Toxic People: 4 Tips to End a Bad Relationship


1. Diagnose the relationship

Toxic People: 4 Tips  to End a Bad Relationship

How do you know if they are bringing you down or not? Toxic relationships have some symptoms.

Ask these questions to yourself:

How do I feel when I am around them?
Are they jealous when I spend time with others?
Do they constantly want to change me?
Do they take more than I give?

2. Recognize your role in the relationship

Toxic People: 4 Tips to End a Bad Relationship

Constantly bossing you around?
Always borrowing money from you?

Then draw your line.

3. Recognize you can’t change other people but you can stop being a door mat.

Toxic People: 4 Tips to End a Bad Relationship

Spend less time with them.

4. Look out for yourself

Toxic People: 4 Tips to End a Bad Relationship

You deserve love and respect. You teach people how to treat you. Surrond yourself with the people who love you.

Toxic People: 4 Tips to End a Bad Relationship
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