Cops Should be Presumed Corrupt Assholes Until Proven Otherwise

Cops Should be Presumed Corrupt Assholes Until Proven Otherwise

Oh boy I'm going to get flak for this take and I know it. I assume cops are on the take, power hungry, racist, and just general bastards until I see them do their jobs. This isn't because I think all cops are evil or that very few would pass the test, for example I know that my towns cops pass with flying colors, the cops of my town have passed and are fine upstanding people. However I do fully believe in this statement.

Cops Should be Presumed Corrupt Assholes Until Proven Otherwise

Cops are handed a Badge, Gun, baton for beating, and handcuffs and a license to use them all. They are handed this by the government.

See this video

As far as Waffles is concerned any cop who tries to stop you filming him is corrupt as all hell.

Or this video right here

The only reason they wanted to search that phone was because they wanted to delete that video. He is using intimidation tactics to get it. Those men and women don't give a fuck about justice. They are power mad assholes with a badge and gun and authority to use both.

Go on youtube and you find countless videos of cops acting like power mad assholes. Here is a maxim that is 100 percent true.

Not all cops are authoritarian power hungry assholes, but Authoritarian power hungry assholes are attracted to positions like Law Enforcement cause it gets them power over others.

There's a reason so many cops are assholes who like power. Because being a cop IS ON OF, IF NOT THE EASIEST WAY to get power over others. You get a badge, a gun, and if you shoot someone in cold blood you find a bunch of conservatives claiming it was justified. Not all cops are corrupt, on the take, power hungry, racist, or general assholes, but enough are that until you see your local police department do their job, you should assume they are.

Now for everyone who will be claiming, what would you do if someone was in your home and tried to kill you? I'm an American, and going to be a private investigator, I'm going to be wearing a gun every workday like most private investigators. I follow the code of Malcolm Reynolds.

Cops Should be Presumed Corrupt Assholes Until Proven Otherwise

Now I fully believe that Violence is a last resort. Another Maxim that is 100 percent true.

The best form of self-defense is avoiding a situation entirely.

But Waffles was raised by two Veterans, and if it really was me or them, well better them than me. So in that situation, well its not like the cops are going to respond in time anyway.

Now I know i'm going to get flak for this take, but this is what I personally believe.

Cops Should be Presumed Corrupt Assholes Until Proven Otherwise
31 Opinion