Liberals should stop claiming dropping Atomic weapons on Nagasaki &Hiroshima were immoral &unnecessary here's why!


Nagasaki and Hiroshima had been left untouched on purpose to demonstrate to the Japanese the power of the Atom bomb and to convince them to surrender.
Without them more Japanese would have died in the invasion. So it saved Japanese and American lives.Tokyo had already been flattened by B29s and firebombing, with 120,000+ civilian deaths and 1,000,000 displaced which is comparable to each atomic bomb as the two atomic bombs combined killed 210,000.
Nagasaki and Hiroshima had been left untouched on purpose to demonstrate to the Japanese the power of the Atom bomb and to convince them to surrender.
The Japanese were willing to lose tens of thousands for tiny worthless islands in the Pacific, allied bombing of Japan alone had cost them 900,000 before Hiroshima&Nagasaki. The Japanese sacrificed 100,000 military personel in Okinawa and as much as 150,000 civilians out 300,000. 19 000 dead Japanese soldiers out 20,000 on iwa jima, 19,000 soldiers on Guadalcanal out of 35,000, 130,000 out of 350,000 in New Guinea campaign, 21,000 soldiers Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, 69,000 out 71,000 for the Mariana and Palau Islands campaign, Battle of Saipan out of 32,000 soldiers they lost 24,000 KIA and 5,000 suicides, Battle of Guam 18,000 out of 18,500 soldiers were kia, Battle of Peleliu out 10,900 10,675 were kia, Battle of Leyte out of 65,000 they lost 49,000. In the Burma Campaign they lost 200,000 out 350,000, they lost 85,000 against the Soviets.

The japanese personal were relentlessly willing to die for their emperor even if it meant certain death. Japanese civilians often killed themselves.
The Japanese killed 35 million Chinese and forced 200,000 chinese and korean women to be prostitutes for Japanese soldiers, thst doesn't include all the rapes of the people's they occupied.

bombings caused the Japanese surrender, thereby preventing casualties that an invasion of Japan would have involved. It saved millions of casualties in exchange of 120,000 lives. A naval blockade might have starved the Japanese into submission without an invasion, but this would also have resulted in many more millions Japanese deaths.

Liberals should stop claiming dropping Atomic weapons on Nagasaki &Hiroshima were immoral &unnecessary here's why!

For those liberals who say Japan tried to surrender to the United States before the Atomic bombs were dropped yes this may be true but the United States was part of the allies who had already agreed by all the allies in the 1942 Declaration by United Nations that only unconditional surrender would be accepted by all Axis countries.

Liberals should stop claiming dropping Atomic weapons on Nagasaki &Hiroshima were immoral &unnecessary here's why!
68 Opinion