Equal Pay Is Bad Even For Women. Why This Must Not Be Part Of Public Policy.

Equal Pay Is Bad Even For Women. Why This Must Not Be Part Of Public Policy.

Yes, I know this will piss some people off. Of course organizations should be forced to pay women the same compensation as men you say? You are not even supposed to discuss this question because the thought police forbid it. But before getting your hackles up, please try to give some kind of cogent rebuttal to the following or allow it to be absorbed into your psyche with an open mind to sway your view.

My view…

In order to conduct an organization in a way that makes its product competitive and produce it at an optimal efficiency, compensation of employees has to be determined based on their EXPECTED net value and contribution to those ends. And, all else being equal, a woman’s EXPECTED value is simply not as high as a man’s in most (although I agree not ALL) jobs.

Simply put, all else being equal, a woman isn't worth as much as a man for any given job in large part because women have about twice the absentee rate as men and are far more likely to quit their jobs and leave the workforce for long periods than men which also means that when the return to the workforce, they have less experience than someone who spent that time on the job. You can't possibly perform your job as well as someone else if you aren't there to perform it. And it doesn't make sense for an employer to invest the same amount in training costs for someone who has a greater chance of leaving before the employer can get an adequate return on that investment, or to promote someone to a critical (and therefore higher paying) position in an organization who has a greater chance of leaving and causing an organizational crisis. You may not like it, but this is simple logic, economics and reality. On this basis alone, all else being equal, a woman's value to an organization is less than a man's.

To the extent that organizations are forced to provide “equal pay” it damages the organization and it damages the economy since any organization that is forced to make sub-optimal operating decisions is uncompetitive. And having uncompetitive organizations leads to failure in the global markets, domestic unemployment and eventually economic hardship and/or collapse. Forcing “equal pay” regardless of gender is a good way to ensure that women go from generally getting somewhat less pay than men -- based on fact based logical reasoning -- to having no jobs at all.

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Equal Pay Is Bad Even For Women. Why This Must Not Be Part Of Public Policy.
62 Opinion