease, especially when the man is wearing pants.
    They will then be able to easily grab and crush the testicles whatever the situation.

  • Yes it realy works. That's why it's always shown in movies because it's the most effective way to hurt a guy

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